
Deranged Doctrines in Francis’ Querida Amazonia

Querida Amazonia (QA) contains some crazy statements which have gone unnoticed. In §5, Francis says he wants to awaken the whole world's “affection” for the Amazon region which he calls nothing less …More
Querida Amazonia (QA) contains some crazy statements which have gone unnoticed.
In §5, Francis says he wants to awaken the whole world's “affection” for the Amazon region which he calls nothing less than a “sacred mystery,” a term which designates the Sacraments.
According to Francis we cannot only “love” the Amazon region but “we can feel intimately a part of it.” As a consequence the region will become “like a mother to us” (55).
Francis insists that we shouldn't view the peoples who live isolated from the outside world, as "'uncivilised' savages." Instead, he presents them euphemistically as "heirs to different cultures" which "in earlier times" were "quite developed" (29).
QA explains that the rain forest "is a being," that abusing nature means "abusing our ancestors," and that "we are water, air, earth and life of the environment." It demands an end to the "mistreatment of mother Earth" and says that "the land has blood, and it is bleeding (42)."
Francis explains that if we "enter …More
"Francis is the first catholic Antipope in history to promote PANTHEISM." - Thors Catholic Hammer Wrong as usual. JP-II and B-XVI got there first.
Benedict XVI claimed the entire cosmos is supposedly "one living host". Think about that for a moment. Everything is one. Every religion, every consciousness. Everything is alive and one.
John Paul II praised the …More
"Francis is the first catholic Antipope in history to promote PANTHEISM." - Thors Catholic Hammer Wrong as usual. JP-II and B-XVI got there first.

Benedict XVI claimed the entire cosmos is supposedly "one living host". Think about that for a moment. Everything is one. Every religion, every consciousness. Everything is alive and one.


John Paul II praised the "varied and expressive reality that your ancestors called the 'Pachamama' and that reflects the work of divine Providence by offering us His gifts for the good of man."


Pachamama, of course, is a foul pagan diety and reflects only the Evil One's deception.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Go away.
You are nothing but a whited sepulchre.
Oh look! It's the guy who's always crying about how he's the victim of "vile abuse". You poor darling... those naughty children says such mean things to you and such "vitriol" hurts your feelings.
Say... wait a second here. Aren't you also the chap who said "I’m going to stop engaging with you..."???
Pope shares with U.S. bishops his frustration with reaction to Amazon text
Maybe I'm confusing …More
Oh look! It's the guy who's always crying about how he's the victim of "vile abuse". You poor darling... those naughty children says such mean things to you and such "vitriol" hurts your feelings.

Say... wait a second here. Aren't you also the chap who said "I’m going to stop engaging with you..."???
Pope shares with U.S. bishops his frustration with reaction to Amazon text

Maybe I'm confusing you with Thor's Catholic Parrot. ;-) If I am, you do have my apologies. The user-names are ever so similar. :D
Thors Catholic Hammer
Francis is the first catholic Antipope in history to promote PANTHEISM.
Millions of deluded catholic fools still think this dangerous and vile wolf in sheep’s clothing is a “pope”.
Amazonia is the new earthly paradise! This is normal because it is said that the Antichrist will have the passion of women, in other words Amazons who are those who have lost the antediluvian world "Daughters of Men".
The wolves are devouring the sheep. True shepherds are silent.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
The good news is these "teachings" are such new-age eco-hippie nonsense everyone can safely ignore them without a moment's hesitation.
Thors Catholic Hammer
" The good news is these "teachings" are such new-age eco-hippie nonsense everyone can safely ignore them without a moment's hesitation"
Your belief above is the very definition of a PROTESTANT/a la carte catholic who decides alone what papal teachings he accepts and rejects.
You are the guy on this forum daily shouting and screaming that francis is a true pope.
Its not getting you …More
" The good news is these "teachings" are such new-age eco-hippie nonsense everyone can safely ignore them without a moment's hesitation"

Your belief above is the very definition of a PROTESTANT/a la carte catholic who decides alone what papal teachings he accepts and rejects.

You are the guy on this forum daily shouting and screaming that francis is a true pope.
Its not getting you anywhere but into a corner of self contradicting insanity.
[T o say nothing of the vile abuse you heap on anybody who points out your illogicality.]

2 hours ago
"Your belief above is the very definition of a PROTESTANT/a la carte catholic who decides alone what papal teachings he accepts and rejects."
...said the man who decides which "heretical, automatically excommunicated anti-popes" he accepts and rejects. Along with which of their possibly heretical Papal teachings he accepts and rejects.
Tell me, Thor. Do you accept EVERYTHING Benedict XVI ever …More
"Your belief above is the very definition of a PROTESTANT/a la carte catholic who decides alone what papal teachings he accepts and rejects."

...said the man who decides which "heretical, automatically excommunicated anti-popes" he accepts and rejects. Along with which of their possibly heretical Papal teachings he accepts and rejects.

Tell me, Thor. Do you accept EVERYTHING Benedict XVI ever taught as Pope? ;-)

That requires a YES or NO answer. :)

Don't amend it with any of your nervous little qualifications, no passive voice.

Yes or no. Then regardless of your answer, we'll go from there. Oh, yes we will!

"You are the guy on this forum daily shouting and screaming that francis is a true pope."

The only daily shouting and screaming on GTV is from you claiming the opposite.

That's all you ever really do here.

"Its not getting you anywhere but into a corner of self contradicting insanity."

I recognize Francis is the Pope. I disagree with his views. Zero contradiction between the two. Your "contradiction" lie is easily disproven.

It's a LIE because I've explained this to you before and you're repeating the claim, in full knowledge it isn't true.

"T o say nothing of the vile abuse you heap on anybody who points out your illogicality."

Awww... observe the sweet innocent little lamb, Thor, bleating unhappily that he's the victim of "vile abuse".

In truth, the only "vile abuse" that gets screamed and shouted on GTV is from you criticizing Pope Francis.