
Cardinal Cantalamessa Insults Holy Mass

An alleged "clericalisation" has led to the "liturgy celebrated before Vatican II" (= Roman Rite), Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa railed in his March 24 Lenten homily in Saint Peter's. In reality, "…More
An alleged "clericalisation" has led to the "liturgy celebrated before Vatican II" (= Roman Rite), Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa railed in his March 24 Lenten homily in Saint Peter's.
In reality, "clericalisation" has never been as rampant as today when Francis believes that he is above the Faith. Cantalamessa spread the falsehood that the Novus Ordo is a "return" to an "older" form, when in fact it is a 1960s neo-Protestant secularisation of the liturgy.
The Holy Mass was virtually unchanged from Gregory (+604) to the failed Vatican II, but it is much older than Gregory, although historical documents for the early centuries are rare.
Cantalamessa spread the falsehood that in the early centuries the Mass was "certainly closer" to the Novus Ordo than to the Mass. Why then is the Novus Ordo called "novus" (= new)?
He denigrates the Catholic liturgy as a product of "clericalism" which has changed the liturgy from an "action of the people" to an "action of the clergy.” In reality, the liturgy …More
Sally Dorman
Finally they admit it: The Novus Ordo is the liturgy of another faith. Current Vatican says that from the third century till the mid twentieth century the liturgy was false and wrong.
Runs with the Hares, chases with the Hounds...
What came first - the preacher or the lecturer?
alfred dunn
Don't trust a Franciscan. Not what the used to be.
both masses can exist side by side
But both liturgies can't,one is oriented to God the other to man.
He knows nothing about the "development" of the liturgy during the VII Council. Many here have commented (which is true) that the liturgist - Bugninni- consulted with protestant ministers to dismantle the Roman Cannon, essentially unchanged for centuries. Martin Luther would have approved of the changes. This is no way this liturgy has an resemblance to the ancient liturgy.
Suffering in union with Christ is called Salvation. Pick up your cross etc....
Louis IX
So the Holy Ghost and the saints of the Church were doing it wrong until this holiest of generations came along and fixed everything. Their hubris drips from their pours like sweat.
Rand Miller
In the Novus Ordo sect clericalism is the greatest of all sins. Their highest values are democracy, inclusion, and ecumenism. The Latin mass doesn't fit in any of those three categories.
canta la mess
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe we will be rid of both Francis, and Cantalamessa, OFM.Cap. and heir version of the Church very soon!!