Francis "Very Much" in Favour of Deaconesses

Francis is "very much in favour of the female diaconate," secularised Salesian Sister Linda Pocher told the anti-Catholic (9 February). The Vatican is currently trying to understand …More
Francis is "very much in favour of the female diaconate," secularised Salesian Sister Linda Pocher told the anti-Catholic (9 February).
The Vatican is currently trying to understand how the [invalid] diaconate of women could be put into practice, she said.
According to her, Francis wants to rethink and reorganise (sic) the relationship between the sacramental priesthood and the priesthood of all the faithful [which are essentially different], extending to all the baptised some "rights" that until recently were reserved for the clergy.
The use of the word "rights" reveals Francis' legalistic and neo-Marxist understanding of the sacrament of Holy Orders.
So far Francis has only toyed with the concept of deaconesses. But unlike his weakness for homosexual sin, he has taken no concrete steps and even warned against a "clericalisation" of the faithful.
However, it can be ruled out that Sister Pocher made her statements without Francis' approval. Only on 5 February, she …More
Sally Dorman shares this
Sister Linda Pocher reports that Pope Francis is “very much in favor of the diaconate for women,” and is now trying to determine how the practical roles that female deacons could fill in the Church.
Spot on!
Wilma Lopez shares this
Francis ‘is very much in favor of the female diaconate,’ claims nun invited to address Vatican cardinals
Wilma Lopez
Sister Linda Pocher, who was recently asked by Pope Francis to address a group of leading cardinals on the role of women in the Church, said that Francis 'is very much in favor of the female diaconate,' but has no immediate plans to implement it.
Jorge wants to wait for the homo blessing abomination to die down so he can slip this one through.
Louis IX
He does not look well at all.
Live Mike
Who cares what this man thinks?!
I don't think Pope Francis will try to ordain women priests but like his gay blessing they will innovate and use subtle sophistry to allow for some new non-ordained category for deaconesses who will wear some type of pseudo clerical garb that will look like an ordained minister. The idiocy of this will be that the Catholic Church already has deaconesses; they are called nuns and that's the role …More
I don't think Pope Francis will try to ordain women priests but like his gay blessing they will innovate and use subtle sophistry to allow for some new non-ordained category for deaconesses who will wear some type of pseudo clerical garb that will look like an ordained minister. The idiocy of this will be that the Catholic Church already has deaconesses; they are called nuns and that's the role deaconesses had in the early Church.
I greatly suspect that there will be no Priestly Ordination of women during his reign. That much at least, Pope Francis has made clear, thank God. He'll permit the Deaconess monstrosity perhaps (whatever that is or turns out to be), but not the lady priestess monstrosity. God be praised, we will in all likelihood, be spared the blasphemous horror of that particular mummer’s parody. With this …More
I greatly suspect that there will be no Priestly Ordination of women during his reign. That much at least, Pope Francis has made clear, thank God. He'll permit the Deaconess monstrosity perhaps (whatever that is or turns out to be), but not the lady priestess monstrosity. God be praised, we will in all likelihood, be spared the blasphemous horror of that particular mummer’s parody. With this pontificate one must be grateful for small mercies.
English Catholic
Being as he said this recently Pope Francis on women deacons: ‘Holy orders is reserved for men’ one can only wonder if he is suffering from some kind of schizoaffective disorder or going the same way as his pal Joe Biden. P.S. Just as an asides, he looks really ill in this photo.