
Happy Clappy New Church: Official "Catholic" Hymn Book Features False Angel

Father Cory Sticha of Sacred Heart parish in Cascade, Great Falls-Billings Diocese, called on the Catholic publisher OCP.org to recall “2021 Music Issue," a hymn book, because it features on its cover …More
Father Cory Sticha of Sacred Heart parish in Cascade, Great Falls-Billings Diocese, called on the Catholic publisher OCP.org to recall “2021 Music Issue," a hymn book, because it features on its cover the "angel Moroni," a figure invented by Mormonism.
“This is not compatible with Catholicism in any way, and is highly inappropriate for a Catholic publisher to place in Catholic parishes,” Sticha writes (Twitter.com, August 25).
OCP.org is the main US publisher of liturgical music and worship resources which are used in two-thirds of the Catholic churches in the USA.
Moroni is an alleged "angel" which the founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith (1844), believed, appeared to him and gave him the book of Mormon.
The publisher denied in a FaceBook.com statement that the picture belongs to Mormonism claiming that the artist produced a collection of angels and that the angel on the cover was “Angel VIII.”
“This particular piece was chosen for its beauty and, since it was for our beloved Music Issue …More
De Profundis
The covers of two new missals tell you all you need to know about the differences between the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of the Roman Rite.
F M Shyanguya
Negative! Hegelian dialectic present here for all to see.
The ones responsible for “Moroni” are the very same ones who tell you about it - or else how would Catholics know apart from Divine inspiration - and then with the likes of @De Profundis, shepherd Catholics out of the Church through “traditionalism” they have set up on the right by misrepresenting and twisting valid form of the Roman Rite …More
Negative! Hegelian dialectic present here for all to see.

The ones responsible for “Moroni” are the very same ones who tell you about it - or else how would Catholics know apart from Divine inspiration - and then with the likes of @De Profundis, shepherd Catholics out of the Church through “traditionalism” they have set up on the right by misrepresenting and twisting valid form of the Roman Rite and needlessly agitating the faithful.
F M Shyanguya
@Still_I_Rise O this just scratches the surface.
F M Shyanguya
F M Shyanguya
Why be surprised?
Cockle among wheat in the same field of the LORD’s Church. [Cf Matt 13:24-30]More
Why be surprised?

Cockle among wheat in the same field of the LORD’s Church. [Cf Matt 13:24-30]
F M Shyanguya
And Paul VI Audience Hall designed in reinforced concrete by the Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi?
One more comment from F M Shyanguya
F M Shyanguya
And the pagan light/fire ritual hiding behind Candlemas every February 2 that is NEVER TO BE MOVED?
The artist himself calls the picture "Moroni"
I am becoming orthodox because I have come, rightly or wrongly, after stretching my brain till it bursts, to the old belief that heresy is worse even than sin. An error is more menacing than a crime, for an error begets crimes.
De Profundis
F M Shyanguya
Great God’s Bishop. May he not lose his reward.
Apt summary @De Profundis A question: is a demon really a demon if it is only a fictional character? Moroni is no more "real" than Uncle Screwtape. :D
De Profundis
Maybe it is the same demon that appeared to Mohammed? If not, it is no demon.
The Quran displays a purely temporal and terrestial intelligence and a pedestrian one at that. ;-)
In iconography, Gabriel doesn't hold golden plates and stand on a golden orb. Moroni does.
De Profundis
Summary, A hymnal publishing company under the authority of an archbishop published its latest hymnal with an image of the Mormon demon Moroni on its front cover.
By the way: in Austria and Germany some "catholic" dioeceses are using as their songbook the "Gotteslob". It's cover carries a symbol which is not christian at all.
There is indeed 'Angel VIII' on the cover of the songbook. 'Angel Moroni' looks different, see jorgecocco.com/2019/01/06/angels-collection/
gloria.tv: "Father Cory Sticha of Sacred Heart parish in Cascade, Great Falls-Billings Diocese *, called on the Catholic publisher OCP.org to recall“ 2021 Music Issue, "a hymn book, because it features on its cover the" angel Moroni, " a figure invented by Mormonism."
This sentence can also be read as follows: The Sacred Heart says that the Cascade (Range) will suffer great falls (catastrophic …More
gloria.tv: "Father Cory Sticha of Sacred Heart parish in Cascade, Great Falls-Billings Diocese *, called on the Catholic publisher OCP.org to recall“ 2021 Music Issue, "a hymn book, because it features on its cover the" angel Moroni, " a figure invented by Mormonism."

This sentence can also be read as follows: The Sacred Heart says that the Cascade (Range) will suffer great falls (catastrophic quakes); it is the time of billings, summarizing the lives of the faithful; next year (2021) this songbook will be useless.
Said Moroni is an angel of The Church of Jesus Christ of The Latter-day. On March 18, 2020, there was an earthquake in Salt Lake City (the epicenter was at Magna) and Moroni lost his trumpet [Rev 8: 1]: "And when he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for half an hour." There was silence on earth as well: this global Lockdawn has done it. It is the calm before the storm. Half an hour is half a full time unit. A year is also a complete unit of time, so six months (from March 18) will end on September 18 when the plagues will begin. Why the plagues? God wants to summon people to order, to God's order.

*Wikipedia: "It was the 15th American diocese to file for bankruptcy in the face of sexual abuse victim lawsuits."