A Mystery? Security Cameras Did not Work When Cardinal Pell Died

The death of Cardinal George Pell is "shrouded in mystery", his former colleague Libero Milone, the Vatican's first auditor general, told TheAustralian.com.au (2 July). He vowed at Pell's coffin to …More
The death of Cardinal George Pell is "shrouded in mystery", his former colleague Libero Milone, the Vatican's first auditor general, told TheAustralian.com.au (2 July).
He vowed at Pell's coffin to get to the truth. Milone, a Dutch-born Italian businessman and former partner at multinational accounting giant Deloitte, is the last survivor of the trio appointed in 2015 to reform the Vatican's financial system, of which Cardinal Pell was the head. The third colleague, Ferruccio Panicco, died of cancer in June 2023 at the age of 63.
Cardinal Pell died in January 2023, aged 81, of cardiac arrest following hip surgery in Rome, although he awoke after the operation and appeared well.
TheAustralian.com.au writes that at least two of Cardinal Pell's closest confidants had urged him not to undergo the operation in Rome for safety reasons, but to return to Australia for the procedure.
Nevertheless, the Cardinal opted to have the operation at the Salvator Mundi Hospital, a very posh private hospital …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
Libero Milone, the Vatican's ex-auditor general and former colleague of Cardinal Pell, stated this week the cardinal's death is 'shrouded in mystery.'
Lisi Sterndorfer
Billy F
The enemy is within the Vineyard!!! Wicked men!
Billy F
No Kawinkidinks!!!
Boanerges Boanerges
This is why Burke is not so critical of Rome lately
Live Mike
How's that for a coinkydink?!
Christopher Shahrazade
I would not be surprised if homo Pope Francis had his equally homo hit men (priests or laity) dispatched to eliminate the threat of Cardinal Pell.
John A Cassani
I was shocked that he would have had an operation in Rome. American priests stationed in Rome in the 90s and before would always go to see “Dr. Twa” if they had need of significant medical care. Going under general anesthesia is always risky, and Italian medicine doesn’t have the best reputation.
Wilma Lopez
Knowing for sure that Pell was awaken from general anesthesia and spoke with staff.
English Catholic
Had he been covid jabbed? A close relative of mine who barely had a day's illness in her life, had atrial fibrillation and then heart failure after being covid-jabbed. She is still alive but on lots of medication and very ill. If the Italian hospitals are like the English ones, then no surprise at the camera not working. Nothing works. Even the staff, most of the time. (You might have guessed I'm …More
Had he been covid jabbed? A close relative of mine who barely had a day's illness in her life, had atrial fibrillation and then heart failure after being covid-jabbed. She is still alive but on lots of medication and very ill. If the Italian hospitals are like the English ones, then no surprise at the camera not working. Nothing works. Even the staff, most of the time. (You might have guessed I'm not an NHS fan).