Hard to Believe: “Benedict Defended Me On Homosex-Couples” - Francis

Francis says in his book 'El Sucesor' that Ex-Benedict XVI never interfered in his papacy.

"On one occasion, when there was a decision he did not understand, he asked me for an explanation in a very natural way. He told me: 'Look, I don't understand this, but the decision is in your hands', I explained the reasons and he was happy".

Francis claims that Ex-Benedict XVI never opposed any of his decisions: "He never withdrew his support. Perhaps there was something he did not share, but he never said so".

In his well-known obsession for homosexuality, he recalled that Ex-Benedict allegedly defended his scandalous praise of civil homosexual unions to Catholic cardinals:

"The Cardinals came to his house to practically put me on trial, and they accused me before him of promoting homosexual marriage. Benedict did not get upset because he knew exactly what I was thinking. He listened to them all, one by one, reassured them and explained everything".

According to Francis, Ex-Benedict told the cardinals: "This is not heresy".

A happy Francis continues: "How he defended me!... He has always defended me." As can be seen, Francis reduces all questions of a doctrinal and moral nature to his private person.

Ex-Benedict XVI could not be reached for comment.

Picture: © Mazur CC BY-NC-SA, #newsYaiaqirrak

Two worm ridden popes Fr Hesse
Live Mike
la verdad prevalece
Frank Walker's Canon 212: Francis Lies more than Biden
All Saints
Stop lying, Jorge.
Tony M
Hard to believe.....IMPOSSIBLE TO BELIEVE!!!
Tony M
Not a single word that comes from the mouth or pen of Bergoglio can be taken at face value......whether it be the truth or a lie.
Instead the question should be asked, 'What was his purpose for saying that???' (in the execution of his plan to destroy the Church)
Bishop Vigano just denunced another liar
Bishop Vigano denounces the cardinal electors who …
Again I'll re-post this that contradicts Francis' assertions:
Benedict XVI writes about legalization of same sex marriage in new book
Frank Magill
Thanks for that. No way did Benedict change his mind about doctrine. Francis the Phony strikes again.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio supports his rebellion against the Natural Law of God, in the alleged complicity in his apostasy of Pope Benedict. Here we see the element of Bergoglio's obstinacy in his heresy and by challenging the Truth Revealed in the Sacred Scripture he sins of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
la verdad prevalece
Romans 1:32
Though they know God’s decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them but approve those who practice them.
Romans 1:32

Though they know God’s decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them but approve those who practice them.
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success
“The sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with the Church, will be thoroughly attacked and profaned. Masonry, then reigning, will implement iniquitous laws aimed at extinguishing this sacrament. They will make it easy for all to live in sin, thus multiplying the birth of illegitimate children without the Church’s blessing.
" I explained the reasons and he was happy." No, he wasn't happy, just too smart and civilized to bother arguing with someone who was an ideologue and thus utterly uninterested in any contrary opinions.
Dr Bobus
BXVI probably was happy that he wouldn't have to listen to Francis any more.
He is as much a true witness to his encounters with Pope Benedict XVI as he is to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Wenanty Wenanty
Francis often twists facts and gives them interpretations that suit his own agenda. For him, truth is something subservient to his assumptions. That's why he deserves not to be trusted. In my observation-based opinion, he will utilize everything and everyone to make his understanding of reality the only unquestionable and revealed truth.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio's malice to defy the laws of God and Catholic morality is diabolical.
Dr Bobus
Francis has said theology is just ideology. I agree that much of what he says is just ideology. Welcome to Karl Rahner's effect on theology.
This book was triggered by him advancing toward death and realizing that few practicing Catholics have any use for him. So his strategy here is to say: Ratzinger agreed with me. Why don't you?
I do think that he came close to something very important. He …More
Francis has said theology is just ideology. I agree that much of what he says is just ideology. Welcome to Karl Rahner's effect on theology.

This book was triggered by him advancing toward death and realizing that few practicing Catholics have any use for him. So his strategy here is to say: Ratzinger agreed with me. Why don't you?

I do think that he came close to something very important. He changed the official name of Curial offices to Dicastery. More approptiate. under him would be Disaster-y.

He only missed it by one letter.
la verdad prevalece
Cardinal Sarah: Divine judgment will fall on priests who do not oppose abortion, homosexuality
Cardinal Sarah: "Modern man has started a terrible satanic war against God and against man himself" (youtube.com)More
Cardinal Sarah: Divine judgment will fall on priests who do not oppose abortion, homosexuality

Cardinal Sarah: "Modern man has started a terrible satanic war against God and against man himself" (youtube.com)
Dr Bobus
He might be stretching the truth (I'm being kind.) BXVI thought that the Baptism of a child adopted by homosexual couple was a problem. On the one hand, it is known as the Sacrament of Faith, so at least one of the parents should be a practicing Catholic. On the other, the Sacraments provide grace ex opere operayo. So an argument can be made that the child should not be deprived of grace.
la verdad prevalece
With the alleged complicity of Pope Benedict XVI, Bergoglio insinuates that Pope Benedict fell into apostasy. Here Bergoglio makes it clear to us that he is a servant of the Antichrist who challenges Catholic morality and rebels against the Laws of God, defaming even the dead who cannot defend themselves.