
Cardinal Calls On Francis to Stop Belgian Homosexualists

Cardinal Willem Eijk of Utrecht, Netherlands, released a September 27 statement (LaNuovaBq.it) against the Flemish bishops' "liturgy" for homosex concubinages.

He writes that it is the first time that a bishops' conference "allows" such "blessings" and that this is based on Amoris Laetitia. However, Eijk explains that the meaning of the term "discernment" used by AL is ''that people in an irregular relationship are brought to understand what the truth is about their relationship."

In other words, "they come to understand that their relationship violates God's created order and is therefore morally unacceptable." Eijk lists five objections to the "blessing" text:

1. The prayer in which homosexual couples "commit" themselves to each other is similar to a wedding ceremony.

2. Situations that are wrong from a moral point of view cannot be blessed. God's grace does not shine on the way of sin.

3. The text contradicts the statement of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of February 2021.

4. The text makes homosexuals say "by your word we will live" even though God's Word qualifies homosexual acts as a sin.

5. If homosexual concubinages can be "blessed", so can a man and a woman who live together without being married.

Eijk expresses the absurd hope "that the Flemish bishops will soon be asked by ecclesiastically competent circles to withdraw their declaration and that they will comply with this request."


Wilma Lopez shares this
Papabile Cardinal Rips Homosex "Blessing" Liturgy
Bravo, wat een geweldige kardinaal. Kardinaal Eijk is is zeer geschikt om gekozen te worden tot Paus.
its time for the Pope to show where he stands ,You cant do the Will of God and the will of the world ,you have to choose
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Don't expect anything condemning homosexual depravity from Francis. He probably supports it. And he must not be too sick, he going to Bahrain Nov.3-6. What the hell for is a legit question. There's next to 0 Catholics. Turns out, he's not going there to promote the Church at all, but to commemorate some "new world order" type thing of brotherhood and co-existance of humanity. 😱 😴 😤 😡 🤮
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori yes!! yes!! now I saw the news...this crazy Old Man will visit to Bahrain....this man will join to Globalist Agenda again!! I am sure..this Old man will dose not saying about Bahrain's Catholic communities situation..and Christian's situation...so so Horrible!!!! if,if He is a real Pope..he must visit to many Catholic Population area..or even though Small Catholic Population.…More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori yes!! yes!! now I saw the news...this crazy Old Man will visit to Bahrain....this man will join to Globalist Agenda again!! I am sure..this Old man will dose not saying about Bahrain's Catholic communities situation..and Christian's situation...so so Horrible!!!! if,if He is a real Pope..he must visit to many Catholic Population area..or even though Small Catholic Population..but have strong faith area!!!!! but this man going to Islamic area...so horrible....and this man dose not saying about all Islamic Extremists area's Persecution....this crazy man saying about Ukraine(of course I support to Ukraine Catholic church..and innoccent People..)...but this man dose not saying about Nigeria,Burkina Faso,Cameroon,DR Congo,Uganda,Kenya,Mozambique's Christian Persecution!!! and this crazy Old man dose not support to Eminence Cardinal Joseph Zen..Former Bishop of Hong Kong...he dose not criticism to Communist China..and Communist Nicaraguan Dictator..Daniel Ortega...so horrible...and this crazy old man dose not fight to all Wrong Ideologies...LGBT,Wrong Abortion...so much horrible...I hope tell this too..so writing it...God bless always..if you are annoying sorry...but always thanks for your great opinion..I learning a lot...take care!!^^
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Never annoyed
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
At last some speaking up against gays, as they should. Francis is to blame for this scandal of Belgian bishops blessing of homosexual couples. Nothing comes from his Vatican to condemn this activity. Could it be, perhaps, that Francis and all his Vatican associates are actually homosexual themselves, and therefore have sympathy and allow for this depravity because secretly they support it? I would …More
At last some speaking up against gays, as they should. Francis is to blame for this scandal of Belgian bishops blessing of homosexual couples. Nothing comes from his Vatican to condemn this activity. Could it be, perhaps, that Francis and all his Vatican associates are actually homosexual themselves, and therefore have sympathy and allow for this depravity because secretly they support it? I would not at all be surprised.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Yes! Yes!! Eminence Cardinal Eijk had very,very great opinion!!! this hard time..he effort protect to our orthdoox teachings...so so wonderful...but I think it's not enough...more,more Cardinals,Bishops will saying about protect to orthodox teachings...But I think it's very hard..because Bergoglio make so many wrong mans are Cardinlas,Bishops...hmm..I told you...if,if Eminence …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Yes! Yes!! Eminence Cardinal Eijk had very,very great opinion!!! this hard time..he effort protect to our orthdoox teachings...so so wonderful...but I think it's not enough...more,more Cardinals,Bishops will saying about protect to orthodox teachings...But I think it's very hard..because Bergoglio make so many wrong mans are Cardinlas,Bishops...hmm..I told you...if,if Eminence Cardinal Eijk will get Pope...I am sure...he totally..totally better than Bergoglio!!! even though not perfect..but I think Eminence Eijk many effort protect to our Orthodox teaching...so I hope Eijk will get Holy Father too..or maybe Eminence Cardinal Erdo(archbishop of Budapast,Hungary)s great too....just,just really hope we will see Orthodox Pope...before finish this year...and one more tell.....in my Country Korea...Archdiocese of Seoul...so horrible situation....this Archdiocese will much open to LGBT Communities!!! now my Archbishop Peter Cheong said it!! and he said....we much,much hear about LGBT Communities voice...oh Lord....I told you...my former Archbishop..Cardinal Andrew Yeom...he was not perfect..but he strongly against to LGBT Ideologies..and wrong Abortion....I huge miss him...I think so,so many dioceses have same problems..Beroglio changing to Orthodox Bishops so many area...really hope we will get Orthodox Pope...so my Archdiocese and all diocese will be get Orthodox Leaders...many talking sorry..but I learning a lot to your message....God bless always..take care^^ really worry...if,if Bergoglio time much longer..we will have so so horrible situations....
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Ckement Jaeho Chung- Thank you very much for your posting, and mentioning me in the post. I only comment on what I see. I read a lot about Bergoglio. He and his people are genuine evil. They are heretics. I wish more Cardinals and Bishops would stand up against him and his "Synodal" Church he wants to create, and his accomodation to homosexuals. What is happening in your country is very sad. But I …More
Ckement Jaeho Chung- Thank you very much for your posting, and mentioning me in the post. I only comment on what I see. I read a lot about Bergoglio. He and his people are genuine evil. They are heretics. I wish more Cardinals and Bishops would stand up against him and his "Synodal" Church he wants to create, and his accomodation to homosexuals. What is happening in your country is very sad. But I do think we will get an orthodox Pope next time....because believe it or not, many Cardinals hate Francis agenda but are afraid to speak out against him. Even some of his Cardinals he created himself are against his agenda. Many Bishops across the world are against him, but don't speak up loudly. But I do think we will get a surprise CATHOLIC pope in less than a year....someone who is young enough and CATHOLIC enough to undo all of Francis heresy. Good bishops will be appointed, although it may take the new Pope longer to find them. His first consistory for Cardinals may be small, but will be all good men, some very good leaders that were ignored by Francis. The USA might get one, but most will be in Europe. I would not be surprised if the new Pope sacks/fires all the Vatican appointees of Francis, and appoints younger men who are not supporters of Vatican II.
The new Pope will still acknowledge Vatican II, but not enthusiastically. He will only acknowledge it as a historical event in the life of the Church, but not something to glorify and celebrate. That alone will be an improvement.
And the Latin Mass will be allowed again, mandated in every parish, 1 Mass in the Latin Roman Rite each Sunday.
Things are already turning against Francis. In Italy, he urged the Italian people to vote for those radical liberals in their election who supported migrants and were favorable to homosexuality etc. The Italians totally ignored him, and voted for a very great woman who stands for traditional Catholicism, and Italian and Christian values. Francis was ignored. The Italians largely hate him.
This time next year, let us pray that Francis is gone, and we have a new, traditional Catholic Pope......Eijk of Netherlands, Erdo of Hungary, Sarah of the Roman Curia, or Burke of the USA. But we might get a surprise, and the Cardinals will pick an excellent, traditional man who isn't even a Cardinal, but rather an Archbishop or Bishop. That too, is totally legal and possible.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori thanks a lot answer to me...always really happy to hear about your opinion.... yes...I am sure..this Synod will destroying to our Orthodox Teachings...so..so I really want Bergoglio will fast gone..before finish this year..or...Next year..before April....really hope this crazy Old man's time gone!!! ah...I read about another Horrible News....maybe you heard about Cardinal Grech …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori thanks a lot answer to me...always really happy to hear about your opinion.... yes...I am sure..this Synod will destroying to our Orthodox Teachings...so..so I really want Bergoglio will fast gone..before finish this year..or...Next year..before April....really hope this crazy Old man's time gone!!! ah...I read about another Horrible News....maybe you heard about Cardinal Grech...from Malta..secretary of Synod!!!! this crazy Man said to US Catholics....Love to Traditional Latin Mass People..LGBT communities voice are same...we must respect to each others...kkkkkkkkk..so crazy man!!! lovely Latin Mass is a Our Great Tradition!!!!! LGBT???? It's a Sin!! Against to Our Lord...Bergoglio's Synod Secretary's voice is Bergoglio's Voice....I am very shocking now...just much pray to the Lord...please send to us..real Pope Fast time...always thanks...God bless always^^ Take care...
At last a prelate with pluck. Bravo.
John Fritz Logan
I have a great archbishop!!!
Clement Jaeho Chung
@John Fritz Logan yes!!! yes..you have very very great Archbishop....Eminence Cardinal Eijk had very,very great opinion!!! this hard time..he effort protect to our orthdoox teachings...so so wonderful..but in my country Korea....Archdiocese of Seoul...so horrible situation....this Archdiocese will much open to LGBT Communities!!! now my Archbishop Peter Cheong said it!! and he said....we much,much …More
@John Fritz Logan yes!!! yes..you have very very great Archbishop....Eminence Cardinal Eijk had very,very great opinion!!! this hard time..he effort protect to our orthdoox teachings...so so wonderful..but in my country Korea....Archdiocese of Seoul...so horrible situation....this Archdiocese will much open to LGBT Communities!!! now my Archbishop Peter Cheong said it!! and he said....we much,much hear about LGBT Communities voice...oh Lord....I told you...my former Archbishop..Cardinal Andrew Yeom...he was not perfect..but he strongly against to LGBT Ideologies..and wrong Abortion....I huge miss him...I think so,so many dioceses have same problems..Beroglio changing to Orthodox Bishops so many area...really hope we will get Orthodox Pope...so my Archdiocese and all diocese will be get Orthodox Leaders...even though not perfect...but I think maybe Eminence Cardinal Eijk will be Holy Father...ah...really emotion...just really hope fast time..we will meet Orthodox Pope...many talking sorry...God bless always you and all your family..lovely people..take care....cheerful to you too^^
@Clement Jaeho Chung We had the opportunity to attend mass at the SSPX chapel in Seoul and at Gongse-ri Catholic Church which also is a shrine. Meet many beautiful Catholics in Korea.