
Paris-Chartres Pilgrimage Closes Registration Early

Notre-Dame de Chrétienté, the organisers of the Pentecost pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres, cannot accept any more pilgrims, calling it a “painful decision”. For the first time in forty years, …More
Notre-Dame de Chrétienté, the organisers of the Pentecost pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres, cannot accept any more pilgrims, calling it a “painful decision”. For the first time in forty years, registration had to be closed early. The size of the bivouacs, and the space and the number of tents are limited. Moreover, the time between the arrival of the head of the procession and its end cannot exceed two hours, otherwise the last pilgrims would arrive too late at the destinations. Although a fourth train has been organised to return to Paris, tickets are no longer available.
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Notre-Dame de Chrétienté, the association that organizes a large pilgrimage to Chartres every year at Pentecost, has recorded a participation rate in 2023 that has never been equaled in the past. No less than 16,000 pilgrims are preparing to travel from Paris to Chartres on May 27, 28 and 29.
Look at those great kids, and the young people looking after them who made the Pilgrimage, which I've heard, is grueling!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is actually a good thing, I think...because it shows overwhelming support and the amount of people who wish to attend. If it was a flop, there would still be plenty of room and tickets, etc. I think they will be stunned by the huge turnout. I also know that the scum French Bishops, the homo-lover supporters of Francis , and his Vatican, will try to ruin this pilgrimage......but I hope their …More
This is actually a good thing, I think...because it shows overwhelming support and the amount of people who wish to attend. If it was a flop, there would still be plenty of room and tickets, etc. I think they will be stunned by the huge turnout. I also know that the scum French Bishops, the homo-lover supporters of Francis , and his Vatican, will try to ruin this pilgrimage......but I hope their attempts blow up in their faces....in Francis' face especially. 🤪 😂
But no limit to the number of immigrants in the area, right?
Well...it seems your comment is apples and oranges.
Jan Joseph
Wat een geweldige opkomst van traditionele jonge Rooms Katholieken. Ik verwacht dat het aantal nieuwe traditionele priesterstudenten die het Universele Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie, voor het nieuwe studiejaar meer dan ca. 50% van alle nieuwe priesterstudenten in Frankrijk zal zijn.