Archbishop: Strong Words On Manchester Victims. Poor Children: Monsignor Luigi Negri, the former archbishop of Ferrara, Italy, published on La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana a letter to the victims of the …More
Archbishop: Strong Words On Manchester Victims.

Poor Children: Monsignor Luigi Negri, the former archbishop of Ferrara, Italy, published on La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana a letter to the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing that killed 23 youngsters. The title: "Poor children of a society that does not recognize evil." Negri belongs to the small Catholic wing of the Italian Bishops.

Only Two Things: Negri writes to the victims, "You were born, often undesired, and nobody has given you 'adequate reasons to live'. They only told you two things: that you can do whatever you want, because each of your desires is a right, and that it is important to have the largest possible number of consumer goods."

The Devil: Negri points out that the victims were never told that there is Evil. Quote, "Evil is a person, not a series of forces or energies. It is a person. There, during your concert, this person crouched down."

Deadly Silence: Commenting on the upcoming funeral, Negri writes: "Don't worry, they did not help you to live but they will organize a 'first-rate' funeral for you, during which a short-winded secularist rhetoric will make a supreme effort, with all authorities standing silently, sadly also the religious ones.

Outdoors: Negri continues, "Of course, your funerals will be celebrated outdoors, even for those of you who were believers, because in our times the only temple is nature." And: "In the churches they do not celebrate funerals anymore because, as Cardinal Sarah put it so sharply, in the Catholic churches they are now celebrating the funeral of God."

Plush Toys: Archbishop Negri says to the victims that – quote: "They will not forget to place on the sidewalks your plush toys, the memories of your childhood, and of your early youth. Then, everything will be filed in the rhetoric of those who have nothing to say in the face of such tragedies because they have nothing to say in the face of life."

Hope: Negri hopes - quote - "that at least some of these cultural, political and religious gurus will hold back their words and will not overrun us with their usual speeches saying that this 'it is not a religion war', that 'religion by its nature is open dialogue and understanding'."

Wasted Life: At the end the archbishop promises: "I am an old bishop who still believes in God, in Christ and in the Church, I will celebrate Mass for all of you on the day of your funeral in order that, whatever your religious practice has been, you may meet on the other side Our Lady's dearest face who may embrace you and comfort you for this wasted life, not for your fault but for the fault of your adults.
Speaking in the Polish parliament, Beata Szydło raged at the terror threat posed to European nations following the Manchester terror attack, in which 22 people were killed at a pop concert.
She called on European leaders to “rise from your knees and from your …More

Speaking in the Polish parliament, Beata Szydło raged at the terror threat posed to European nations following the Manchester terror attack, in which 22 people were killed at a pop concert.
She called on European leaders to “rise from your knees and from your lethargy or you will be crying over your children every day”.
She said: “We are not going to take part in the madness of the Brussels elite, we want to help the people, not the political elites.
I have the courage to say and I have the courage to ask all European political elites a question: Where are you headed? Where are you headed, Europe?
Rise from your knees and from your lethargy or you will be crying over your children every day.”
The politician spoke ahead of a parliamentary vote in which the opposition sought to oust defence minister Antoni Macierewicz.
She said: “If you cannot see that today terrorist danger is a fact that can hurt every country in Europe and you think that Poland should not defend itself, you are going hand in hand with those who point this weapon against Europe, against all of us.
This is an attack on Europe, on our culture, our tradition. Why am I talking about that? That is a good question because all of us in this room have to answer the question… Do we want politicians that claim that we have to get used to attacks and who describe terrorist attacks as ‘incidents’?
Or do we want strong politicians that can see a danger and fight against it effectively?”...
hitherto shares this
archbishop Manchester.
archbishop Manchester.

It is not surprising that the liberals and leftists hate what Archbishop Negri says and even insult him. All the more important it is, that Negri is not afraid to speak up. Which "Catholic" bishop would today dare to say what he says?
Holy Cannoli
Waiting for Monsignor Luigi Negri to lambaste these murder victims, their parents and the victim's lifestyles without mentioning the actual perpetrators of the slaughter.
And if anyone would dare to say a public rosary for the victims they'd more than likely be stabbed by the muhamaddins in that town.
Thank You oh Lord for Archbishop Negri
Don Reto Nay
Archbishop Luigi Negri is hated by radicals, liberals and the left-wingers because he upholds the Catholic faith. Thank you, archbishop.
Holy Cannoli
Holy Cannoli
She's not very intelligent, I understand that her song lyrics are filthy and she's made various ignorant comments about the country of her birth. Yet, while Archbishop Negri is blaming everyone he can think of except the actual Islamic perpetrators of this murderous act, this simple minded twit, Ariana Grande, is doing this.
Sure there are probably promotional reasons for her paying …More
She's not very intelligent, I understand that her song lyrics are filthy and she's made various ignorant comments about the country of her birth. Yet, while Archbishop Negri is blaming everyone he can think of except the actual Islamic perpetrators of this murderous act, this simple minded twit, Ariana Grande, is doing this.


Sure there are probably promotional reasons for her paying for their funerals. Still, as we vulgarians occasionally say, “money talks, bull *excrement* walks.”
Along the lines of Negri's prediction, tattoo parlors are overbooked with requests for bees in honor of Manchester victims.
I support this Archbishop.
Bravo Monsignor Negri! You are one of the very, very few voices of the Church today who had the courage and faith to speak the truth.
Don Reto Nay
Archbishop Negri is trashed by the leftists and Commies and victimised with fake news because he upholds Catholic teachings. Thanks God for Archbishop Negri.
Holy Cannoli
one of the best Italian bishops?
Is the following an appropriate comment made in public by a Catholic Cardinal? What does this say about our Church?
...the 74-year-old prelate supposedly said he hoped the Madonna would work a miracle and cause Pope Francis to die, referring to the example of Pope John Paul I, who died after just 33 days. Allegedly, Negri also had some harsh things to say about …More
one of the best Italian bishops?

Is the following an appropriate comment made in public by a Catholic Cardinal? What does this say about our Church?

...the 74-year-old prelate supposedly said he hoped the Madonna would work a miracle and cause Pope Francis to die, referring to the example of Pope John Paul I, who died after just 33 days. Allegedly, Negri also had some harsh things to say about bishops’ appointments by Francis in the Italian dioceses of Bologna and Palermo. (In both cases, the pontiff tapped men seen as center-left to replace figures perceived as more conservative.)

One can't even imagine what the worst Italian bishops are like.
Negri is one of the best Italian bishops, and one of the last who is not afraid of being a Catholic. Thank you, Monsignor, for your necessary words.
As news emerges still of the identities of those who died, it seems a mixture of young, as young as 8 years old, as well as parents who were waiting for their children to come out from the performance. Like Monsignor Luigi, we can offer Mass for the souls of these victims, each made in the image and likeness of God.
@Holy Cannoli I don't know anything of Archbishop Luigi besides this letter. I certainly don't lump what he is saying in with the technique of liberal politicians. I thought he was countering their useless sympathies. No doubt, in the days to come, a back story will emerge on Abedi and it will be our fault he had succeeded in so much destruction of life. But again, I don't hear Luigi's comments as …More
@Holy Cannoli I don't know anything of Archbishop Luigi besides this letter. I certainly don't lump what he is saying in with the technique of liberal politicians. I thought he was countering their useless sympathies. No doubt, in the days to come, a back story will emerge on Abedi and it will be our fault he had succeeded in so much destruction of life. But again, I don't hear Luigi's comments as relating to the actor of violence at all, but rather the young lives, now lost, being wasted in what was not living. There will never be an opportune time to say this.
Holy Cannoli
Hello Jungerheld,
I don't believe this is the time for such a caustic insesitive letter from Archbishop Luigi. This is a time for sympathy for the families of the victims. Typical for liberals, they will not mention those who were directly responsible for the murders but, as in this case, he would prefer to blame society, the parents and who knows what else rather than Pope Francis' dear Muslims. …More
Hello Jungerheld,
I don't believe this is the time for such a caustic insesitive letter from Archbishop Luigi. This is a time for sympathy for the families of the victims. Typical for liberals, they will not mention those who were directly responsible for the murders but, as in this case, he would prefer to blame society, the parents and who knows what else rather than Pope Francis' dear Muslims.

He's not alone in doing this. Politicians have perfected this technique of looking for someone else to blame rather than the perpetrators. They are all afraid to blame Muslims. Look who this loon is blaming now!
@Holy Cannoli I think we're seeing that even a nuke would not wake them (us) up as they need to be woken up. Perhaps even if someone should rise from the dead it would not wake them (us) up. I don't think the letter is about blaming anyone for the Manchester massacre. I think it's about hoping to wake us (adults) up. Among the 22 who lost their lives, some were parents waiting to retrieve their …More
@Holy Cannoli I think we're seeing that even a nuke would not wake them (us) up as they need to be woken up. Perhaps even if someone should rise from the dead it would not wake them (us) up. I don't think the letter is about blaming anyone for the Manchester massacre. I think it's about hoping to wake us (adults) up. Among the 22 who lost their lives, some were parents waiting to retrieve their children after the event. They will not wake up.
Holy Cannoli
I would agree in the nearly universal sentiment that all politicians are worthless and stupid but in addition Monsignor Luigi (the overstuffed bloated bishop whose god is his belly) proves that Catholic clerics will not be outdone by stupid politicians. In typical Catholic fashion, Monsignor Luigi gets it totally wrong.
What happened to the pastoral approach that we have heard so much about from …More
I would agree in the nearly universal sentiment that all politicians are worthless and stupid but in addition Monsignor Luigi (the overstuffed bloated bishop whose god is his belly) proves that Catholic clerics will not be outdone by stupid politicians. In typical Catholic fashion, Monsignor Luigi gets it totally wrong.

What happened to the pastoral approach that we have heard so much about from the Catholic hierarchy including HH? What happened to having compassion for the families and victims of an horrendous mass murder? What happened to simple common sense?

Like a good liberal, Monsignor Luigi has abandoned any rational sentiments of sorrow and loss for the families of the victims, some of whom have still not found their missing children, but rather makes an asinine statement which assigns blame to the murdered victims.

The actual fault lies with the politicians in the UK who have done nothing to stop the Muslim invasion and little to search for and destroy pockets of radical Islam (kill the infidel) being fueled at Mosques (read: terrorist recruitment centers).

Here's news for you Monsignor Luigi and others of a similar mind set:

ISLAM is NOT a religion.....
ISLAM IS a Political Movement..…

And since they have been allowed to breed and produce a new generation or 2 of British subjects who hate western culture and its citizens and who listen daily and weekly to radical Islamic preachers who reinforce their hatred for the civilized world, we will see more bombings and other similar atrocities. Meanwhile, clueless clerics like Archbishop Luigi, will continue to blame the victims. Eventually I hope these kind of “it's really our own fault” clerics are permanently shamed and ignored for their insensitivity and stupidity.

Muslim KILLERS are not going to ever be impressed or persuaded by soft words from squishy clerics or yellow ribbons or candle light vigils or little Union Jack and Muzzie Flags distributed followed by the obligatory group hug while ignoring the problem living right down the street. Islamic Terrorism. They will only be persuaded when every last one of the worthless scum is confronted by a suitably armed soldier who puts a bayonet up his rear and says “get in that deportation truck”! And if that makes me a racist in your naive eyes, so be it. In my eyes you're stupid for allowing this murderous jihad to continue unabated.

With Liberals running the UK., maybe a nuke going off at Buckingham Palace will wake this sad country up. Europe, indeed the entire civilized world, is at war with Islam whether or not politicians or Italian clerics like Archbishop Luigi realize it.

God Bless President Trump