Are Science and Religion Compatible? –…/sspx-seminary-p… – Our first story concerns a new book by Fr. Paul Robinson of Holy Cross Seminary in Australia. He has published a book …More
Are Science and Religion Compatible? –…/sspx-seminary-p… – Our first story concerns a new book by Fr. Paul Robinson of Holy Cross Seminary in Australia. He has published a book on realist philosophy, affirming that science and truth come from the same Divine source. Fr. Robinson’s work advances the thesis that epistemological realism is a necessary precondition for both theology and the physical sciences, and that the apparent conflict between religion and science is more illusion than reality.
Learn more at
2018 © Society of St. Pius X. All rights reserved.
2018 Chartes Pilgrimage Announced –…/theme-2018-pent… – The annual Pentecost pilgrimage sponsored by the Society of Saint Pius X in France recently announced this year’s theme …More
2018 Chartes Pilgrimage Announced –…/theme-2018-pent… – The annual Pentecost pilgrimage sponsored by the Society of Saint Pius X in France recently announced this year’s theme, “For the Honor of Jesus Christ.” The annual pilgrimage, which will be held from May 19th through the 21st, begins at Chartes Cathedral and concludes in Paris. More information is available at
Learn more at
2018 © Society of St. Pius X. All rights reserved.
00:31 – March 2nd, 2018 – Weekly Recap. – This week we look at a recent conference given by Bishop Bernard Fellay on our current relations with Rome, a new development in Canada …More – March 2nd, 2018 – Weekly Recap. – This week we look at a recent conference given by Bishop Bernard Fellay on our current relations with Rome, a new development in Canada that affects Christian business owners, a study on young children’s increasing access to the internet, and a new challenge urging Catholics to reduce the use of technology during Lent.…/bishop-fellay-s… – Recently, Bishop Bernard Fellay – General Superior of the Society of Saint Pius X – gave a conference on the Society of Saint Pius X's current relationship with Rome. His review included possible future developments and the historical background from which these discussions began. The full audio of this interview is available at…/canada-signals-… – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party announced that it would tie funding for the country’s “Summer Jobs” program to the acceptance of so-called “reproductive rights.” The success of the program,…More
Focus on Others – Technology Detox Challenge. - Today’s world is full of distractions. While technology is a tool that can be used for both good or bad, it is often a source of …More
Focus on Others – Technology Detox Challenge. - Today’s world is full of distractions. While technology is a tool that can be used for both good or bad, it is often a source of distraction that weakens our personal relationships and scatters our inner peace.
Focus on the things that truly matter: Faith, Family and Friends.
Unplug your life so that you can focus on living well and encourage others to do the same.
A Community Challenge:
It's up to you to take the challenge and share it with your family and friends. Without your involvement your family and friends may never see this challenge or have the courage to do it themselves. Together we can can change the society but only if we as individuals take action.
Why are we using technology to promote unplugging from technology?
Because technology in itself is not bad - but since it is often misused, we can make a difference now by using it for good, and help others all over the country do the same. How Does this Work? …More
Angels & Exorcists: Latest Issue of "The Angelus"… – Hello, I’m Father John Carlisle, Priest of the Society of St. Pius X and teacher here in St. Mary’s, …More
Angels & Exorcists: Latest Issue of "The Angelus"… – Hello, I’m Father John Carlisle, Priest of the Society of St. Pius X and teacher here in St. Mary’s, Kansas – at the Academy. I just want to review with you the latest edition of the Angelus Magazine.
This one is on Angels. In our materialistic world, it is a reality all too easily and often overlooked. On the one hand we have the good angels – who guide us, protect us. What is an angel actually? Is it a cartoon or is it a subsistent intellect, a pure spirit. We have an article here on “Love’s Fire – Angels in the Divine Comedy” giving us a glimpse of what are these pure spirits?
On the other hand we have the demons - who are also pure spirits but deformed. A very interesting interview with an exorcist. Question for example, “In the course of the exorcisms which you have performed, how could you recognize the presence of satan?” And very very interesting answers to this.
We also have in the …More
New Book Challenges Atheists.… – The Realist Guide to Religion and Science Faith is not opposed to reason because both of them come from the same God. The …More
New Book Challenges Atheists.… – The Realist Guide to Religion and Science
Faith is not opposed to reason because both of them come from the same God. The medieval scholastics had a beautiful way of expressing this. They said that God teaches us through His book of Revelation, which is Scripture and He teaches us through His book of nature, which is the reality around us. And because they come from a single source, which is a reasonable God, by definition, they cannot be in conflict.
Purchase the book at…
2018 © Society of St. Pius X. All Rights Reserved.
00:35 – February 23rd, 2018 – Weekly Recap. – This week we look at a recent conversation with Bishop Bernard Fellay on Fatima, an interview with Bishop Athanasius Schneider on the …More – February 23rd, 2018 – Weekly Recap. – This week we look at a recent conversation with Bishop Bernard Fellay on Fatima, an interview with Bishop Athanasius Schneider on the fallout from Amoris Laetitia, and an archeological discovery of an ancient church in Turkey.…/interview-bisho… – An interview with Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X, is now available online. The interview includes, among other things, a discussion on the centenary of Fatima in light of the ongoing crisis in the Church. Bishop Fellay recounted the importance of the Fatima apparitions, saying that they should inspire Catholics to spread the Faith and combat the errors which have crept into the Church over the past century.…/bishop-schneide… – Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan, also gave an interview denouncing the idea of the so-called “pastoral” provisions allowing the reception of communion by the divorced and civilly …More
02:10 – February 16th, 2018 – Weekly Recap. – This week we look at Cardinal Joseph Zen of the Catholic China Underground, a secret ordination in a concentration camp of Dachau in …More – February 16th, 2018 – Weekly Recap. – This week we look at Cardinal Joseph Zen of the Catholic China Underground, a secret ordination in a concentration camp of Dachau in 1944, and the 160th anniversary at Lourdes.…/cardinal-zen-pl… – Cardinal Joseph Zen, bishop emeritus of Hong Kong, met with the Holy Father on January 12th, 2018 to plead the cause of the bishops of the clandestine Church in China. These bishops may have to bear the devastating consequences of a possible “reconciliation” between the Holy See and the communist Chinese government. The Chinese prelate mentioned the cases of Bishop Peter Zhuang of Shantou and Bishop Guo Xijin of Mindong, who received an order from Rome to leave their sees in order to pacify relations with the Chinese government.…/remembering-194… – While the victims of the Second World War are regularly commemorated, many saintly heroes are still forgotten. That is why took a special look at a …More
02:47 – February 9th, 2018 – Weekly Recap. – This week we look at SSPX seminarians receiving the cassock, the work of the Society in Nigeria, and a story about a persecuted Chilean …More – February 9th, 2018 – Weekly Recap. – This week we look at SSPX seminarians receiving the cassock, the work of the Society in Nigeria, and a story about a persecuted Chilean Jesuit.…/21-men-take-par… – This year on February 2nd, the Feast of the Purification of Our Lady, nine seminarians received the cassock and twelve the clerical tonsure from the hands of His Excellency Bishop Bernard Fellay. It is the practice of the Society of Saint Pius X to give the cassock and tonsure on this Marian feast as it is the same day the Church also commemorates the presentation of the Infant Jesus in the Temple. These ceremonies, receiving the cassock and tonsure, express the giving of one’s life to the service of God, and are thus aptly reflected in the actions of both Our Lord and His Holy Mother celebrated on this day.…/interview-sspx-… – This week’s News also features an extensive interview with Fr. Peter Chrissement on the work of the SSPX in Nigeria …More
02:19 – February 2nd, 2018 – Weekly Recap. – This week we look at the 800th anniversary of the Mercedarians, the popularity of the feast of the Epiphany in Poland, and Christian …More – February 2nd, 2018 – Weekly Recap. – This week we look at the 800th anniversary of the Mercedarians, the popularity of the feast of the Epiphany in Poland, and Christian persecution in Eritrea.…/mercedarians-ce… – On January 17th, 2018, the ‘Holy See Press Office’ published a message sent by Pope Francis to the Master General of the ‘Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy’ – or Mercedarians. The order is celebrating its 800th anniversary this year. Approved by Pope Gregory IX in 1218, this religious order was founded by St. Peter Nolasco to ransom Christian slaves from Muslims in Spain. Excerpts from Pope Francis’ message can be found at…/feast-epiphany-… – The feast of the Epiphany became a national holiday again in Poland seven years ago, and its popularity has done nothing but grow since. For over 50 years, January 6th was just like any other day in Poland. Beginning in 1960, under the Communist regime, the people had …More
Don Reto Nay
Well done! 👏
@Dr Stuart Reiss: These people seem to be a remnant of the true catholic church, which obviously does not apply to some actors in the Vatican – January 26th 2018 Weekly Recap. – Welcome back to another weekly news summary from – Information and Analysis on the Life of the Church. This week we look at the …More – January 26th 2018 Weekly Recap. – Welcome back to another weekly news summary from – Information and Analysis on the Life of the Church. This week we look at the results of the 2016 to 2017 Rosary Crusade, recent reports about persecuted Christians around the world, and the annual retreat of the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart in India.…/results-2016-20… – The results from the Rosary Crusade which took place from 2016 to 2017 have just recently been released. The preliminary worldwide total during the two years was over 8.1 million Rosaries. Although the goal of 12 million rosaries was not reached, we cannot ignore the great generosity of the United States District, where over 3 million rosaries were recited – accounting for over 37% of the worldwide total.…/more-3000-chris… – According to the numbers from a Protestant non-governmental organization over 3,000 Christians were killed for their faith in 2017. This number …More
02:19 – January 12th, 2018 – Weekly Recap. – Welcome back to another weekly news summary from – Information and Analysis on the Life of the Church. This week we look at …More – January 12th, 2018 – Weekly Recap. – Welcome back to another weekly news summary from – Information and Analysis on the Life of the Church. This week we look at the growth of the Society of Saint Pius X, a new study on the integrity of the Society’s founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and a new video on the Fatima Pilgrim Statue’s journey around the United States.…/sspx-celebrates… - Following the 2017 ordinations, the Society of St. Pius X now has 637 priests, with 123 professed brothers and 79 oblate sisters working by their side. In its seminaries and novitiates throughout the world, approximately 250 young men are currently being formed in the service of the altar. The next step in the life of the Society in 2018 is its General Chapter meeting, which is held every 12 years to elect a Superior General and two assistants.…/new-article-exa… - Fr. Paul Robinson, a professor at the Society of Saint Pius X’s Holy Cross Seminary …More
The Story of Fatima - Andrew Clarendon.… – Angelus Press Conference speaker, Andrew Clarendon, talks about his conference – The Story of Fatima. His talk is …More
The Story of Fatima - Andrew Clarendon.… – Angelus Press Conference speaker, Andrew Clarendon, talks about his conference – The Story of Fatima. His talk is available for order purchase at…
Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Virgin Statue - SSPX. - In 2014 the U.S. District of the SSPX commissioned a special statue of Our Lady of Fatima. It was blessed and solemnly crowned on …More
Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Virgin Statue - SSPX. - In 2014 the U.S. District of the SSPX commissioned a special statue of Our Lady of Fatima. It was blessed and solemnly crowned on the departure of the route on March 25, 2015. Traveling to over 110 destinations during a two and a half year trip, this Pilgrim Virgin statue has concluded Her journey as of December 8th 2017.

She stands upon the clouds of heaven. Her hands folded. It is Our Lady. The Virgin, Mother of God. She begs Her Son to spare mankind. She begs mankind to hear Her message of conversion.
It was 1917. And yet – as time passes, Her message from over 100 years ago becomes more relevant, more urgent, and more meaningful for our times.
The United States District of the Society of St. Pius X organized a devotion to Our Lady of Fatima in honor of the 100th anniversary of Her apparitions. A devotion that was publicly held for over two and a half years and built around a special statue of our Lady of Fatima …More
The Many Rotten Fruits of Protestantism - Dr. Louis Shwartz.… – Angelus Press Conference speaker, Dr. Louis Shwartz talks about his conference entitled 'The Many …More
The Many Rotten Fruits of Protestantism - Dr. Louis Shwartz.… – Angelus Press Conference speaker, Dr. Louis Shwartz talks about his conference entitled 'The Many Rotten Fruits of Protestantism'.
The 2017 Conference audio product is available for pre-order/order at…
Protestant Revolution and Catholic Reformation - Dr. John Rao.… – Angelus Press Conference speaker, Dr. John Rao talks about his conference entitled 'Protestant …More
Protestant Revolution and Catholic Reformation - Dr. John Rao.… – Angelus Press Conference speaker, Dr. John Rao talks about his conference entitled 'Protestant Revolution and Catholic Reformation'.
The 2017 Conference audio product is available for pre-order/order at
Is the Third Secret Entirely Revealed? - Christopher Ferrara.… – Angelus Press Conference speaker, Christopher Ferrara discusses his conference entitled 'Is the …More
Is the Third Secret Entirely Revealed? - Christopher Ferrara.… – Angelus Press Conference speaker, Christopher Ferrara discusses his conference entitled 'Is the Third Secret Entirely Revealed?'. The 2017 Conference audio product is available for pre-order/order at
Bishop Tissier de Mallerais – Archbishop Lefebvre on the "Three Revolutions"… – Angelus Press Conference speaker, Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais discusses …More
Bishop Tissier de Mallerais – Archbishop Lefebvre on the "Three Revolutions"… – Angelus Press Conference speaker, Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais discusses his conference entitled, 'Archbishop Lefebvre on the Three Revolutions'. The 2017 Conference audio product is available for pre-order/order at
Please note, the Conference Audio product will be available at the end of December. There is no guaranteed delivery by Christmas!
Recommended reading by His Excellency:… and………
What is an SSPX Brother? The life of the Brothers of the Society of St. Pius X is sadly not well-known. The U.S. District of the Society of St. Pius X has thus produced a short video to help inform …More
What is an SSPX Brother?
The life of the Brothers of the Society of St. Pius X is sadly not well-known. The U.S. District of the Society of St. Pius X has thus produced a short video to help inform everyone of the crucial mission Archbishop Lefebvre entrusted to them. God, grant us many holy religious vocations!…/vocation-brothe… – Video Transcription – Credidimus Caritati the motto of Archbishop Lefebvre was chosen out of zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. From the early days in Econe, Switzerland to growth and expansion across Africa, Asia, America, Europe, and beyond, the life blood of the Society of St. Pius X's mission has always been: the Catholic priesthood. Each year, numerous priests join ranks in the Society's apostolic mission which aims to give souls the grace they thirst for – through the Traditional Latin Mass, the traditional sacraments, and even through the formation and education of the faithful. Founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the …More
Over 1,400 Attend: Acies - Pro Life Rosary, St. Marys, KS. - Hope is only gone when the good do nothing. We can make a difference, we can actually do something to combat the evils of …More
Over 1,400 Attend: Acies - Pro Life Rosary, St. Marys, KS. - Hope is only gone when the good do nothing. We can make a difference, we can actually do something to combat the evils of our day. We were last year, the largest profile event in Kansas on this day, January 22nd - the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. Today in St. Marys we are going to be organizing a Rosary along the main thorough fair in St. Marys and this Rosary is going to be prayed for the end of abortion both in the United States and in the world.
We've lost 57 million babies that we'll never see again. So, this is raising awareness for this and at the same time asking for the graces to have it stopped. People are coming out from all over St. Marys to fight against abortion both on the natural level with the protest and more importantly on a supernatural level with the Rosary.
You could say we pray the Rosary because in every Hail Mary we remember the very moment of the Incarnation of our Lord. Through that …More