
Archbishop Viganò Warns Trump Of “Great Reset”

In his second Open Letter to President Trump, Archbishop Viganò warns of a “Great Reset.”

The letter is dated on October 25, “Solemnity of Christ the King” (Original Roman Rite). The Great Reset is for Viganò a global plan against God and men: Powerful forces of Evil fight against the forces of Good who are abandoned by their political and religious leaders.

In some countries the Great Reset will be activated between the end of this year and the first trimester of 2021, Viganò warns, “For this purpose, further lockdowns are planned.”

Viganò again mentions the kathèkon, “the one who opposes” the manifestation of evil (2 Thess 2:6-7). In the religious sphere, the kathèkon is for him the Church and the Pope; in the political sphere those who impede the New World Order. However, for Viganò it’s clear, that Francis “has betrayed his role.”

Picture: “The Great Reset”, TIME Magazine, #newsKssicoulcw

F M Shyanguya
So, let’s follow these false prophets to their logical conclusion. Trump is reelected and?
1) The Antichrist never comes? That’s not scriptural.
2) His second presidency will last forever to prevent the Antichrist from ever coming? Unrealistic, unconstitutional, and, blasphemous.
Scripture says the Antichrist comes and it is Christ who destroys him.
Abp Viganò with his dubious theology and ever …More
So, let’s follow these false prophets to their logical conclusion. Trump is reelected and?

1) The Antichrist never comes? That’s not scriptural.

2) His second presidency will last forever to prevent the Antichrist from ever coming? Unrealistic, unconstitutional, and, blasphemous.

Scripture says the Antichrist comes and it is Christ who destroys him.

Abp Viganò with his dubious theology and ever changing scriptural interpretation is just campaigning for the reelection of Trump, reconfirming he is just one of them. Unbecoming for a successor to the Apostles.

Cf It appears! Abp Viganò is one of them!

Lastly, a scriptural clarification: katechon was withholding the Antichrist - he is here - and not the NWO, the Antichrist’s kingdom, which he wants to establish upon the ruins of the current World Order, Church included, meaning they triumph over the Church, an impossibility. The Final War is being waged, they don’t get to win.
Vigano is warnning the world to wake up , if you dont stand for Truth you will be eaten by the NWO without knowing
F M Shyanguya
In case you thought you were getting unbiased reporting...
Media endorsements for president U.S.
DAILIES - Biden: 98 - Trump: 7
U.S. WEEKLIES - Biden: 49 - Trump: 2
COLLEGE NEWSPAPERS - Biden: 26 - Trump: 0More
In case you thought you were getting unbiased reporting...

Media endorsements for president U.S.
DAILIES - Biden: 98 - Trump: 7
U.S. WEEKLIES - Biden: 49 - Trump: 2
COLLEGE NEWSPAPERS - Biden: 26 - Trump: 0
The severity of Covid19 is exaggerated. This is used like a catalyst for a "controlled burn" of the economies and the revocation of civil liberties.
F M Shyanguya
There is no new disease CoViD. Cf Birx c.6 months ago: “We no longer have flu.”
F M Shyanguya
The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want. TIME partnered with the World Economic Forum to ask leading thinkers to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work.”
Our Lady of Sorrows
Why do the Globalists like to inform us what they intend to do? Is it Pride or to condition us?
F M Shyanguya
It accords with their beliefs and they derive sadistic pleasure from this:
- Karma is prevented if they told you in advance.
- Duping delight. The sheeple are so dumb and we have captured their minds that we can put these things right in front of their faces and they will never see them.