French Bishops Find "Wonderful Moments of Beauty and Joy" in the Olympic Opening Ceremony

The French Bishops’ Conference has published a mindless reaction to the transvestite and blasphemous opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. The bishops' secular creed: "We believe that …More
The French Bishops’ Conference has published a mindless reaction to the transvestite and blasphemous opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.
The bishops' secular creed:
"We believe that the values and principles expressed and spread by sport and Olympism contribute to this need for unity and fraternity that our world greatly needs, with respect for everyone's beliefs, around sports that bring us together and promote peace among nations and hearts."
The statement claims that during the opening ceremony – which was condemned by virtually the entire sane online world, including homosexuals and other religions – there were "wonderful moments of beauty and joy". It was "rich in emotion, and universally praised."
Toward the end of the bishops' statement do they add an alibi condemnation: "Unfortunately, this ceremony included scenes of ridicule and mockery of Christianity , which we deeply regret."
The bishops think of all the Christians [not God?] who were hurt by the excesses …More
Joséphine Cyr shares this
Catholic Bishops Conference of France have issued a statement regarding the opening ceremonies, last night: “In the run-up to the Paris Games, the Holy Cames project has been mobilizing a large number of Catholics for almost three years to share the sporting and popular fervor surrounding the Paris Games, this magnificent event organized by our country. Last week, we were delighted to organize the …More
Catholic Bishops Conference of France have issued a statement regarding the opening ceremonies, last night: “In the run-up to the Paris Games, the Holy Cames project has been mobilizing a large number of Catholics for almost three years to share the sporting and popular fervor surrounding the Paris Games, this magnificent event organized by our country. Last week, we were delighted to organize the opening mass of the Olympic Peace, in the presence of numerous religious, political and sporting figures. We believe that the values and principles expressed and disseminated by sport and Olympism contribute to the need for unity and fraternity that our world so desperately needs, while respecting everyone's convictions, around the sport that brings us together and promotes peace among nations and hearts. Last night's opening ceremony, organized by the COJOP, offered the whole world some wonderful moments of beauty and joy, rich in emotion and universally acclaimed. Unfortunately, the ceremony included scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity, which we deeply regret. We thank the members of other religious denominations who expressed their solidarity with us. This morning, we are thinking of all Christians on every continent who have been hurt by the outrageousness and provocation of certain scenes. We want them to understand that the Olympic celebration goes far beyond the ideological biases of a few artists. Sport is a wonderful human activity that deeply delights the hearts of athletes and spectators alike. Olympism is a movement at the service of this reality of human unity and fraternity. Let the field of competition bring truth, consolation and joy to all!”
I am shocked and deeply humiliated by the Catholic Bishops of France, who dared to talk about the beauty of the values being elucidated by the Olympic filth.
Hopefully the numerous authentic Catholics in France will stage a Rosary rally and protest of the games similar to the protect at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles against the "sisters of perpetual indulgence."
Don’t hold your breath.
Wilma Lopez shares this
French Bishops’ response to the mockery of Christianity at the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics.
Boanerges Boanerges
Paris and EU as whore of Babylon. How great their fall will be.
True Mass
They are soft. They are swishops. The Church needs men. Real men.
chris griffin
The great majority of Catholic Bishops are cowardly traitors.
Sally Dorman
There seems to be a certain fixation (guilt complex) with decapitated Marie-Antoinette in France.
Billy F
The Enlightenment’ deceivers lied so much about Marie. She was not who history portrays her. She was a Catholic woman and our sister. Eternal Rest Grant her!
The globalists have ordered thousands, thousands of guillotines. This is part of their Agenda 2030. They're not for (our)entertainment.
Frauenthemen und Vanitas
That's it? French bishops “deplore scenes in which Christianity was ridiculed” during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.
Louis IX
Does it not bother the bishops that God was ridiculed?
Is the blue monster supposed to be Christ, Our Lord? 😡
The blue, naked monster?
Father Karl A Claver
This is demonic, satanic, and totally pagan. The eldest daughter of the Church has become a trans prostitute.
Billy F
Evil days. Enemies without and within the Vineyard! The evil Spirit of 1789 has spread throughout the world, even into the Church. It is the evil spirit that brought about 1917! God will not be mocked!
Frauenthemen und Vanitas
Saint Joan of Arc, pray for your France