
Ratzinger/Sarah Book: Francis Was "Really Upset", "Pitched The Fit"

It is a mistake to believe that everybody has the duty to speak out against Francis, Michael Matt said at the January 18 Munich Acies Ordinata presser.

Matt called on an "intelligent resistance" (English video sequence).

For instance, he would not want Cardinal Sarah to attack Francis directly, and thus be eliminated from the position he holds. “It's a question of strategy,” Matt explained, although Sarah is sidelined by Francis.

Matt noticed Francis' reaction to the Ratzinger/Sarah Book on celibacy: "Francis ‘pitched the fit’, he was really upset by that.”

The revolution spent hundreds of years getting to the point of undermining the Church, Matt concluded, “Catholics now have to undermine the revolution.”


Gesù è con noi
That Mr. Michael Matt overlooks the heretical past of Bergoglio with which he was self-excommunicated and disqualified to be a candidate for the papacy. That means Matt has given qualities of pseudo-god or pseudo-messiah to Bergoglio in violation of God's law. He would be the only human on the planet that could commit heresy and apostasy without being automatically excommunicated. For them he is …More
That Mr. Michael Matt overlooks the heretical past of Bergoglio with which he was self-excommunicated and disqualified to be a candidate for the papacy. That means Matt has given qualities of pseudo-god or pseudo-messiah to Bergoglio in violation of God's law. He would be the only human on the planet that could commit heresy and apostasy without being automatically excommunicated. For them he is the only human being on the planet who was above the Law of God and above the Laws and teachings of the Church.
For Bergoglians the only 'sin' that now exists; it is the one not to deny God or His laws, but rather that we do not submit to their anti-Pope Bergoglio.
la verdad prevalece
😡 "intelligent resistance" 😡 THERE IS NO GREATER EVIL THAN HERESY!
la verdad prevalece
St. John Eudes - The greatest evil existing today is heresy, an infernal rage which hurls countless souls into eternal damnation.
la verdad prevalece
St. Robert Bellarmine: "A manifest heretic is not a Christian, as is clearly taught by St. Cyprian, St. Athanasius, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, and others."
la verdad prevalece
Theology is simply that part of religion that requires brains.
G.K. Chesterton
This is a popular assertion, even if it's incorrect and CAP LOCK doesn't change that. Technically, Benedict XVI explicitly renounced his ministry, "in such a way" that the See of Peter and of Rome would be vacant and a new Pope elected. For that to occur, that "way" must include his office. He also adopted a title that applies …More

This is a popular assertion, even if it's incorrect and CAP LOCK doesn't change that. Technically, Benedict XVI explicitly renounced his ministry, "in such a way" that the See of Peter and of Rome would be vacant and a new Pope elected. For that to occur, that "way" must include his office. He also adopted a title that applies only to someone who no longer hold an office. He also pledged his "filial obedience" to Pope Francis, something he wouldn't do if he was Pope.

Gesù è con noi, your entire argument rests on what Benedict XVI didn't say, instead of what he actually did.

But I wasn't talking about the fine points of Benedict's resignation. Your caps-log spasm doesn't address the point I originally presented. For that, let us assume your claim is true and he's still "the real Pope". You haven't proved the point, but out of charity, I'll concede it.


What if Benedict XVI himself was a heretic, apostate and anti-pope? And John Paul II? And John Paul I? And John XXIII? What if every cardinal alive today had been appointed by a pope who was a heretic, apostate, and anti-pope?

There are many who claim precisely this is the state of our Church and they've compiled extensive point-by-point cases to indict each of the Popes mentioned.

This is what you choose to ignore.

I'm not a "Bergoglian". I have said repeatedly all over GTV that Pope Francis is a very, very, very bad Pope. I have also said there have been numerous bad Popes before Francis and the Church has always survived them. That isn't an endorsement of "Bergoglio". It's an acknowledgement of the strength of God's one True Church and a horrible pope's inability to defeat it.

What you betray is a fundamental lack of faith. You seem to think God needs your help in "fixing" the Church and that your opinion on the valid holder of the Papacy is the same as God's. If you're going to start combing through centuries of Church law to condemn Francis, then let's keep those books open and start looking at Benedict XVI.

" The only thing they don't want destroyed is the idea that Bergoglio is a pope so that this evil heretic man can continue to control us."

As opposed to being "controlled" by the equally heretical if more subdued Benedict XVI?

Where did you get the idea that Pope Francis controls us? Only God capable of that. The most Pope Francis can do is display his errors and he does that as easily as he displays his temper. He can't control you into following them..

Your outrage over the heretical Pope Francis is a sham.

When the last four Popes were quietly preaching various heresies in direct contradiction to the Church, you were silent. Oh, to be sure, they were "modernists" and you tut-tutted over that but there was never this relentless howling over heresies and the Lateran Councils and so on.

Heretical teachings didn't bother you when the "anti-Pope" was largely a figure-head who left the erosion and destruction of the Church to his subordinates.

You weren't screaming "heretic" when John Paul II was openly promoting indifferentialism and a globalist Church and you're not screaming about it now.

You weren't screaming "heretic" when Benedict XVI was visiting mosques and "praying" with the enemies of our Church. And you weren't yelling "anti-pope" when Benedict XVI attended a synagogue and actively participated in Jewish religious services.

If Pope Francis excommunicated himself for praying with an Amazonian shaman, then why do you ignore Benedict XVI's praying with a Muslim Imam and a Jewish Rabbi? After all, both blashemously deny the divinity of Jesus.

You weren't picking at Benedict XVI for the numerous heretical false teachings and heretical comments he presented in his many books. Particularly those regarding ecumenism with the protestants and schismatics. You weren't reminding everyone how Benedict XVI repeatedly rejected basic Church teachings in an effort to appease those groups.

There is no consistency in your critism.

You're fraud, Gesu.

You and every other false-Catholic who sanctimoniously quotes "Canon Law" and the "Magisterium" of our Holy Mother The Church when, during no less than four "anti-papacies", you have gladly and willingly ignored them both.

No, I'm not "harassing" you. I'm correcting you and refusing to let your double standards go ignored.

Your problem is you can't support your opinion because it's a sham built entirely on your own personal bias. You look at the (obvious) failings of one Pope and ignore those of the popes before him.

GTV isn't a platform for you to bray your sanctimionious hypocritical criticisms uncontested and unanswered.

If you want that, go start a blog and disable the comments.
la verdad prevalece
The Bergolians tolerate any heresy, apostasy and blasphemies of the anti Pope Bergoglio the only thing they cannot tolerate is that we Catholics do not accept Bergoglio as a legitimate pope.
Gesù è con noi
Ultraviolet⛔Stop 🚫 harassing me I don't want to exchange any communication with a stubborn person like you. ✋
Gesù è con noi
Therefore there was no apostolic succession but a modernist fabrication of the papacy.
But of course Bergoglians like you are not interested if Bergoglio destroying the Catholic faith. The only thing they don't want destroyed is the idea that Bergoglio is a pope so that this evil heretic man can continue to control us.
Gesù è con noi
Ultraviolet 🚫Stop trying to impose your heretical ideas on me.
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio was a heretic and an apostate and an schismatic in Argentina. And the Magisterium of the Church says that the elevation of a heretic as pope is invalid and void. mercaba.org/MAGISTERIO/cum_ex_apostola…
I am not interested in talking with a stubborn blind man who pretends to deny reality. BERGOGLIO'S HERETICAL PAST IS FRANCIS PRESENT
Bergoglio was and remains an apostate. This is the …More
Bergoglio was a heretic and an apostate and an schismatic in Argentina. And the Magisterium of the Church says that the elevation of a heretic as pope is invalid and void. mercaba.org/MAGISTERIO/cum_ex_apostola…
I am not interested in talking with a stubborn blind man who pretends to deny reality. BERGOGLIO'S HERETICAL PAST IS FRANCIS PRESENT

Bergoglio was and remains an apostate. This is the reality so Get over.
"Bergoglio was already a schismatic, apostate and formal heretic in Argentina I do not see the comparison."
Of course you don't, Gesù è con noi . ;-) Two questions, perhaps answering them might clarify things for you. 1.) Is a schismatic, apostate, heretical pope any less worse than a schismatic, apostate, heretical cardinal who is appointed Pope by his schismatic, apostate, heretical cronies? …More
"Bergoglio was already a schismatic, apostate and formal heretic in Argentina I do not see the comparison."

Of course you don't, Gesù è con noi . ;-) Two questions, perhaps answering them might clarify things for you. 1.) Is a schismatic, apostate, heretical pope any less worse than a schismatic, apostate, heretical cardinal who is appointed Pope by his schismatic, apostate, heretical cronies? 2.) Does the duration of the schism, apostasy, and heresy in a Pope any way change the fact of its existence?

"And If you want to say that..."

I don't want to say that at all. :) You're an intelligent person, Gesu, and well versed in recent Church history. I'm sure you've known about these credible accusastion for years. And quietly ignored them as many others have. Others, however, apply Canon Law and Church Magisterium uniformly (if perhaps overzealously.)

What they don't do is turn a blind eye to decades of dubious teachings from Francis' predecessors. These citations of the The Lateran Council's stern condemnation are as selectively applied as often as they've been conveniently overlooked and ignored.
Gesù è con noi
Matt's false resistance favors the heresy of Bergoglio and that an apostate, schismatic and persistent heretic like Bergoglio continue to be considered and accepted as Pope.“the Church forbids the faithful to communicate with those unbelievers who have forsaken the faith they once received, either by corrupting the faith, as heretics, or by entirely renouncing the faith, as apostates, because the …More
Matt's false resistance favors the heresy of Bergoglio and that an apostate, schismatic and persistent heretic like Bergoglio continue to be considered and accepted as Pope.“the Church forbids the faithful to communicate with those unbelievers who have forsaken the faith they once received, either by corrupting the faith, as heretics, or by entirely renouncing the faith, as apostates, because the Church pronounces sentence of excommunication on both.” (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica)
Gesù è con noi
Ultraviolet 🤫
Bergoglio was already a schismatic, apostate and formal heretic in Argentina I do not see the comparison.
Gesù è con noi
Ultraviolet And If you want to say that you have to accept a heretic after YOU discover that he is a heretic or was a heretic, you are also WRONG.
It would be interesting to learn if Gesù è con noi rejects Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Saint John Paul II, John Paul I and Saint John XXIII since they too have been credibly accused of heresy as well. If he does not, then such a condemnation applies to him as well.
Thors Catholic Hammer
You repeatedly fail to distinguish between material and formal doctrinal heresy.
Bergoglio is the first alleged “pope” in the history of the church to promote formal heresy (Amoris Laetitia).
You can blather all you want about other popes mistakes and material heresies but none of the ever sought to blatantly overturn the commandments of the new and Old Testament
The cardinals and bishops are the ones who should speak up
Gesù è con noi
The Lateran Council
Condemnation of those who do not reject heretics
If anyone according to the holy Fathers, harmoniously with us and likewise with the Faith, does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all the most abominable heretics together with their impious writings even to one least portion, whom the holy Catholic and apostolic Church of God, that is, the holy and universal five …More
The Lateran Council
Condemnation of those who do not reject heretics

If anyone according to the holy Fathers, harmoniously with us and likewise with the Faith, does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all the most abominable heretics together with their impious writings even to one least portion, whom the holy Catholic and apostolic Church of God, that is, the holy and universal five Synods and likewise all the approved Fathers of the Church in harmony, rejects and anathematizes, we mean Sabellius, Arius, Eunomius, Macedonius, Apollinaris, Polemon, Eutyches, Dioscurus, Timothy Aelurus, Severus, Theodosius, Colluthus, Themistius, Paul of Samosata , Diodorus, Theodore, Nestorius, Theodulus the Persian, Origen, Didymus, Evagrius, and briefly all the remaining heretics, […] let such a person be condemned. (Denzinger-Hünermann 518-520. Lateran Council, Against the Monothelites, October 31, 649)
Gesù è con noi
Michael Matt contradicts St. Paul who orders us to anathematize those who preach a false Gospel. Michael Matt acts as a coward, who puts human respect for heretics over the defense of the rights of God, as if the defense of the faith was a political issue of diplomacy. Michael Matt has not zeal for the salvation of souls. Michael Matt is disobeying St. Paul and St. John who commands us, we should …More
Michael Matt contradicts St. Paul who orders us to anathematize those who preach a false Gospel. Michael Matt acts as a coward, who puts human respect for heretics over the defense of the rights of God, as if the defense of the faith was a political issue of diplomacy. Michael Matt has not zeal for the salvation of souls. Michael Matt is disobeying St. Paul and St. John who commands us, we should not even greet those who turn away from the Gospel.
That is why the Cure of Ars curses this human respect that leads souls to Hell.
Gesù è con noi
10 Am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still pleasing men, I should not be a servant[slave] of Christ Galatians 1
Thors Catholic Hammer
It is astounding that Michael Matt continues to accept bergoglio as a valid pope.
The intellectual inconsistency of his position is of course replicated throughout most of the Catholic world which sees no harm in its alleged visible head spitting directly on the face of Christ.
Arthur McGowan
"Spitting...on the face of Christ." Where is that forbidden in Canon Law? And what is the penalty?
Thors Catholic Hammer
It comes in under the canonical crime of sacrilegious blasphemy.
The penalty is excommunication from the life of the church.
In former times death by burning at the stake .
Rather draconian but it put an end to the spreading of spiritual poison.
That's what happens when you unite with "neo conservatives". You become a "neo conservative" (modernist). Michael Matt always makes fun of the counciliar conservatives and here he is "united" with them espousing their "strategies" (modernism).
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Your analysis is profound and correct. I think his forefathers would not agree with him.
The only strategy is a Mike Tyson face to face knock out....no other way to cut a snake head off. No such thing as sneak approach, chase down the snake, and cut the head off...
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Call a Synod to depose this snake...
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
This is so wrong, what Matt says here, I do not know where to begin. First, there is a big difference between the Catholic Church and a temporal government. Second, there is a big difference between living the Gospel and practicing marxist infiltration tactics. Third, do you remember what Our Lady said at Fatima? I could go on.... this man is not acting out of Faith.
Why does it matter how much Cdl. Sarah angers Francis? He'll be 75 this summer anyway, does anyone think he will be asked to stay on? Regardless of his book? At this point it doesn't really matter WHAT he says to Francis, either directly or indirectly!
Francis Gallagher
Francis Gallagher