
Francis' Mind: Slovenian Bishops Want to "Forbid Roman Mass Entirely!"

“The preconciliar rite should be entirely forbidden,” the General Secretary of the Slovenian Bishops Commission on Liturgy, rigid Father Slavko Krajnc - a priest who dresses like a Jehova Witness - …More
“The preconciliar rite should be entirely forbidden,” the General Secretary of the Slovenian Bishops Commission on Liturgy, rigid Father Slavko Krajnc - a priest who dresses like a Jehova Witness - wrote in a letter to the St Joseph Roman Mass group in Ljublijana (Rorate-caeli.Blogspot.com, January 14).
The cleric showers the simple faithful with a host of accusations: “tiredness and incomprehension of the postconcilliar liturgy,” “disobedience,” “apostasy,” setting up a “parallel Church.” However, he must admit that “a growing number of young people" are attracted to what he calls "'liturgical independence,’ which could give birth to even greater confusion in future pastoral work.”
Krajnc is happy about legalistic and merciless Francis who "finally took decisive action and made it clear he wishes to abolish the ‘parallel Church and parallel liturgies’.”
Background: Despite many requests from priests and laymen, the Slovenian bishops disobeyed Benedict XVI's Summorum Pontificum and …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
The cleric showers the simple faithful with a host of accusations: “tiredness and incomprehension of the postconcilliar liturgy,” “disobedience,” “apostasy,” setting up a “parallel Church.” However, he must admit that “a growing number of young people" are attracted to what he calls "'liturgical independence,’ which could give birth to even greater confusion in future pastoral work.”
Ursula Sankt
“They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.” —Dinos Christianopoulos
Louis IX
One begins to wonder what religion Slavko adheres to? Doesn’t seem Catholic.
They want? I was several years ago in Slovenia and could not find any traditional Roman Rite Mass. The closest available one (after Francis purged FFI in NE Italy) was on the other side of the Alps - in a SSPX chapel, in Austria.
Actually, "everything says" you're hell-bent on repeating the same old nonsense you've repeated on your previous GTV accounts, Jimmy. Francis isn't an anti-pope. Benedict resigned. Francis isn't a heretic, not according to Canon Law.
The Church decides these things, not you. Do YOU "love the church" If so, start following its rules instead of criticizing those who actually do.More
Actually, "everything says" you're hell-bent on repeating the same old nonsense you've repeated on your previous GTV accounts, Jimmy. Francis isn't an anti-pope. Benedict resigned. Francis isn't a heretic, not according to Canon Law.

The Church decides these things, not you. Do YOU "love the church" If so, start following its rules instead of criticizing those who actually do.
Les Crispi
If @Ultraviolet thinks a man who has denied the trinity, the existence of hell, the sanctity of marriage, and the sin of homosexuality ISN'T a heretic, well then maybe he's one too.
Can't reconcile Bergie's heresies with dogma. And as far as "canon law" goes, that's your everlasting fig leaf, your all purpose answer to defend Bergoglio. Except by the standards of Canon Law, Bergoglio IS a heretic. …More
If @Ultraviolet thinks a man who has denied the trinity, the existence of hell, the sanctity of marriage, and the sin of homosexuality ISN'T a heretic, well then maybe he's one too.

Can't reconcile Bergie's heresies with dogma. And as far as "canon law" goes, that's your everlasting fig leaf, your all purpose answer to defend Bergoglio. Except by the standards of Canon Law, Bergoglio IS a heretic.

And by using canon law, dogma, and logic, no pope can be a heretic. Frank is not the pope by his heresy, and not the pope by the means of his "election".

To see you run in circles again and again, over and over, makes me wonder if you've ever truly been Catholic.

Let it be known, as if we needed a reminder: you believe a man who denies Catholic dogma is the pope. You believe the man who is to carry on Peter's charge from Jesus, our Lord and Savior, is the same man who seeks to not only destroy the Church's doctrine, but it's ancient mass.

I'm embarrassed for you. The Code of Canon law is clear about heresy. Bergoglio has been very clear in his heresy.
"If @Ultraviolet thinks a man who has denied the trinity, the existence of hell, the sanctity of marriage, and the sin of homosexuality ISN'T a heretic, well then maybe he's one too."
Witch-hunt mentality. Errors are not heresy until the criteria set forth in Can. 751 have been fulfilled. Your Fallacy Is:More
"If @Ultraviolet thinks a man who has denied the trinity, the existence of hell, the sanctity of marriage, and the sin of homosexuality ISN'T a heretic, well then maybe he's one too."

Witch-hunt mentality. Errors are not heresy until the criteria set forth in Can. 751 have been fulfilled. Your Fallacy Is:
"Except by the standards of Canon Law, Bergoglio IS a heretic."
You're not citing it. Or showing it applies, Jimmy. I refuted this back when you were still " Zechariah "
A Refutation of Zechariah 4:06's "Canon 751 and Christian Logic"
"And by using canon law, dogma, and logic, no pope can be a heretic."
You're not citing the first, or the second, and you fail at the third.
"Frank is not the pope …More
"Except by the standards of Canon Law, Bergoglio IS a heretic."

You're not citing it. Or showing it applies, Jimmy. I refuted this back when you were still " Zechariah "

A Refutation of Zechariah 4:06's "Canon 751 and Christian Logic"

"And by using canon law, dogma, and logic, no pope can be a heretic."

You're not citing the first, or the second, and you fail at the third.

"Frank is not the pope by his heresy, and not the pope by the means of his "election".

Wrong on both.

"To see you run in circles again and again, over and over, makes me wonder if you've ever truly been Catholic."

I'm not running in circles, just right over you. :D

LOL "ever been truly Catholic". THIS from a guy who reeks of a Lutheran religious background.

I believe your interpretation of Francis' actions is not absolute. I believe you're not qualified to judge Canon Law on behalf of The Catholic Church. I believe you don't know the difference between a form of the Mass and the Mass itself.

" The Code of Canon law is clear about heresy. "

Yes it is, "Zechariah". :P It's clear that you're wrong. …which is why you can't cite Canon Law or show the citation applies.
It is not forbidden, and I wish clerics would stop making proclamations that it is forbidden . Even the modernist Ratzinger understood the TLM has not been replaced by the Novus Ordo.
porta folio manager
ULTRAVIOLET: not NEED Canon law... St. Paulus its enough to PROVE IT...
"if anyone, even me, comes with a DIFFERENT GOSPEL, BE ANATHEMA"...
period. (and by the way, "anathema" its excomunicated at once!)More
ULTRAVIOLET: not NEED Canon law... St. Paulus its enough to PROVE IT...
"if anyone, even me, comes with a DIFFERENT GOSPEL, BE ANATHEMA"...

period. (and by the way, "anathema" its excomunicated at once!)
The Cistercian priest sounds like how the then Abp Bergoglio was shoddy and minimal in following Summorum Pontificum. The Slovak Conciliar bishops look with envy at the post Catholic Czechia. That's what they want, like the Great Atheist in Rome.