
Francis Was One of the Last to See Benedict XVI

Francis met Benedict XVI the morning of June 18 shortly before Benedict left for Bavaria.

The unsurprising news was reported by LaNacion.com.ar with reference to “some sources.” This must also have been the first time Francis saw Archbishop Gänswein, after he had fired him in February.

The paper points out that Benedict XVI "gets along very well with Francis." Benedict himself has stressed this many times.


Novella Nurney
Again, " water is wet", did anyone expect it to be Archbishop Vigano? No.
God is still giving time for every rebell to recognize true pope.. However it is running out.
BENEDICT IS STILL ALIVE, DON'T NOBODY PANIC! o.O The headline is misleading.
The last to see Benedict..."alive"? That had not entered my mind until I read your comment. 🙂
Sorry, -J . Those wheel-chair photos of a dried-up mummy put me on edge.
Novella Nurney
Your ageism is showing 😲
Alex A
Whose ageism?