David John Hegarty
David John Hegarty shares from De Profundis
Kenneth williams accents
Kenneth Williams on accents. This'll see you through to home time. Watch to the end.
Hound of Heaven
As with many comedians, there are vast insights within his jocularity.


Homoerotic singer to entertain teens on Easter Monday in the Vatican. The Italian bishops have invited Italy's leading soft porn singer and rapper to perform at St. Peter's Square on Easter Monday …More
Homoerotic singer to entertain teens on Easter Monday in the Vatican.
The Italian bishops have invited Italy's leading soft porn singer and rapper to perform at St. Peter's Square on Easter Monday before an audience of 60,000 teenagers.
Related: "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - "2013-2022: Nueve años con Francisco"
Riccardo Fabbriconi, known professionally as Blanco, won acclaim from LGBTQ+ fans after a homoerotic performance at Italy's Sanremo 2022 Festival where he does a double act with singer Alessandro Mahmood, who is rumored to be gay.
"Blanco and Mahmood have become true icons for homosexuals," Italian media QDS.it reported, commenting on the duo's "intense and enchanting song 'Brividi,'" (translated as "shivers" or "chills"). The song uses the "f-word" and celebrates a homoerotic relationship.
See also: "Two Years of Global Health Tyranny" - "Miles - Christi - English 2021"
The invitation to Blanco is at the behest of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI), which has …More
Grand Jury: Revealing the Agenda for World Domination. “The Covid-19 Pandemic is a Criminal Operation”

Grand Jury: Revealing the Agenda for World Domination. "The Covid-19 Pandemic is a Criminal Operation …

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop …
David John Hegarty shares from en.news
Altar pictures

Vandal Archbishop Destroys Beautiful 18th Century Altar

Ancona Archbishop Angelo Spina, 67, has ruined the monumental altar in Ancona Cathedral by moving its front part forward, thus causing irreversible damage. This act of vandalism costed him €350,000, …More
Ancona Archbishop Angelo Spina, 67, has ruined the monumental altar in Ancona Cathedral by moving its front part forward, thus causing irreversible damage.
This act of vandalism costed him €350,000, according to Italian media. The previous arrangement which had turned the cathedral into a Novus Ordo meeting hall spared at least the altar which had survived Napoleon, Garibaldi, Communists, Fascists, National-Socialists, two World Wars, Christian Democrats, a 1972 earthquake but not Spina.
The altar was donated in 1730 by Benedict XIV. The famous Italian art critic Vittorio Sgarbi published pictures of the destruction on Internet (below) calling this "a big stupidity." However, stupidity is a key prerequisites for becoming a Novus Ordo bishop. Similarly, John Paul II destroyed the Altar of the Chair in Saint Peter's.
MessaInLatino.it writes that only days ago, Spina threatened cloistered nuns to not open their renovated monastic church “until you have fixed the altar.”
On the other hand,…More
David John Hegarty shares from De Profundis
Evolution of the American family
가입을 원합니다
Western men and women marry because they love each other. Asian men and women love each other because they are married.More
Western men and women marry because they love each other.
Asian men and women love each other because they are married.

Not only with the jabs, they also poison us with the PCR test.

COVID PCR Test Swabs are as dangerous as inhaling Asbestos. An experimental physicist and bio-materials researcher examined various PCR test swabs under a microscope and found that the fibres they …More
COVID PCR Test Swabs are as dangerous as inhaling Asbestos.
An experimental physicist and bio-materials researcher examined various PCR test swabs under a microscope and found that the fibres they contain are as dangerous for human beings as inhaling asbestos.
Professor Antonietta Gatti examined various PCR test swabs and analysed their ingredients. The results showed that they are made of tough materials and contain a large number of nano-particles including silver, aluminum, titanium, and glass fibres. All of which are not declared on the PCR test package insert.
According to the Professor if these fibres get stuck in the mucous membranes they can cause severe wounds and inflammation. Mucous membranes that are no longer intact can no longer fulfill their role of fending off viruses, bacteria and fungi before they reach the airways. The germs penetrate the respiratory tract without any immune filter. This isn’t good news for those who have been compliant with the authorities rules since …More
David John Hegarty shares from en.news

Was John Paul I Really a "Saint"?

Francis opened on October 13 the way for a “beatification” of John Paul I (Albino Luciani, +1978), but the journalist Americo Mascarucci remains sceptical. He stresses on MarcoTosatti.com (October 15…More
Francis opened on October 13 the way for a “beatification” of John Paul I (Albino Luciani, +1978), but the journalist Americo Mascarucci remains sceptical.
He stresses on MarcoTosatti.com (October 15), that between 1967-1969, Vittorio Veneto Bishop Luciani mishandled the “Schism of Montaner” when a whole village renounced Catholicism embracing Orthodoxy over the appointment of a parish priest by Luciani. Luciani arrived in Montaner, escorted by police to remove the Blessed Sacrament from the church.
He repressed in his diocese Padre Pio's prayer groups and forbade pilgrimages to San Giovanni Rotondo.
It was his merit as Venice Patriarch when he dissolved the local FUCI (Catholic Student Federation) because they supported the introduction of civil divorce in Italy.
However, at the same time, he looked with great hostility at the Roman Rite and “almost obsessively imposed the observance of the modern missal.”
David John Hegarty shares from en.news

Symbolic: Brutalist Monster Church in Dublin Demolished (Video)

One of Ireland’s biggest churches, the 3,500-seat Annunciation Church in Dublin, Finglas West, was demolished, reports ItsMyIreland on Youtube.com (October 25, Video below). Plans to tear down the …More
One of Ireland’s biggest churches, the 3,500-seat Annunciation Church in Dublin, Finglas West, was demolished, reports ItsMyIreland on Youtube.com (October 25, Video below).
Plans to tear down the building were announced three years ago due to falling attendance, a deteriorating structure, and safety concerns. Archbishop John Charles McQuaid (+1973) commissioned the church in brutalist style in 1962. It was opened in 1967.
Mass attendance in Ireland has collapsed from 91% weekly Mass attendance in 1972 to presently 2% in parts of Dublin. The church will be replaced by a smaller structure that will seat just over 300. There is little hope that the new church will be more beautiful than the previous.
David John Hegarty shares from en.news

Liturgical Screwtape Letters Leaked to Gloria.tv

A July 28 letter of Westminster Cardinal Nichols to Archbishop Roche, the Prefect of the Liturgy Congregation, has been leaked to Gloria.tv (below). It contains six questions regarding the application …More
A July 28 letter of Westminster Cardinal Nichols to Archbishop Roche, the Prefect of the Liturgy Congregation, has been leaked to Gloria.tv (below).
It contains six questions regarding the application of Traditionis Custodes. Nichols asked:
- whether following-up documents on TC will be issued;
- whether TC abrogates the celebration of the other sacraments and the Roman Breviary;
- whether the Novus Ordo calendar must be imposed on the Roman Rite;
- what translations must be used for Roman Rite readings;
- who exactly constitutes a Roman Rite “group” (TC);
- whether TC allows for Roman Rite Requiems according to the 1971 Agatha-Christie indult. Nichols mentions a canonical interpretation of TC presented by The Latin Mass Society whose raison d’être is the promotion of the Roman Rite (“obviously this is not in accord with the mind of the Holy Father”), and other similar groups (FSSP, Institute of Christ the King). Nichols asks how to deal with them. Roche’s August 4 reply insists that …More
Wilma Lopez
One wonders where this zeal to enforce Papal legislation on bishops was when Ex Corde Ecclesiae and Redemptionis Sacramentum were promulgated?
Nothing new just like Luther, they hate Catholic concept of Divine Victim, Priesthood, Holy Sacrifice, offered to God the Father in propitiation for …More
Nothing new just like Luther, they hate Catholic concept of Divine Victim, Priesthood, Holy Sacrifice, offered to God the Father in propitiation for our sins.