
Dutch Bishop: Francis Endorses Homosex Propagandists

By now, it's obvious that Francis' ex-synod is a “disaster” and that the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with it, noted retired Dutch Bishop Rob Mutsaerts on Vitaminexp.Blogspot.com (October 23).

The event rarely refers to saints, theologians, the Bible and the Tradition, “Francis mostly quotes himself." Philosophical thinking is replaced by talking about feelings, Mutsaerts analyses, explaining that pastoral activity must be rooted in the truth, "Words like ‘irregular,’ ‘sodomy’ and ‘feeling conscious of sin’ are carefully avoided" so as not to "exclude anyone".

Mutsaerts explains that "everyone" is welcome in the Church on condition that they repent while people [at the ex-synod] demand that the Church approve lifestyles that the Bible disapproves of, "People want the Church to adjust the standards! But it can’t."

The bishop confirms that he "will not bless a relationship that the Church (on the basis of Christ's word) considers sinful." And, "If that makes people feel excluded, so be it. Jesus himself excluded many people."

Mutsaerts suspects that Francis' many meetings with homosex propagandists have the aim of making the synod members ripe for these sounds and that Francis "actually endorses the ideas they express.”


Wilma Lopez shares this
Dutch bishop: Synod has been a disaster, deepening divisions
Another brave shepherd.
Paul F
At least a bishop who does NOT speak double Dutch 😊
Jan Joseph
Wat een geweldige bisschop. Waar blijft de reactie van de andere bisschoppen in Nederland, of zijn dat allemaal lafaards?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This bishop is great. So are many more that have spoken up against this "synod". Many think it is a disaster. Good riddance. Francis and his Vatican crew and appointees who organized this farse are probably ALL homosexuals.
Ivan Tomas
As synod is a disaster, what is Bergoglio then?
Sandy Barrett
Mgr. Mutsaerts is not a "retired" bishop. He is auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Den Bosch. And he has always very good analyses of what is happening in the Church. (By the way: I am Dutch)