
Ecumenical Indifference: Francis Dreams of "Same Altar”

At the Vespers closing the week of prayer for Christian unity, Francis asked “to leave certain things behind.” He prayed to God for “the one way to come to worship God in the same house, around the …More
At the Vespers closing the week of prayer for Christian unity, Francis asked “to leave certain things behind.”
He prayed to God for “the one way to come to worship God in the same house, around the same altar.” And, “O Lord grant us the courage to change course.” Normally, the Council group - because it doesn't believe in the sacrifice of Mass - avoids the term "altar" and speaks instead of "mensa" (= table).
Since neither Protestants nor Francis' Council church believe in the eucharistic sacrifice and replace it with a chatty pulpit in the centre of their liturgies, Francis' wish could come true. This is also helped by the fact that the basis of ecumenism is religious indifference and lukewarmness.
At the end of Vespers, Francis, Greek born Orthodox Metropolitan Polykarpos of Italy and Archbishop Ian Ernest of the Roman Anglican Centre - who according to Leo XIII's Apostolicae Curae (1896) is a layman, “blessed” the congregation.
andreas adi
hello.im so much to comment about that picture(or video?)
there is three persons. one catholic ,one orthodox not communion with the roman pontiff,one anglican which is henry vii church;giving blessing to the people.
how much blessing will mass attendee get? three blessing,one blessing,or 1/3 blessing?More
hello.im so much to comment about that picture(or video?)
there is three persons. one catholic ,one orthodox not communion with the roman pontiff,one anglican which is henry vii church;giving blessing to the people.

how much blessing will mass attendee get? three blessing,one blessing,or 1/3 blessing?
"It is objective heresy." Things are not "objective" just because YOU claim they are. Typical (ex)Lutheran mentality... The Church teaches what I say it does. Go back to catechism class, @Les Crispi
Les Crispi
The proof of Bergoglio's heresy is overwhelming. My "hatred" of him is totally irrelevant. It is objective heresy.
Live Mike
All part of the plan in order to achieve the objective of "One World Religion"
@Les Crispi "none of JP2's writings, public statements...advocate heresy" Contradicted by people who hate him the way you hate Francis.
Les Crispi
@P. O'B none of JP2's writings, public statements or his issuances of the Code of Canon Law NOR the Catehcism of the Catholic Church advocate heresy. I am not a fan of PJP2, but he wasn't a heretic. Bad popes do bad things. PJP2 kissed a Quran.
BUT, PJP2 gave us the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Catechism. A heretic would not do that. He's not a saint, but he's not a heretic, or antipope. And …More
@P. O'B none of JP2's writings, public statements or his issuances of the Code of Canon Law NOR the Catehcism of the Catholic Church advocate heresy. I am not a fan of PJP2, but he wasn't a heretic. Bad popes do bad things. PJP2 kissed a Quran.

BUT, PJP2 gave us the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Catechism. A heretic would not do that. He's not a saint, but he's not a heretic, or antipope. And dissembling morons claiming otherwise do so out of pride.
@P. O'B Ah, but that's different. JP II's modernism doesn't magically invalidated his Papacy. ;-)
P. O'B
In the early 1980s at an ecumenical service, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope John Paul II blessed the congregation at the same time. A message from John Paul II which was at least confusing.
Pieter Wycoff
Unity with confusion. Solidarity with division. Don’t play us for a fool.
Francis should "leave certain things behind." It's called Modernism!
Someone should tell Francis that the protestant table is already in the vast majority of so called Catholic churches. I guess he wants the table to replace the alter in traditional parishes, too.
atreverse pensar
Not "according to Leo XIII's Apostolicae Curae (1896) is a layman", but he's a layman.