Parolin Calls the Pamphlet Sodoma Supplicans "Good"

Asked whether the homosexual pamphlet "Fiducia Supplicans" was good or bad, Cardinal Pietro Parolin said "it's always good" (, 12 January). For Parolin, the important thing is to continue …More
Asked whether the homosexual pamphlet "Fiducia Supplicans" was good or bad, Cardinal Pietro Parolin said "it's always good" (, 12 January).
For Parolin, the important thing is to continue what he calls "progress in continuity". This makes a mockery of the meaning of words. Sodoma Supplicans is no "progress" and much less "continuity".
Parolin says everything and the opposite of everything: "there has always been change" - "the Church of today is not the Church of 2000 years ago" - "the Church is open to the signs of the times" - "the Church is attentive to the needs that arise" - "but it must also be faithful to the Gospel" - "it must be faithful to tradition, faithful to its heritage".
Commenting on the African bishops' refusal to take the immoral pamphlet "Fiducia Supplicans" seriously, Pietro Parolin said that this text had provoked "very strong reactions from some episcopates" [= the most vital ones where the Church is growing].
"It means that a very, very delicate, …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
Asked about the turmoil surrounding the blessing of same-sex couples, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Holy See’s Secretary of State, said that “it is always good ... The important thing is that we always proceed according to what is called progress in continuity.”
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Parolin is a heretical snake who thinks he will be the next Pope! Hopefully, no chance. And none for any of the other Pope Francis fans either.
Why of course he would, remember the lift incident many years ago.
Tony M
How can these clowns expect us to take anything they say seriously???!!!
He thought the agreement with China was good too. Not too bright that one.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
There go his chances to be the next Pope. That's a good thing. Keep talking it up, Parolin.
Dr Bobus
What chances?
Good for nothing.
Everyday for Life Canada
“Progress in continuity,” now there’s an expression looking for a non-existent referent or language on a holiday.
Clearly, he wants the Papal Triregnum and Peter’s Keys. And is willing to throw the Spouse of Christ under the bus to get them.
@SonoftheChurch Even willing to betray Christ Himself