
Rumour: Francis Had Cancer?

Francis “recent surgery was not for diverticulitis but for 'colon cancer,' he is wearing a colostomy bag, and is in his last months,” claims Toronto blogger David Anthony Domet on his VoxCantor.Blogspot.com …More
Francis “recent surgery was not for diverticulitis but for 'colon cancer,' he is wearing a colostomy bag, and is in his last months,” claims Toronto blogger David Anthony Domet on his VoxCantor.Blogspot.com (August 6).
He writes that he has this information from “our own sources in the Vatican.” This contradicts the Vatican press office which insisted that no cancer was detected in Francis but this means little as the press office is not known for its truthfulness.
Nevertheless, the rumor is most likely untrue because such a finding would require a medical follow-up treatment which Francis evidently doesn't receive.
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsRfebusdnzi
If he does have it, he is in God,s hands if he doesnt he is in God,s hands
Dr Bobus
Traditionis Custodes is a poorly constructed document that seems to have been written in haste.
Dr Bobus
The pope is never sick until he's dead.
Nb: The Cardinals of JPII and BXVI were in the majority at the last conclave. What happened?More
The pope is never sick until he's dead.

Nb: The Cardinals of JPII and BXVI were in the majority at the last conclave. What happened?
@Dr Bobus The Saint Gallen Group!
Dr Bobus
That's not even ten Cardinals.
True, and one is now deceased but, arguably, their influence and network connections were persuasive and powerful enough among the liberal bishops to get behind Francis.
Dr Bobus
Usually, a pope is in failing health for at at least a year, during which time coalitions,, begin to form, based not on a candidate but what needs to be done by the next pope.
BXVI's resignation was a surprise, and pre-empted that process. Only the St Gallen mafia were ready for a conclave. Combine that with the neo-con affection for the status quo and the presumption that it would continue.
It …More
Usually, a pope is in failing health for at at least a year, during which time coalitions,, begin to form, based not on a candidate but what needs to be done by the next pope.

BXVI's resignation was a surprise, and pre-empted that process. Only the St Gallen mafia were ready for a conclave. Combine that with the neo-con affection for the status quo and the presumption that it would continue.

It was similar at Vat II--only the Northern Europeans arrived with an agenda.
John A Cassani
This is just speculation about speculation. Time will bring out the truth. I pray he becomes Catholic before he dies.
Dr Bobus
He's in his 85th year. A 3 hour bowel resection will seriously weaken the resistance of someone that age.
re: interesting comment about medical follow-ups..........if the Vatican lied about whether Bergolio had cancer, they would also suppress any information that would give truth to their lie. That being said, I dread the Conclave that will result when Bergolio dies; his henchmen are in the majority ! The successor can easily be not only just as intent on destroying the Roman Catholic Church but also …More
re: interesting comment about medical follow-ups..........if the Vatican lied about whether Bergolio had cancer, they would also suppress any information that would give truth to their lie. That being said, I dread the Conclave that will result when Bergolio dies; his henchmen are in the majority ! The successor can easily be not only just as intent on destroying the Roman Catholic Church but also more adept.