
Archbishop Cordileone Will Ordain A Homosexualist

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is going to ordain today James DeWan as a permanent deacon.

Joseph Sciambra, a healed homosexual, exposed DeWan's 2016 social media postings and saved screenshots (below).

DeWan was then already a candidate for the diaconate at the homosexualist Most Holy Redeemer Parish.

He wrote in June 2015 that “I personally do not understand why some people object so vehemently to same sex marriage, aka marriage. It doesn’t affect them one iota." And, "God is love, and that love is expressed in so many different ways.”

He added a picture of the Virgin Mary bedecked with colourful rosary beads given away every year by members of Most Holy Redeemer Parish at a parade of homosexuals.

DeWan also posted the picture of a shirtless man, who bears a resemblance to Christ, standing in front of a picture of Christ, with the caption: “Jesus takes a selfie; Say Crucifixion.”

According to Church documents, people who support homosexualism are not allowed to receive Holy Orders.

Cordileone is currently under massive attack – especially by homosexualist clergy – for banning Nancy Pelosi from Communion.

Thomas Burk
Will someone please define "homosexualism"?
Thomas Burk
I meant "homosexualist".
Don Cesare Toscano
Ongoing war on Pelosi
Ave Crux
Can we assume the filth and moral depravity he previously posted he now repudiates with a holy hatred? Has that been determined? If not, how is it possible that Archbishop Cordileone knows about this man's advocacy of moral crimes, and yet will ordain him..??! Such an ordination would be a sacrilege, because anyone advocating these abominations is not in the state of grace. Is it certain Cordileone …More
Can we assume the filth and moral depravity he previously posted he now repudiates with a holy hatred? Has that been determined? If not, how is it possible that Archbishop Cordileone knows about this man's advocacy of moral crimes, and yet will ordain him..??! Such an ordination would be a sacrilege, because anyone advocating these abominations is not in the state of grace. Is it certain Cordileone knows? Has anyone -- Joseph Sciambra, perhaps? -- taken steps to make sure Cordileone is informed....??
It doesn't matter if he has repudiated it or not! His proclivity is enough to disqualify him from being ordained as deacon, priest or anything else in the Church! For Heaven's sake, that is such a huge problem in the Church right now. These people cannot truly change their bent, they can only refuse to give in to temptation. And when they are ordained, they become a danger to children and young men …More
It doesn't matter if he has repudiated it or not! His proclivity is enough to disqualify him from being ordained as deacon, priest or anything else in the Church! For Heaven's sake, that is such a huge problem in the Church right now. These people cannot truly change their bent, they can only refuse to give in to temptation. And when they are ordained, they become a danger to children and young men they may work with in their capacity as priest or deacon.
Ave Crux
Interesting point...even given the transforming power of God's grace, one cannot assume 1) that his sordid reputation and social media posts will not be dredged up and used to disgrace the Church and cause scandal at some point in the future or 2) that he may not fall again into the same disordered depravity when admitted into close relations with families, etc., as is normally required with the …More
Interesting point...even given the transforming power of God's grace, one cannot assume 1) that his sordid reputation and social media posts will not be dredged up and used to disgrace the Church and cause scandal at some point in the future or 2) that he may not fall again into the same disordered depravity when admitted into close relations with families, etc., as is normally required with the ordained during the course of their ministry.

And this whole thing with the permanent diaconate is suspect to begin with....
John A Cassani
Just checked out the stream. I wonder if he’s the one who promised celibacy? It’s rare to have a celibate permanent deacon, to say the least, even though it is the ideal, and it’s been discussed elsewhere how even married clerics are bound by the law to perpetual continence. But, I always wonder why a celibate would want to be ordained to the permanent diaconate. Anyhow, he seems to be a man who …More
Just checked out the stream. I wonder if he’s the one who promised celibacy? It’s rare to have a celibate permanent deacon, to say the least, even though it is the ideal, and it’s been discussed elsewhere how even married clerics are bound by the law to perpetual continence. But, I always wonder why a celibate would want to be ordained to the permanent diaconate. Anyhow, he seems to be a man who has no business being ordained to anything.
Thomas Burk
If he is a healed Homosexual ,why not to be ok? We are all sinners .we do repent of our sins ,don't we ?
Weer een aartsbisschop die als praktiserende homo, zonder behoud van pensioenrechten, onmiddellijk kan worden ontslagen.
Lisi Sterndorfer
New Yorkers can now choose “X” as a gender marker on the driver license.
If sex is not binary and it's possible to be a sex other than male or female, why wouldn't you just put that on the license rather than "x"? Oh, right, because there are no other sexes, there are only males and females, and gender ideology is an enormous load of insane bullshit.More
New Yorkers can now choose “X” as a gender marker on the driver license.

If sex is not binary and it's possible to be a sex other than male or female, why wouldn't you just put that on the license rather than "x"? Oh, right, because there are no other sexes, there are only males and females, and gender ideology is an enormous load of insane bullshit.
Tman Abraham Isaac Jacob
So the cops know when to put their rubber gloves on
Here is the livestream of the ordination in few hours
Permanent Diaconate Ordinations