
Sodom and Gomorra Council Church Displays Homosex Pornography

Arcigay, an Italian homosex propaganda organisation, displayed brochures advertising oral sex and anal sex between men at the "Volunteer Fair" in Bolzano, South Tyrol (graphic image here).

The fair which is also visited by families with children, was organised by state agencies in collaboration with the diocesan Caritas, a "Catholic" relieve organisation. Bishop of Bolzano-Bressanone is Ivo Muser, 59.

The pornographic images were presented next to a bucket full of condoms. Even IlGiornale.it (November 14) calls it “unbelievable” to advertise “hedonistic homosexual practices.”

Infovaticana.com is certain that the diocese has an explanation for the scandal, “They always have.”


"Asian people don't understand Gay Issue." --"Kagema" and "Fentáo" aren't Western terms. :P Asians understand homosexuality perfectly well.
가입을 원합니다
Asian people don't understand Gay Issue.
Different D.N.A ? I am serious.
Mikhael Manafort Montrose
I often wonder about Asian people. How they are immune to a lot of the corrupt things in the West. Is it to do with Buddhist traditions? Or Confucius?
Why are Asian shows and comics still good, when Western ones are trash? In Scandinavia, we have almost no culture left. While Chinese and others are going into their oast and rescuing lost culture
You should familiarize yourself with Asian culture more thoroughly @Mikhael Manafort Montrose ;-) "How they are immune to a lot of the corrupt things in the West."
They aren't, Bribery, graft, and corruption have been evident in various Asian cultures for centuries. Ironically enough, Confucianism may have contributed to it.
"Why are Asian shows and comics …More
You should familiarize yourself with Asian culture more thoroughly @Mikhael Manafort Montrose ;-) "How they are immune to a lot of the corrupt things in the West."

They aren't, Bribery, graft, and corruption have been evident in various Asian cultures for centuries. Ironically enough, Confucianism may have contributed to it.

"Why are Asian shows and comics still good..."

Pedophilia is an accepted genre in Japanese shows and especially their comics. I'm not even going to cover their love of obnoxious "game shows" built around humiliating the contestants, including children.

That's nothing compared to Thailand which prefers "live enterainment" with an institutionalized culture of child prostitution and pornography.

" when Western ones are trash?"
I can't even... :( I suspect you're basing this view on American super-hero comics and mainstream American TV like sit-coms and crime-dramas.

If not, wow... Just as a quick recent one-size-fits all example, "Game Of Thrones" is some of the best television ever made, the comic adaptation of George R.R. Martin's books are faithful to the original.

Michael Moorcock's "Elric" series has been covered in different ways by Western comic artists for over forty years now and they're almost always groud-breaking work. Illustrator Robert Gould's work has never been equalled even by his successors. P. Craig Russell's Norse Mythology series, currently on-going, is clever, light-hearted, and still true to the old sagas.

Still in the medieval genre and crossing the Atlantic the BBC's Brother Cadfael Mysteries was captivating television and European comics publishers like Soleil and Delcourt have been producing superb, historically themed comics for decades.

...and that's just scratching the medieval stuff. Sci-Fi? Oh man... the West has been making incredible sci-fi comics since the mid 70s at least. Again, I'm guessing you were just looking at Marvel and DC. Epic Illustrated in the US, Humanoides/ Metal Hurlant in France all were publishing stunning, thought-provoking stories throughout the 70s and 80s. Heay Metal translated and adapted much of Humanoids/ MH work and continues publishing their own stories today.

Then there's Dark Horse... They've been publishing Aliens/ Predator/ Aliens Vs. Predator series since the late 80s, keeping the franchises "hot" until Hollywood woke up and started making movies again. The original AvP comic, drawn by Terminator 2 storyboard artist Phil Norwood, still remains the best Hollywood cross-over movie never filmed

I'm not even going to discuss Star Was, except to say the comics have always been popular and the TV shows are still a huge hit, regardless of my personal opinion.

TL;DR Western comics and shows can hold their own with anything in the world today, you just have to know the material. ;-)

"In Scandinavia, we have almost no culture left."

Scandanavia? Why does your GTV account list your location as Illinois, USA?
Stuff you'd never expect to happen on GTV: En.News linked homosexual pornography posted by a user. o.O
alfred dunn
Who is the fool who linked to an immoral picture?
That would be the official GTV en.news writer. The other culprit is Nachrichten who posted it.
No more money for caritas ,And those responsable like the bishop Ivo Muser should be told off or resign
Jan Joseph
Dit is weer typisch de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk met al zijn afgoden.
De Profundis
Look at the original graphic image. Otherwise you cannot know how big the church's gay problem is.
...because this isn't enough, amirite? ;-)
Wilma Lopez
Caritas should not show the pictures. Tell the bishop. The problem is the scandal itself.
At least black out the offending parts
John A Cassani
Remove the photo, please.
i dont think you should show the pictures here
Col. Buckshot
Please take away these pictures. In Christ's Holy Name. +JMJ+