
The purpose of our life

Whatever course of life you choose, whatever ambition you pursue, the purpose of our life and the primary[1] duty for people of all ages and of all professions is— to live in love— to be a living …More
Whatever course of life you choose, whatever ambition you pursue, the purpose of our life and the primary[1] duty for people of all ages and of all professions is— to live in love— to be a living inspiration of goodness to many; to bring people on the path of God.
God expects everyone to live a fruitful[2] life— God abhors anyone who live their life like a wasted talent[3].
As a member of God's family, we are commanded to live in love.
God expects everyone to blend the primary principle of life (love ) in everything that we do. All that we do in love, is to be done sincerely; faithfully and diligently, to the best of our ability— in the honour of God.
2. Making the best of the potentials and talents God has given us. To grow in Grace and every virtue of God— being humble; being loving; being kind; being understanding; being forgiving; being truthful; being faithful; being generous; being compassionate; being charitable— be an example of being God's child, to the people you work for …More

Christmas crib' 2020_ night time

Message: God is with us— always!!! Description: Star and the Cross: The star symbolizes Jesus's birth. Jesus Christ came into this world in love— to teach us to love and live in the presence of God.…More
God is with us— always!!!
Star and the Cross:
The star symbolizes Jesus's birth. Jesus Christ came into this world in love— to teach us to love and live in the presence of God. The cross symbolizes the salvation of the world. The cross of suffering is inseparable from the joy of Jesus's birth.
Heart: The red heart symbolizes Jesus's love for us— in love HE was born; in love HE suffered for us and in love HE died on the cross for our salvation.
Vine: The vine symbolizes the liveliness of Jesus Christ— in HIM our life bears much fruit; it is in HIM, that our life becomes worthy of God's Eternal kingdom.
Wings: The wings symbolizes God's Holy Spirit— watching over us and protecting us from all evils— all the time.
Hand and foot (white): The little hand and foot symbolizes all the people who believe in God and live like the children of God— in Faith and Love. Hand and foot (black): The matured hand and foot (in black) symbolizes the world who unbelieve in God— they live …More

Christmas crib' 2020

Message: God is with us— always!!! Description: Star and the Cross: The star symbolizes Jesus's birth. Jesus Christ came into this world in love— to teach us to love and live in the presence of God.…More
God is with us— always!!!
Star and the Cross:
The star symbolizes Jesus's birth. Jesus Christ came into this world in love— to teach us to love and live in the presence of God. The cross symbolizes the salvation of the world. The cross of suffering is inseparable from the joy of Jesus's birth.
Heart: The red heart symbolizes Jesus's love for us— in love HE was born; in love HE suffered for us and in love HE died on the cross for our salvation.
Vine: The vine symbolizes the liveliness of Jesus Christ— in HIM our life bears much fruit; it is in HIM, that our life becomes worthy of God's Eternal kingdom.
Wings: The wings symbolizes God's Holy Spirit— watching over us and protecting us from all evils— all the time.
Hand and foot (white): The little hand and foot symbolizes all the people who believe in God and live like the children of God— in Faith and Love. Hand and foot (black): The matured hand and foot (in black) symbolizes the world who unbelieve in God— they live …More

Listen to HIM

God speaks more to our heart, when we speak less and listen(1) more to HIS words. 1. Listen attentively with faith— with a calm spirit— and live in HIS love. HIM= Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son of God.More
God speaks more to our heart, when we speak less and listen(1) more to HIS words.
Listen attentively with faith— with a calm spirit— and live in HIS love.
HIM= Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son of God.

Beautiful person

The true Beauty and strength of a person is— his Faith in God; his moral strength(1); his ability to Love, understand and forgive others. 1. Gentleness; kindness; patience; perseverance; diligence.More
The true Beauty and strength of a person is— his Faith in God; his moral strength(1); his ability to Love, understand and forgive others.
Gentleness; kindness; patience; perseverance; diligence.

Jesus's presence is like...

Jesus's presence is like the ladder in Jacob's dream. God is very near to us and yet, we cannot feel the proximity of HIS loving presence. Jesus's presence is like the burning bush that the Prophet …More
Jesus's presence is like the ladder in Jacob's dream.
God is very near to us and yet, we cannot feel the proximity of HIS loving presence.
Jesus's presence is like the burning bush that the Prophet Moses experienced.
God gives us the warmth of HIS love and in HIS faithful love HE relents(1) from consuming us— for our sins.
Jesus's presence is like the soft murmur of wind that the Prophet Elijah experienced.
God is always with us, in every little moments; in little Joy; in little satisfaction; in little calm; in little peace— and yet, we often fail to notice(2) HIS presence.
Jesus's presence is like the 'burning hearts' of the two disciples, on the road to Emmaus.
In quiet and silence, God instructs and enlightens our hearts, our minds with HIS wisdom and gives a burning zeal to proclaim HIS word. 1. For God is a God of tenderness and compassion; slow to anger, rich in faithful love. 2. Because we are searching for God's presence in greater things, and expecting God to give greater moments …More

Holiness is for all

Holiness is about our constant ongoing faithful relationship with God, despite our difficulties; sufferings; weaknesses and sins. Holiness count for much about our faithful relationship(1) with God …More
Holiness is about our constant ongoing faithful relationship with God, despite our difficulties; sufferings; weaknesses and sins.
Holiness count for much about our faithful relationship(1) with God than our virtuous and charitable deeds— how much we love and honour God despite our weaknesses and sins; how much we strive to be at peace with God.
Holiness is concerned with a life that is simple, and outstanding in a way that leaves a fragrance of our God relationship, in everything that we do.
Holiness calls for being a living witness of God— at all times, in all places.
On the path of Holiness, repentance is the first step that brings us closer to God. The commandment of love helps to strengthen and perfect us in our God relationship— making us Holy.
1. An act of honour to God— doing our best in our daily chores and assignments; an act of faith— through prayer and scripture reading; an act of thanksgiving— throughout the day; an act of humble submission, in the reverence of God— especially …More

We need God— we need HIS love

A temperament that is dominated by natural inclinations(1) has less patience; less understanding; is impetuous; is impulsive; is arrogant; is unforgiving; is stubborn and is filled with hatefulness. In …More
A temperament that is dominated by natural inclinations(1) has less patience; less understanding; is impetuous; is impulsive; is arrogant; is unforgiving; is stubborn and is filled with hatefulness.
In day-to-day life, many a times we commit errors, we misbehave and we do wrong things. Sometimes, through our conversation and deeds wrong messages are conveyed deliberately, unknowingly and inadvertently.
We live in a world where many a times things(2) are misunderstood, misconceived and misjudged— this gives rise to confusion; discord and division.
To live in this world, we need God. We need HIS love— to understand(3) others and to forgive others.
Without love(4), forgiveness and mercy, every relationship and everything else will fall apart. Only in the love of God, we'll have the strength of endurance and persistence, to persevere in our faith and live in peace with God— in this unbelieving world.
1] bad temper; anger; shouting; abusive language and malice.
2] Our words; behaviour and …More

Less in God— more in sin

Everyday a man is becoming less(1) a Man created in the image of God— as he is growing less in God and more in sin. We are called to be witnesses of God's Love(2) and mercy, in the world— not to get …More
Everyday a man is becoming less(1) a Man created in the image of God— as he is growing less in God and more in sin.
We are called to be witnesses of God's Love(2) and mercy, in the world— not to get inebriated and drowned(3) in the vanity of the world.

1] The more we become 'of the world' — we'll become less familiar with God and more alienated in our relationship with God and people— and more vulnerable to sin.
2] To love, as Jesus Christ has loved us, and to forgive, as Jesus Christ has forgiven us.
3] Vain satisfactions and pleasures of the world seduces our heart to move away from God. It gradually depletes our spiritual strengths— our love for God; mutual understanding; patience; forgiveness; mercy.

Be a wise-fool for God

Living and growing in Love, mutual understanding and fellowship(1) is more important than all the knowledge, manners and etiquettes of the world that makes us look more polished and elegant in the eyes …More
Living and growing in Love, mutual understanding and fellowship(1) is more important than all the knowledge, manners and etiquettes of the world that makes us look more polished and elegant in the eyes of the world— but still unworthy, in the eyes of God.
as people of God— as God's universal family.
Be a wise-fool rather than Beauty-fool.
Wise in the eyes of God, but a fool (for Christ), in the eyes of the world— the world underestimates people of God.
Beauty-fool are those who live according to the standards of the world— the world esteems them as beautiful— but are unworthy fools, in the eyes of God.
Those who live according to the word of God, live wisely, and look pleasingly beautiful in the eyes of God.

Alluring world

A heart that loves the world— dissipates(1). The satisfaction that the world brings to our heart, induces ever more dissatisfaction(2)— leaving us bereft of inner peace. 1] Dissipation is the curse …More
A heart that loves the world— dissipates(1).
The satisfaction that the world brings to our heart, induces ever more dissatisfaction(2)— leaving us bereft of inner peace.
Dissipation is the curse of the evil, who rules the vanity of the world.
A heart that loves the world dissipates— because it eagerly and anxiously seeks earthly satisfactions.
2] It dissipates and remains dissatisfied because it desires and seeks everything worldly; everything vain— except God.

Love and suffering

Suffering is an inevitable and a gracious(1) companion on the path of Love. Through suffering, God perfects us in HIS Love, and brings us closer(2) to HIM. The way of Jesus Christ is Love. Love willingly …More
Suffering is an inevitable and a gracious(1) companion on the path of Love.
Through suffering, God perfects us in HIS Love, and brings us closer(2) to HIM.
The way of Jesus Christ is Love.
Love willingly suffers(3), for the honour of God.
Love obediently(4) suffers, for love always does God's will.
Love joyfully suffers, that Christ, our joy, may live(5) with us.
Where there is love, there is suffering.
Where there is suffering(6), there is Christ. Where there is Christ, there is Love, Joy and Peace(7). [1]
God bestows HIS favour on those who love HIM and suffer for HIM. [2]God makes us HIS children. [3]Love willingly and patiently suffers, to unite people with God— to bring unbelievers and sinners to good faith in God— by their exemplary life in Christ. [4]Obedient to God— obedient to HIS commandment of love. [5]Christ, our joy, may live within us to heal us; strengthen us and perfect us. [6]Christ suffered for us and is still suffering with us. [7]In the cauldron of sufferings, God's …More

Working together with God

Our efforts must work together(1) with God's Grace(2). For God's Grace is a living water, in which human efforts come to fruition. Let our life be on the path of love (of God), then our efforts will …More
Our efforts must work together(1) with God's Grace(2).
For God's Grace is a living water, in which human efforts come to fruition.
Let our life be on the path of love (of God), then our efforts will be rightly guided for the welfare of humankind, and generously accompanied by God's Grace.
Our efforts must conform to God's ways. God's Grace is on the path that gives honour to God— not on the path of selfish ambition; self-interest; self-indulgence and restless curiosity that manipulates nature; defiles human dignity and tampers God's creation.
[2]God's Blessing is always with us. God is always ready to help us— provided we are with God— on the path of God;
provided our Faith is with God; our Humility is with God;
provided our efforts are not inclined on the path of self-glory and pride and defiance to God.

Mercy of God

There is no great a sin, that is greater than the mercy of God. There is no great a sin, that cannot be forgiven by the mercy of God. God is ready and willing to forgive us, and heal us— if we are …More
There is no great a sin, that is greater than the mercy of God.
There is no great a sin, that cannot be forgiven by the mercy of God
God is ready and willing to forgive us, and heal us— if we are ready to humble ourselves before God; acknowledge our sins and trust in HIS "Great Mercy".
King David did it.
Mary Magdalene did it.
St. Augustine of Hippo did it.
God, Heavenly Father, is Patiently waiting for you— to forgive you and bring you to new life, in Jesus Christ, HIS Beloved Son.

A Hopeful way in the impossible

Sometimes, we experience times and circumstances in our life, where we come to a dead end[1]. In such adverse times, we need to follow the wise words of Prophet Moses— to be calm; steadfast and trust …More
Sometimes, we experience times and circumstances in our life, where we come to a dead end[1].
In such adverse times, we need to follow the wise words of Prophet Moses— to be calm; steadfast and trust wholeheartedly in God.
We must humble ourselves before God; be calm[2] and put our trust in God and our life in God's merciful hands.
Then, God in HIS saving justice, will certainly show HIS Great Mercy and part[3] difficult circumstances aside and open a hopeful way in the impossible.
There seems no way out— like Prophet Moses and people of Israel stood helpless beside the impossible Red sea.
2. Let fear and anxieties aside and wait patiently with persevering Faith in God.
3. The way God parted the impossible Red sea, and made a hopeful way for the Israelites.
In present worldwide crisis, we need the Love and Mercy of God, to sustain us and survive all that is going to happen to us. It is the foolishness and stubbornness of human pride to always rely on human assistance. Rather, we must …More


A strong Faith perseveres in God and humbly waits upon God with hope, even when our understanding fails to comprehend times and circumstances and God's will.More
A strong Faith perseveres in God and humbly waits upon God with hope, even when our understanding fails to comprehend times and circumstances and God's will.

Love God

Love God through repentance: acknowledge your sins and renounce your sins and amend your life in Love. Love God through humility: acknowledge God's authority in your life and govern your life by the …More
Love God through repentance: acknowledge your sins and renounce your sins and amend your life in Love.
Love God through humility: acknowledge God's authority in your life and govern your life by the commandment of Love; willingly accept God's plan for your life— and patiently bear your daily cross.
Love God through kindness and charity: help the needy and the orphans; administer justice to the needy; use your time and talents generously for good cause.
Love God through suffering: patiently bear your sufferings and difficulties of life; willingly accept suffering from God's hand; attend to the sick; help those in distress— comfort them.
Love God through forgiveness: forgive the people who hurt you and ill-treated you; all those who unloved you; all those who despised you; all those who abused you; all those who cursed you.
Love God through reconciliation: reconcile your life with God; reconcile with your spouse; reconcile with your parents; reconcile with all those with whom your relationship …More

The burden of life— burden of sin

The burden of life feels heavy and unbearable1. But truly, it is not the burden of life, that lays heavy on us— it is the burden of sins, that lays heavy on our heart and our soul. The tempter subtly …More
The burden of life feels heavy and unbearable1. But truly, it is not the burden of life, that lays heavy on us— it is the burden of sins, that lays heavy on our heart and our soul.
The tempter subtly deceives us in believing the heaviness of the burden of life— and averts our heart from considering the burden of sin.
When the burden of sin is removed from our heart through repentance, and the yoke of love is laid on our shoulders, our burden feels light— the yoke of Jesus is easy and light2. The yoke of love is a mighty strength, and a strong rampart3 for our heart.
Although, the burden of life still persist— we now have a Peaceful heart, which is yoked with the love of Christ.
A Peaceful heart, at Peace with God, has unflagging strength to live happily under any circumstances, and carry every burden of lifeeasily and willingly.
When we get too involved in the activities of the world— all we reap is a burden of restlessness (our restless heart seeks the satisfactions of the world …More

Live in Love— live in God's Peace

A heart that is built on Love; A family that is built on Love; A community that is built on Love; A city that is built on Love; A nation that is built on Love; A world that is built on Love— lives in …More
A heart that is built on Love;
A family that is built on Love;
A community that is built on Love;
A city that is built on Love;
A nation that is built on Love;
A world that is built on Love— lives in God's Peace.
Love perseveres in God and unites us with God— and God keeps the unity, and guards the unity of HIS people with HIS Peace.
A world that is built on Love— lives in God's Peace. For where Love livesthere, God lives. And where God livesthere, Peace reigns.

Be Watchful

God is always with us. And HE speaks to our heart, through words of the Holy Bible; through people; through events and circumstances. Through the current circumstances, God is warning us about the fate …More
God is always with us.
And HE speaks to our heart, through words of the Holy Bible; through people; through events and circumstances.
Through the current circumstances, God is warning us about the fate of our sinful and unrepentant life.
Those who have built their life on solid rock— on persevering Faith and Love of God, are secured now and for eternity. No disaster or enforcement can quarantine their Faith and Hope in God. Their Faith proves strong, undeterred by the calamity, and their life will continue in Peace of God, as ever, when the wave of difficult circumstances is over.
But as for those, who have built their life on sand— on Pride; vanity and unbelief— retribution keeps waiting for them on the day of doom. Their life blindly continues on the path of ruin, with a restless heart that seeks the transitory peace of the world. Their heart is lulled by the peace of the world, and their eyes are prevented from foreseeing their ruin.
Reflecting on the parable of "wise and foolish …More