
Cardinal: “Francis Goes Slower Because Of Opposition”

The path to married priests is still “open,” Bombay Cardinal Oswald Gracias, a member of Francis’ Cardinal Council, told NcrOnline (February 24). Suggesting the single case trick, he proposes that …More
The path to married priests is still “open,” Bombay Cardinal Oswald Gracias, a member of Francis’ Cardinal Council, told NcrOnline (February 24).
Suggesting the single case trick, he proposes that Amazonian bishops or other bishops could still ask Francis for a dispensations to ordain married men.
Gracias further said that Francis is “very keen that women have a greater role in the Church, in decision-making.” However, he added that "there are pressures,” explaining that Francis’ strategy is to “go slower” to carry everybody with him.
Querida Amazonia surprised Gracias “a bit.” For him it is “very clever” that Francis endorsed the Synod’s final document, “Therefore the final document remains a valid reference point.”
Picture: Oswald Gracias, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsGukxowwsdl
"if he was a valid pope at that time then immediately ceased to be such."
By your reasoning, so did Saint John Paul II when he approved "Domine Iesus".
As always Thors Catholic Hammer, you adopt a as double-standard when it comes to such interpretations. Either you apply them uniformly to ALL popes, or you give them ALL the benefit of the doubt.
Like …More
"if he was a valid pope at that time then immediately ceased to be such."

By your reasoning, so did Saint John Paul II when he approved "Domine Iesus".

As always Thors Catholic Hammer, you adopt a as double-standard when it comes to such interpretations. Either you apply them uniformly to ALL popes, or you give them ALL the benefit of the doubt.

Like all hypocrites, you do neither.
Thors Catholic Hammer
You are basically a schismatic sedevacantist howling and screaming forever about alleged heresies from V2.
Your entrenched support for this manifest and formally heretical alleged “ pope” is based on your strategy to promote this evil man as a tool to destroy what you regard as the false church that emerged from the Council.
In nearly every possible religious respect from theology to …More
You are basically a schismatic sedevacantist howling and screaming forever about alleged heresies from V2.
Your entrenched support for this manifest and formally heretical alleged “ pope” is based on your strategy to promote this evil man as a tool to destroy what you regard as the false church that emerged from the Council.
In nearly every possible religious respect from theology to faith itself you are thoroughly DELUDED.
"You are basically a schismatic sedevacantist..."
@Thors Catholic Hammer all you ever do is lie and that's what you're doing now. I am not a "sedevacantist". That's a lie. The Pope is Francis. I point out all the "alleged heresies" from V2 because that's what YOU should be doing. Those same accusations about "heresy" you throw at Pope Francis can be thrown at the last four popes. If youMore
"You are basically a schismatic sedevacantist..."

@Thors Catholic Hammer all you ever do is lie and that's what you're doing now. I am not a "sedevacantist". That's a lie. The Pope is Francis. I point out all the "alleged heresies" from V2 because that's what YOU should be doing. Those same accusations about "heresy" you throw at Pope Francis can be thrown at the last four popes. If you truly cared about "heresy", you would be pointing them out yourself. You don't care about heresy at all, except as an excuse to attack Pope Francis.

After that, those "alleged heresies" don't bother you one bit. Not the ones JP II formally approved, not the ones Cardinal Ratzinger wrote, none of them. Either apply the same standards uniformly to all popes or give all popes the benefit of the doubt.

"your strategy to promote this evil man as a tool to destroy what you regard as the false church..."

Another LIE. What I'm doing is exposing you for the hypocritical false Catholic you truly are. I have never supported or promoted Pope Francis. I recognize he's the Pope. That doesn't mean I have to like him and it certainly doesn't mean I support him much less promote him.

Why do you even bother going to Mass? Seriously? Why? Every time you receive the Eucharist you do so in a state of mortal sin because you lie to defame. Even if you believe the lies you tell about the Pope are true, it is impossible for you to make that claim for the lies you constantly tell about me.
Thors Catholic Hammer
The formal heresy in Amoris Laetitia promulgated by antipope francis is both indisputable and conclusive.
Any person therefore who recognizes this (now excommunicated ) individual as a “pope” is also guilty of supporting him.
A catholic pope can not promulgate heresy because that would void Christ’s specific promise to St. Peter.
The man called Bergoglio aka “francis “ currently …More

The formal heresy in Amoris Laetitia promulgated by antipope francis is both indisputable and conclusive.
Any person therefore who recognizes this (now excommunicated ) individual as a “pope” is also guilty of supporting him.
A catholic pope can not promulgate heresy because that would void Christ’s specific promise to St. Peter.
The man called Bergoglio aka “francis “ currently claiming to be a “pope” has promulgated formal heresy in his actions and publications.
He is not therefore a pope.
In this situation the claim that Pope Benedict failed to complete a proper resignation in accord with the norms of canon law takes on great significance.
Go now and examine all the evidence and stop calling everybody a liar who disagrees with you.
Thors Catholic Hammer
You fail to understand what the word "if" means.
I said "if he [francis] was a valid pope at that time then immediately ceased to be such".
But Francis has never been a valid pope, that distinction rests with Pope Benedict xvi and his predecessors.
Your basic inability to argue common logic or metaphysics explains why you accuse everybody who disagrees with you of being a liar.
Yours …More
You fail to understand what the word "if" means.
I said "if he [francis] was a valid pope at that time then immediately ceased to be such".
But Francis has never been a valid pope, that distinction rests with Pope Benedict xvi and his predecessors.
Your basic inability to argue common logic or metaphysics explains why you accuse everybody who disagrees with you of being a liar.
Yours is a type of illogical response very common in agitated and enfeebled female hystrionic types.
"Go now and examine all the evidence and stop calling everybody a liar who disagrees with you."
@Thors Catholic Hammer You are making a false claim about what I believe, one you know is false because I have corrected it repeatedly. You are telling a lie. This isn't a "disagreement", this is outright falsehood from you about me. You are a liar, and I have every right to say it.
"The formal …More
"Go now and examine all the evidence and stop calling everybody a liar who disagrees with you."
@Thors Catholic Hammer You are making a false claim about what I believe, one you know is false because I have corrected it repeatedly. You are telling a lie. This isn't a "disagreement", this is outright falsehood from you about me. You are a liar, and I have every right to say it.

"The formal heresy in Amoris Laetitia promulgated by antipope francis is both indisputable and conclusive."

Wrong. A staunchly conservative Cardinal refutes your claim.


"A catholic pope can not promulgate heresy because that would void Christ’s specific promise to St. Peter."

Again, if you truly believe that, and you don't, then using YOUR standards JP II is guilty as well for formally approving "Domine Jesus". All the rest of your faux quasi-Canonical prattling is the same garbage you repeat on a daily basis.

"In this situation the claim that Pope Benedict failed to complete a proper resignation in accord with the norms of canon law takes on great significance."

Perfect example of my last point. You're a bore, Thor. You go right back to repeating the same falsehoods you've long since stopped trying to prove, much less defend. Your approach now is just to repeat the same lies now constantly.

"You fail to understand what the word "if" means. I said "if he [francis] was a valid pope at that time then immediately ceased to be such".

Your fallacy is: Strawman Argument coupled with a Red Herring. In short, I didn't advance the argument you're inventing for me. Another fabrication, what else is new from you, eh? ;-)

"Your basic inability to argue common logic or metaphysics explains why you accuse everybody who disagrees with you of being a liar."

I accuse you of being a liar and then I invariably show why you're a liar. What you're doing now is one of your favourite tricks: writing "conclusions" based on unproven falsehoods (aka "lies") you invented.

The sexism and misogyny are nice touches, though. Also irrelevant as usual.
No need for a dispensation since there is the green light: The ANTICHRIST DEFINITIVELY APPROVES of MARRIED PRIESTS!
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio was disqualified to be Pope because he had already apostatized the Catholic faith in Argentina, where he promoted the Eucharistic sacrilege for adulterous and homosexuals, where he allowed gay adoption, where he was already a Freemason and a Marxist, etc.
“Those capable of being validly elected are all who are not prohibited by divine law or by an invalidating ecclesiastical law… Those …More
Bergoglio was disqualified to be Pope because he had already apostatized the Catholic faith in Argentina, where he promoted the Eucharistic sacrilege for adulterous and homosexuals, where he allowed gay adoption, where he was already a Freemason and a Marxist, etc.
“Those capable of being validly elected are all who are not prohibited by divine law or by an invalidating ecclesiastical law… Those who are barred as incapable of being validly elected are all women, children who have not reached the age of reason; also, those afflicted with habitual insanity, the unbaptized, heretics, schismatics…” (Wernz-Vidal, Jus Canonicum 1:415)
Gesù è con noi
To say that a pope can be a heretic is to deny the dogma of Papal Infallibility that says that the Pope cannot teach heresy in matters of faith and morals.
Thors Catholic Hammer
@@Gesù è con noi
To say that a pope could not be a heretic is to claim that a pope can not be dammed .
Election to the papacy can and is not a guarantee of salvation.
Salvation is not guaranteed to any human.
If a pope promulgates formal heresy, as Bergoglio has done, he is immediately no longer pope.
Gesù è con noi
Thors Catholic Hammer
Bergoglio is a formal heretic. Not only has two heretical documents Amoris Laetitia and Dear Amazon. He has a heretic past that prevents him from being a pope in the first place.
Thors Catholic Hammer
I have already agreed with you concerning Bergolios formal heresies.
My basic position is that Benedict xvi never resigned properly in accordance with church law.
That means Bergolio was never pope and renders somewhat moot the undeniable facts of his formal heresies .
Thors Catholic Hammer
A heretic can become a pope provided he never teaches or promulgates formally heretical doctrines after so becoming.
He must always keep such views to himself alone .
The alleged “pope” francis has indeed promulgated formally heretical doctrines in Amoris Laetitia and if he was a valid pope at that time then immediately ceased to be such
Gesù è con noi
Not a heretic cannot become the head of the Church, it is impossible because heretics are not part of the mystical body of the Church and who is not a member cannot be head.
Thors Catholic Hammer
I’m not sure that Bergolio was a formal heretic before the defective conclave of 2013.
I am sure that he became a formal heretic with the publication of Amoris Laetitia.
Bergoglio is now excommunicated .
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio is not a pope who became a heretic but a heretic who was invalidly elected pope, in Argentina he was already a public heretic who had already been publicly denounced as a heretic even in a book
Thors Catholic Hammer
@@Gesù è con noi
Well that’s further proof that Bergoglio was not canonically elected.
Of course a known heretic can not be a pope.
My arguments were directed at papal candidates whose heresies were secret and not publicly known.
The path to hell is still open. Want to take it ?
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
"a heretic cannot become a pope" Gesù è con noi An interesting premise, Gesu. By that reasoning, Cardinal Ratzinger could not become a pope, either.
Also worth remembering... Domine Iesus was approved by now Saint John Paul II who was Pope at the time. What does that say about his Papacy?
This is the problem with many who would void Francis' papacy …More
"a heretic cannot become a pope" Gesù è con noi An interesting premise, Gesu. By that reasoning, Cardinal Ratzinger could not become a pope, either.


Also worth remembering... Domine Iesus was approved by now Saint John Paul II who was Pope at the time. What does that say about his Papacy?

This is the problem with many who would void Francis' papacy for such reasons. They claim they care about Canon Law and Church Magisterium but they never apply their standards uniformly to all cardinals or all Popes and that is hypocrisy.

Before I forget. You may want to review your standards for "ranting and raving", Repeating the same thing in one post right after another with massive blocks of solid bold-text each time is "ranting and raving". On GTV it looks like this:
Gesù è con noi
@Thors Catholic Hammer Indeed, a heretic cannot become a pope even if there are people who rave and place the heresiarch Bergoglio above the Magisterium and above God's law. ✍️
Thors Catholic Hammer
I would argue that a heretic can indeed become a pope .
However once he is a pope he can not remain pope if he promulgates formal heresy as alleged “pope” Francis has done.
Protip: @Thors Catholic Hammer You're the schismatic denying the Papacy. Everyone else isn't. Benedict himself supports Francis and has said so in no uncertain terms.
Protip: @Thors Catholic Hammer You're the schismatic denying the Papacy. Everyone else isn't. Benedict himself supports Francis and has said so in no uncertain terms.

Thors Catholic Hammer
Another schismatic cardinal expresses support for the antipope.