"Bill Gates Says the World Got Lucky With COVID19 It Could Have Been Way More Fatal" - Though Gates has not been shy to raise the alarm when the world is in danger -such as, in 2015, when he warnedMore
"Bill Gates Says the World Got Lucky With COVID19 It Could Have Been Way More Fatal" - Though Gates has not been shy to raise the alarm when the world is in danger -such as, in 2015, when he warned that the world wasn’t ready for a viral outbreak, he isn’t a doomsayer. In fact, he’s repeatedly argued that pandemics aren’t inevitable. Indeed, his latest book is titled How to Prevent the Next Pandemic (In his new book Bill Gates exposes the perverse global totalitarian project under the pretext of …). As Gates explained in his interview with TIME, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a unique opportunity to prevent another pandemic from ever happening again -but only if the world is willing to make key investments.

Specifically that means improving technology, including vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics; building up health systems; and improving global monitoring of diseases. In his interview with TIME, Gates emphasized that these changes are necessary in both wealthy and poor countries, to ensure that scientists everywhere have the resources they need to raise red flags about bourgeoning outbreaks, and to get them under control within just 100 days, a key window during the COVID-19 pandemic, Gates said, before the virus began to spread exponentially.

To improve global disease monitoring, Gates argues for the creation of what he calls a “Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization” team, which would be comprised of 3,000 infectious disease experts and would be managed by the World Health Organization. Among other activities, the group would help to lead disease-outbreak drills in countries to test their preparedness.

Funding such a team would cost roughly a billion dollars a year, said Gates. But, he noted, given the societal cost of COVID-19, that’s a bargain if it means heading off another pandemic.

Sources: TIME100 Summit: Bill Gates says the world got lucky with COVID-19 - Bill Gates Says the World Got Lucky With COVID-19

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47. "Miles Christi 2021": "Miles Christi 2021"
Super Omnia Veritas and 2 more users link to this post
Bill (hell ?) Gates wants to overbear the Church. Why Jesus said hell gates ? Not hell turrets, sentries, walls, soldiers, but gates. 2000 years has passed and we have extremely dangerous to our world and Church man, named Gates, tha announced at the begining on the "pandemic" that christian religion is going to be suspended forever. Doesn't it match ?
Miles - Christi
Yes, it does... In any case, there is no doubt that Bill works for Hell...
Miles - Christi
Related (most of the videos are in English with Spanish subtitles): 1. “Prepárense para la siguiente pandemia como si fuera una guerra” - Bill Gates: "Prepárense para la siguiente pandemia como si fuera una guerra"
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Related (most of the videos are in English with Spanish subtitles): 1. “Prepárense para la siguiente pandemia como si fuera una guerra” - Bill Gates: "Prepárense para la siguiente pandemia como si fuera una guerra"
2. “La normalidad solo volverá cuando hayamos vacunado a toda la población mundial” - Bill Gates: “La normalidad solo volverá cuando hayamos vacunado a toda la población mundial”
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17. "Bill Gates nos pone al corriente de los planes de la élite en nuestra cara": Bill Gates nos pone al corriente de los planes de la élite en nuestra …
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41. "In his new book Bill Gates exposes the perverse global totalitarian project under the pretext of health" - In his new book Bill Gates exposes the perverse global totalitarian project under the pretext of …
42. "Bill Gates Says the World Got Lucky With COVID19 It Could Have Been Way More Fatal": "Bill Gates Says the World Got Lucky With COVID19 It Could Have Been Way More Fatal" - Though …
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45. "Miles Christi 2020-2021: Una selección temática": Miles Christi 2020-2021: Una selección temática.
46. "Veinte meses de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial": "Veinte meses de Tiranía Sanitaria Mundial"
47. "Miles Christi 2021": "Miles Christi 2021"
Malki Tzedek
A pompous twerp whose ignorance is only exceeded by those who are gullible enough to listen to what he says. Irrefutable proof that it does not take intelligence to make money.
Miles - Christi
I don't think he's not clever nor that his main goal is profit...
Jeffrey Ade
Predictive programming for the Micro Soft Masses!
He is not a doctor ,or scientist ,but is much involved with the WHO and vaccines .he also makes a lot of predictions about the pandemics ,how ?,this man is a mistery to be uncovered
I hope you will be held responsable,if you are involved with crimes against humanity