Don't leave the Church over the evils of Bergoglio. My interview with Christine Harrington of Eternal Life Plan about my new book from TAN Books and how we should respond to Bergoglio after his …More
Don't leave the Church over the evils of Bergoglio.
My interview with Christine Harrington of Eternal Life Plan about my new book from TAN Books and how we should respond to Bergoglio after his endorsement of homosexual civil unions
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Some say "The reason I'm leaving the church is to keep my remaining faith.
I don't attend Church, I am the Church".

National Churches – (my 2 comments)
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Even Catholic murderers (abortion) receive Communion.
Some innocent Catholic wives can not receive Communion nor Confession because of non-Catholic husbands, eventually become lapsed.
Despite their first marriage since most young Catholics are women in Korea. This is exactly Sacraments Weapon.
Non-Catholic spouse's 'Promise and Signature' is required for the Marriage Dispensation only in Korea.
Even Catholic murderers (abortion) receive Communion.

Some innocent Catholic wives can not receive Communion nor Confession because of non-Catholic husbands, eventually become lapsed.
Despite their first marriage since most young Catholics are women in Korea. This is exactly Sacraments Weapon.

Non-Catholic spouse's 'Promise and Signature' is required for the Marriage Dispensation only in Korea.
Those Non Catholics say 'It's against the Korean constitution and Catholic Church is self-righteous unlike Buddhism.
That is why I never left the church after Vatican 2.
Those who leave the Church because of scandals have a weak faith
It appears that if something is a Political Law - Roman Catholic Bishops (and that includes the Pope) are not allowed to pass Judgement on it , if they want to keep their Tax Exempt Status.
When all is done, you will find that this failure to uphold Church Teaching could be symbolic of the sin of preferring mammon over sound doctrines. Betraying the Truth like Judas to be more affluent. - The original …More
It appears that if something is a Political Law - Roman Catholic Bishops (and that includes the Pope) are not allowed to pass Judgement on it , if they want to keep their Tax Exempt Status.
When all is done, you will find that this failure to uphold Church Teaching could be symbolic of the sin of preferring mammon over sound doctrines. Betraying the Truth like Judas to be more affluent. - The original sin of Judas

It's due to the 501 c3 Law

That's probably why the Church clearly supports Biden - since to support TRUMP who is famously "Pro-life" they would definitely risk losing their Tax-exempt status. It would be viewed as preaching contrary to a law enforced within the Political sphere. in Nations throughout this world.

Is this something to do with 666? Since 666, (coincidently) was the cost of the Temple Tax during the time of Solomon's Temple.
and Solomon was WISE but he also turned aside from worshiping Yahweh and supported other temples, false gods, took part in the demonic sacrifices of children in the Hills of Judea. His sin, resulted in his Kingdom being taken away from him in the greater part.

1 Kings 10: 14 , 2 Chron 9: 13. mentions the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year, «six hundred and sixty six talents of gold».

(i) Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold (1 Kings 10: 14)

(ii) Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold (2 Chron 9: 13)…t.cgi?article=1738&context=tcl…f-solomons-666-talents-of-gold
Tuning out Papal error should, by now, be second nature for Catholics. We've had to do it with Wojtyla and Ratzinger.and especially Montini, eh?
Deacon Nick Donnelly
I think you're right about tuning out papal error but Bergoglio's errors are on a whole new level of horrifying and are tempting some of the faithful into the sin of apostasy. We've got to help protect them from him.
Child of Our Lady
St. Louis de Montfort talks about the saints in the end times being greater than those of the past. This could be one of the contributing factors why.
Couldn't agree more with Papal errors of the Vat II Popes (pope)
Putting Francis in perspective, nothing Pope Francis' has done is comparable to the enormity of Vatican II and the loss of Catholics directly resulting from it. @Deacon Nick Donnelly
For decades, previous Popes have "moved" the Church away from its established teachings. Catholics fell away in droves, some to heresy, others to literal apostasy. Much of the "New Age" movement today owes its numbers …More
Putting Francis in perspective, nothing Pope Francis' has done is comparable to the enormity of Vatican II and the loss of Catholics directly resulting from it. @Deacon Nick Donnelly

For decades, previous Popes have "moved" the Church away from its established teachings. Catholics fell away in droves, some to heresy, others to literal apostasy. Much of the "New Age" movement today owes its numbers to former Catholics seeking a religion to replace the Church.

GTV user F M Shyanguya recently quoted an Italian proverb that a fish starts rotting at the head. The "head" of the Church (in the cerebral sense) is formed by the theological minds comprising it.

Previous popes did their worst damage rotting the mind of the Church, through creative reinterpretations of theology and doctrine. The results of their efforts weren't immediately visible or even news-worthy. Pope So 'n So wrote "x" in his an encyclical. Pope Such 'n Such (notably the ever-voluble Benedict) published another book on man's relationship with God writing... "y".

Most of the laity never read those works, but the clergy did, particularly the decision-making intelligensia within the Vatican. That's where the rot started and that's how the rot fostered an ideological shift that led to Francis' election as Pope.

By contrast, Francis' errors in faith are simply more accessible and understandable to the common man. They directly address the issues of the world instead of the way the Church should perceive and respond to that world.

In a way, this is a good thing. Pope Francis' errors are immediately and instantly recognizable as such. The sort quietly introduced by John Paul II and Benedict XVI through their scholarship both before an after becoming Pope are far more insidious.

By contrast, Francis' errors are simply more accessible and understandable to the common man. They're not on a whole new level of horrifying because, and echoes my first comment, faithful traditionally-minded Catholics are already used to decades of Papal error.

Frankly, I'm more concerned about the markedly vindictive, albeit hopefully well-intentioned critics of Pope Francis tempting some of the faithful into the sin of schism. That Canon 212 guy has already openly advanced the heresy of conciliarism on GTV while branding himself just such a schismatic.

He isn't the only one. Many on GTV are, technically, no longer part of the Catholic Church. That isn't my opinion. Canon Law 751 is clear. "schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff " and Canon Law 1364.1 states, "an apostate from the faith, a heretic, or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication".

They've fallen away, paradoxically, while still claiming they're part of "the true Church" which (shades of Martin Luther) is whatever they say it is.. Like all who exist outside the Church they seek to lure others in joining them in their error with constant misuse of emotionally loaded Catholic terms like "apostasy" and "heresy". Their claims and their usage simply aren't supported by the Catholic Church's definitions of the terms.

Francis may incite some weak-willed Catholics to leave the Church through apostasy. Many of his critics are encouraging the thoughtful, traditionally-minded Catholics to leave the Church through schism -without even knowing they've done so.

One doesn't combat an error by introducing another one that ultimately produces the same disastrous result..