
Covid Liturgy Draws Inspiration from Old Rite

The Pope John XXIII Seminary of Boston Archdiocese, a program for late vocations, published on YouTube.com (February 5) “A Prayer as I Put on My Mask” stressing a "sacramental nature" of wearing "this …More
The Pope John XXIII Seminary of Boston Archdiocese, a program for late vocations, published on YouTube.com (February 5) “A Prayer as I Put on My Mask” stressing a "sacramental nature" of wearing "this cloth.”
The video features the seminarian Ernesto Alonso who recites the “prayer.” A written information claims that the text was written by Sister Rose Marie Tresp, RSM.
However, the same prayer was used in summer 2020 by the Presbyterian preacher Richard Bott and recommended by the anti-Catholic Malta Bishop Charles Scicluna.
Vestition prayers are commonly used in the Roman Rite while putting on the Mass vestments, but were abolished in the secularised Novus Ordo. Now they seem to make a strange comeback via Covid masks.
P. O'B
I usually cuss a little when I have to put on a mask. And then I think about my new favorite saint, St. John of Damn Mask! Cuss!
Hugh N. Cry
No, ignorance to the very end.
Good little of the state. Too bad they aren't great servants of God
Perverts to the very end.
A Covid mask is far from a vestment!
Sorry dear Fr. ; honestly I am not edified by this.
Dear Jesus Mercy