Holy Mass: French Movement Publishes [Another] Appeal to Deaf Ears

Jean-Pierre Maugendre, director of "Renaissance Catholique", a Catholic association in France, published an appeal on 22 April asking Francis to "allow" the Roman Mass, as if Francis had inadvertently …More
Jean-Pierre Maugendre, director of "Renaissance Catholique", a Catholic association in France, published an appeal on 22 April asking Francis to "allow" the Roman Mass, as if Francis had inadvertently "banned" it in 2021.
Maugendre: "The Church is afflicted by an internal crisis that manifests itself in a decline in religious practice, a decline in priestly and religious vocations, a decline in sacramental practice, and even a growing disagreement between priests, bishops and cardinals that was unthinkable until recently."
He knows that the Holy Mass contributes to the revival of the Church and writes that "despite all the attempts to suppress it, especially during the current pontificate, it lives on".
The Holy Mass bears abundant fruits of piety, explains Maugendre, it increases vocations and conversions, attracts young people and is the source of many flourishing works.
Every attempt has been made to increase the number of vocations and the faithful and to counteract the decline after …More
Please Francis, allow us to have a Catholic Mass, pretty please!
P. O'B
How about a novena to Paul VI for the restoration of the Old Mass?
4 more comments

Candace Owens Converted to the Church

Candace Owens, 35, an American political commentator and critic of the controversial Black Lives Matter propaganda organisation, has converted to the Church at the Brompton Oratory in London. She wrote …More
Candace Owens, 35, an American political commentator and critic of the controversial Black Lives Matter propaganda organisation, has converted to the Church at the Brompton Oratory in London.
She wrote on Twitter (22 April): "I have made the decision to come home". Owens has started attending Mass with her English husband George Farmer, who converted to the Church from evangelicalism. They are both very affluent.
In September, Owens will speak at the "Catholic Identity Conference" organised by the RemnantNewspaper.com.
She parted ways with DailyWire.com at the end of March because of her critical views on Israel's war against Gaza. "There is no justification for genocide. I can't believe that this needs to be said, or that it's even the least bit controversial to say it", she stated.
Ben Shapiro, co-founder of the Daily Wire, is Jewish and implacably pro-Israel.
English Catholic
I think Russell Brand was alluded to on this thread. Yes, I'd love anyone to convert to Catholicism. But he needs to stop dabbling in tarot cards: …More
I think Russell Brand was alluded to on this thread. Yes, I'd love anyone to convert to Catholicism. But he needs to stop dabbling in tarot cards: Russell Brand on Instagram: "How do you interpret this sign? Does it resonate with you?
(7 days ago - April 16th 2024)
Sandy Barrett shares this
Candace Owens becomes Catholic 🇺🇸
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Cardinal Burke Remains in his Roman Apartment

Cardinal Raymond Burke has found financial supporters to pay for his Roman apartment, reports Loup Besmond de Senneville on La-Croix.com (22 April). In November, Francis asked the Cardinal, whom he …More
Cardinal Raymond Burke has found financial supporters to pay for his Roman apartment, reports Loup Besmond de Senneville on La-Croix.com (22 April).
In November, Francis asked the Cardinal, whom he considers an "enemy", to pay the monthly rent according to the estimated market price in Rome: 8,000 euros.
It is revealing that the "Pope of a Poor Church" is so interested in money.
Picture: Raymond Burke © CatholicAction.org, CC BY, #newsTtoelqlnln
P. O'B
He can always camp out under his cappa magna.
Geminiano Secundo
Who needs a dog that doesn't bark when it should?
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Switzerland: Gaystapo K.O., Priest Acquitted

Petra Vanoni, a judge at the criminal court in Bellinzona, Switzerland, has acquitted German-born Manfred Hauke, a priest and internationally renowned theologian, of trumped-up charges of "discrimination …More
Petra Vanoni, a judge at the criminal court in Bellinzona, Switzerland, has acquitted German-born Manfred Hauke, a priest and internationally renowned theologian, of trumped-up charges of "discrimination" and "incitement to hatred".
The priest was being persecuted by homosexual activists from an organisation called "Pink Cross".
The trial centred on a scientific essay on homosexual sins and pedophile priests by Professor Dariusz Oko, a Polish priest and professor. His text was published in January 2021 in the theological journal "Theologisches", of which Hauke is the editor. Judge Petra Vanoni couldn't find in the scientific article any "ideology that discriminates against homosexuals".
Hauke will be reimbursed CHF 20,000 for court costs.

German "Catholic" Church Blesses Thirteen "Deaconesses in the Spirit"

Auxiliary Bishop Ludger Schepers of Essen, Germany, has named 13 women from all over Germany as "Deaconesses in the Spirit". He did this during a ceremony on 13 April in the church of the Franciscan …More
Auxiliary Bishop Ludger Schepers of Essen, Germany, has named 13 women from all over Germany as "Deaconesses in the Spirit".
He did this during a ceremony on 13 April in the church of the Franciscan Sisters of Waldbreitbach. The event included a 'blessing' and the presentation of a 'Deaconess in the Spirit' certificate (sic).
The event marked the end of three and a half years of formation in the "Women's Diaconate Network".
In his homily, Monsignor Schepers claimed that women "are also called to the diaconate" [by whom?].
According to Schepers' imbalanced theological understanding, it is an "imbalance" and a "grievance" that the sacrament of Holy Orders is reserved [by Christ] only for men.
Presiding German Bishop Georg Bätzing, who has long since fallen away from the Catholic faith, 'congratulated' the 13 women in a written message, claiming that 'you are a blessing for our Church'.
Some of the women are employed by the German Church and are already "preaching" at Novus Ordo Eucharists. …More
"Deaconesses in the Spirit".....what the hell is that? What does such foolishness even mean? 😡 😡 😡More
"Deaconesses in the Spirit".....what the hell is that? What does such foolishness even mean? 😡 😡 😡
Tony M
Of course Jorge is right behind them in this matter....with his tricky, ambiguous, fork-tongued way of conning us all into going with it.....and many …More
Of course Jorge is right behind them in this matter....with his tricky, ambiguous, fork-tongued way of conning us all into going with it.....and many will be happily duped!!!
Pope Francis establishes new commission to study women deacons | Catholic News Agency (Apr 8, 2020)
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The Latest Victims of Francis' Spying System

On 3 April, MessaInLatina reported that the Vatican gendarmerie had been investigating leaks for some time, mainly from the Fabbrica di San Pietro, but also from the Roman Vicariate. Then, on 13 April …More
On 3 April, MessaInLatina reported that the Vatican gendarmerie had been investigating leaks for some time, mainly from the Fabbrica di San Pietro, but also from the Roman Vicariate.
Then, on 13 April, it emerged that the Vatican had attempted to take action against SilereNonPossum.com, a blog that has published information on precisely these issues.
According to MessaInLatino, three people are under investigation: Monsignor Mauro N.; the lay functionary Antonio G.; and Patrizio M., the secretary of a high prelate of St Peter's. Their computers and mobile phones were confiscated. One of them was detained for several hours.
The Fabbrica di San Pietro is responsible for the conservation, maintenance and use of St Peter's Basilica. It is headed by the Archpriest of the Basilica. After Francis replaced the former archpriest, Cardinal Comastri, with Cardinal Gambetti, there is a tense climate among the staff.
There are many complaints about the deterioration of cleanliness and order in the …More
What a toxic nightmare the Vat has become under Jorge from the jungle.

Austria: Bishop Back-Stabs Human Rights Activists

Hundreds of people demonstrated on 23 March at a 'March for Life' in Innsbruck, Austria. The pro-homosexual propagandist and local Novus Ordo bishop, Hermann Glettler, internationally known as a promoter …More
Hundreds of people demonstrated on 23 March at a 'March for Life' in Innsbruck, Austria.
The pro-homosexual propagandist and local Novus Ordo bishop, Hermann Glettler, internationally known as a promoter of blasphemious art, stabbed the pro-lifers in the back.
On the day of the demonstration, he told Kathpress.at that "lasting persuasion is more likely to succeed through conversations and personal encounters than through demonstrations in the streets".
The "hardened fronts" around the issue of abortion would require a "common disarming of words and gestures, respectful listening and approaching each other" - which the Novus Ordo bishops have been doing for decades, with the result that they themselves support laws that allow abortion.
During the event, parish priest Ignaz Steinwender, a cleric from the region, found words that correspond to the Gospel.
He said that "Church representatives who do not courageously throw themselves into the fight" against abortion are "no longer servants …More
Novena - Oremus shares this
Shouldn't Andreas Wailzer have written about that on LifeSiteNews.com? This is a major scandal that should spread far and wide.
An unspeakable betrayal. Such treachery makes this wolf in shepherd’s clothing no less than fully complicit in the wholesale slaughter of innocent …More
An unspeakable betrayal. Such treachery makes this wolf in shepherd’s clothing no less than fully complicit in the wholesale slaughter of innocent babies murdered by the millions in their own mother’s wombs. His words and inaction thrusts the bloody blade into the beating hearts of unborn children. Hell awaits him in eternity…and may a millstone hang heavy upon him in this life.

Texas Carmelite Nuns Reject Vatican's Unilateral Decree

The Carmelite nuns of Arlington, Texas, reject the decision of the Vatican's Dicastery for Religious to be incorporated into the Carmelite Association "Christ the King" (statement of 20 April). Curiously …More
The Carmelite nuns of Arlington, Texas, reject the decision of the Vatican's Dicastery for Religious to be incorporated into the Carmelite Association "Christ the King" (statement of 20 April).
Curiously, this decision was taken without consulting the nuns, who learned of it after the decree was published by Bishop Olson of Forth Worth.
The nuns call this a "hostile takeover" of their community [and their valuable 72 acre/0.3 km2 property - almost the size of the 0.4 km2 Vatican - worth up to $20 million].
"To accept the decree would jeopardise the integrity of our monastery as a community, threatening the vocations of individual nuns, our liturgical and spiritual life and the material assets of the monastery," the nuns write.
They ask the Vatican to enter into direct dialogue with them, and say that the Vatican has not responded to their canonical appeal. In particular, they appealed against Bishop Olson after the Vatican appointed him, who is in open conflict with the nuns, as …More
Aaron Aukema
Olson was, I would presume, acting on orders from above. At issue is the Traditional Carmelite rule, which is at variance with Bergoglio's "Cor Orans"…More
Olson was, I would presume, acting on orders from above.
At issue is the Traditional Carmelite rule, which is at variance with Bergoglio's "Cor Orans" trash, which subjugated all "contemplative" orders to larger "associations" that are worldly and fully dedicated to the "New Springtime" of Vatican II. Read Gaudium et spes, and realize that the contemplative life is inconsistent with the "New Evangelization". That is what is happening. Contemplative orders that were once thriving and growing must be placed under a more "modern" rule.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Arlington Carmelites decry “hostile takeover” 🇺🇸
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House Search At German-born Bishop in Bolivia

Bolivian police have searched the home of retired Bishop Karl Stetter, 83, of San Ignacio de Velasco, who was born in Ellwangen in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He is suspected of "money laundering". …More
Bolivian police have searched the home of retired Bishop Karl Stetter, 83, of San Ignacio de Velasco, who was born in Ellwangen in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
He is suspected of "money laundering". Police seized several documents, cash and a van. The diocese denied the accusations in a press statement on 19 April (Adn.Celam.org), saying that Mgr Stetter was the victim of an abusive and biased approach by the public prosecutor's office and confirming that its administrative processes had been transparent.
Mgr. Stetter told journalists that he didn't know the exact reasons for the search. The Bolivian Bishops' Conference has expressed its solidarity with him.
Stetter's sister, Irme Stetter-Karp, is the president of the "Central Committee of German Catholics", an anti-Catholic and anti-Christian organisation which fights for immoral causes such as abortion, homosexuality and the destruction of the Catholic faith.

Bye bye Women's Emancipation: U.S. Regime Subjects Women to Male "Identities"

On Friday, the Biden regime repealed Title IX, a 1972 US federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in any educational program or activity that receives federal funding. It was …More
On Friday, the Biden regime repealed Title IX, a 1972 US federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in any educational program or activity that receives federal funding.
It was replaced by a law that declares "gender" to be "gender identity". The law, which comes into effect on 1 August, will allow men who present themselves as "female" to receive academic and athletic scholarships intended for women. Men will have access to women's toilets, changing rooms, etc. Men can even be housed in women's dormitories.
Students and faculty will be forced to conform their speech to imaginary pronouns or be charged with 'harassment' if they don't submit to the law.
Bishop Robert Barron, a 'conservative', wrote on Twitter.com that he seriously worries about religious freedom in the U.S. and asked whether "we will be censored and coerced in our speech", even though this is precisely what the new law says.
Tony M
Whether or not the Bishops of the United States have the courage to formally excommunicate Biden .,..JOE BIDEN IS NOT A CATHOLIC!!! Of course, Jorge in …More
Whether or not the Bishops of the United States have the courage to formally excommunicate Biden .,..JOE BIDEN IS NOT A CATHOLIC!!!
Of course, Jorge in Rome won't excommunicate him.....because he is not a Catholic either!!!
Next question.....how many of the Bishops of the United States are Catholic???
Billy F
This diabolical!!!
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A Bishop Apologises for Calling Biden “Stupid”

Monsignor Robert Gruss, Bishop of Saginaw, Michigan, apologised on Friday for calling abortion propagandist Joe Biden "stupid" during a recent talk (CatholicNewsAgency.com). According to the language …More
Monsignor Robert Gruss, Bishop of Saginaw, Michigan, apologised on Friday for calling abortion propagandist Joe Biden "stupid" during a recent talk (CatholicNewsAgency.com).
According to the language used in such cases, Gruss regretted that his comments were "taken out of context". He assured that he had spoken of "forgiveness" and not of holding grudges, including against pro-abortion Joe.
"I used the word 'stupid' in reference to President Biden and I recognise that it was a poor choice of words," Mgr Gruss said, "It was not meant to be disparaging and I apologise."
Linguists wonder how the word "stupid" can be used to describe a person without being "disparaging".
"I don't have resentfulness toward him, I'm sad for him... He's not living the life Jesus wants for him." I wish this bishop had been in Saginaw when …More
"I don't have resentfulness toward him, I'm sad for him... He's not living the life Jesus wants for him."
I wish this bishop had been in Saginaw when I lived there...
Sometimes an apology isn't really an apology, as when a politician says, "I'm sorry...that you were offended."
That is NOT what happened with this comment and subsequent apology. He apologized because his comment was not meant to be disparaging. But his comment was accurate.
Personally, I think it was way too generous. Biden isn't ignorant or stupid related to the truths of the Catholic faith. He may be ignorant or "stupid" when it comes to how far he thinks he can wander as a prodigal. I have no idea. I know if he seeks God's will without duplicity he will know God's will, just like you and me.
Irishpol shares this
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Waste of Time: Coptic Bishop Explains End of "Ecumenical Dialogue" with Vatican

Ecumenical dialogue is not producing results, Kyrillos, a Coptic Orthodox bishop from Los Angeles and co-chair of an international theological dialogue between Catholic and schismatic Oriental Orthodox …More
Ecumenical dialogue is not producing results, Kyrillos, a Coptic Orthodox bishop from Los Angeles and co-chair of an international theological dialogue between Catholic and schismatic Oriental Orthodox groups, told Aleteia.org (18 April).
On 23 December, Bishop Kyrillos asked the Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity to clarify Francis' homosexual propaganda piece 'Fiducia Supplicans' to the Oriental Orthodox Churches.
In January 2024, the Vatican celebrated the 20th anniversary of the "dialogue" with the Oriental Orthodox, but three months later, on 7 March, the Synod of Bishops of the Coptic Orthodox Church announced that it was suspending it.
Kyrillos defended this decision on two grounds: "Fiducia Supplicans", and the fact that the meetings produced few results and avoid difficult issues.
Ecumenical meetings are stuck at a preliminary stage and never get to the point of resolving differences, he said: "We just identify them and write them down, and then we move on".
As …More
Billy F
Agreed! Freemasonic Indifferent Ecumenism and dialoging is solemn nonsense!!! Call all men to The King's Sacred Heart and His revealed dogmatic truths …More
Agreed! Freemasonic Indifferent Ecumenism and dialoging is solemn nonsense!!! Call all men to The King's Sacred Heart and His revealed dogmatic truths given to His Bride!!!
Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus!!!
1 John 2:22
Matthew 28:18-20
John 14:6
Luke 17:1-2
2 John 1:9
Ivan Tomas
Quelle surprise! Ecumenitas is not a single jota better than Dignita Infernitas. How about: Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus!More
Quelle surprise!
is not a single jota better than Dignita Infernitas.
How about:
Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus!
One more comment

Cardinal Müller: Left-wing Fascists Want to Tell People What to Think

The obsessive neurotic reaction of anti-discussion ideologues to the National Conservatism Conference (NatCon) in Brussels on 16-17 April was predictable, writes Cardinal Müller in a statement on 18 …More
The obsessive neurotic reaction of anti-discussion ideologues to the National Conservatism Conference (NatCon) in Brussels on 16-17 April was predictable, writes Cardinal Müller in a statement on 18 April.
"Left-wing fascist activists emphatically welcomed the deprivation of the fundamental right of freedom of assembly of the largely Jewish organisers".
Müller condemns the unlawful instrumentalisation of the police and writes that the local mayor, who was responsible for the repression, is accused of having links to terrorist groups in Turkey.
The Cardinal warns of today's "fascist, national socialist, communist, gender-wokist (= anti-marriage and anti-family) and infanticidal (= pro-abortion) ideologues who want to dictate to all inhabitants of the territory they rule what they should think and what they should eat or how they should speak and dress".
What Müller doesn't say: Without the police intervention, the NatCon conference would hardly have been noticed.

Rome: FSSP Church Restored

On 19 April, in a small ceremony, the façade of the Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini church in Rome was illuminated after several months of restoration. The church is served by the Priestly Fraternity …More
On 19 April, in a small ceremony, the façade of the Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini church in Rome was illuminated after several months of restoration.
The church is served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP). It is the last oasis for Roman Rite Catholics, among hundreds of little-used Novus Ordo churches in the Eternal City.
Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini was consecrated in 1616 and has statues of the four evangelists on its restored façade. They were added in 1723 by Francesco De Sanctis, a late Baroque Italian architect best known for designing the Spanish Steps.
Bractwo Piotra has buildings which are the churches. Bractwo PiusaX has only chapels looking like barns Resistance Priests build own churches, normal …More
Bractwo Piotra has buildings which are the churches.
Bractwo PiusaX has only chapels looking like barns
Resistance Priests build own churches, normal looking churches
Który z tych budynków jest odnowiony?
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Strickland: Francis' Vatican Is Destroying the Faith

The tendency for the Church to be dominated by the world has been gaining momentum for more than a century, wrote Monsignor Joseph Strickland, 65, the unjustly deposed bishop of Tyler, Texas, in an …More
The tendency for the Church to be dominated by the world has been gaining momentum for more than a century, wrote Monsignor Joseph Strickland, 65, the unjustly deposed bishop of Tyler, Texas, in an April 19 letter.
"Whether in liturgy, doctrine, or the simple everyday piety of Catholics, too many prelates and powerful forces in the Vatican are doing their best to dismantle any vestige of supernatural faith."
After decades of decline, Strickland is now witnessing a "crescendo of apostasy". He did not name the "many prelates" and "powerful forces in the Vatican" because everyone knows who he meant.
Picture: Joseph Strickland © MaryTV CC BY, #newsYcyyubcqhy
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.Abbas shares this
Opera 369
Better late than ...never? Bishop Strickland should just get some real courage to say it out loud, that what resides in the Vatican... are NOT CATHOLICS!More
Better late than ...never? Bishop Strickland should just get some real courage to say it out loud, that what resides in the Vatican... are NOT CATHOLICS! Now, if he could just 'admit' that as he sees it.... no real 'pope' could ever do what this man dressed in (dreary) white is doing... that would be the 'evangelical' miraculous trend......!
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Roman Rite: Embattled Carmel of Arlington Under New Authority

The Carmelite Monastery of Arlington, Texas, is now under the authority of the Carmelite Association "Christ the King in the USA" and no longer under the authority of the diocesan bishop. This was …More
The Carmelite Monastery of Arlington, Texas, is now under the authority of the Carmelite Association "Christ the King in the USA" and no longer under the authority of the diocesan bishop.
This was decided by the Vatican's Dicastery for Religious in a decree on 18 April.
The president of the association is Mother Marie of the Incarnation. Six monasteries, including the Carmel of Arlington, belong to the Association. They follow the Roman Rite.
Since June 2023, Mgr. Michael Olson, the Bishop of Fort Worth, has led the monastery as papal delegate. In the past, he had a major dispute with Mother Teresa Agnes Gerlach, the convent's superior, who is seriously ill. Both sides went to the police and to court.
Mother Gerlach admitted to an online affair with a priest, but later said that her confession was made under the influence of medication. The diocese filed a complaint about alleged drug abuse at the convent, but police closed the investigation.
Mgr. Olson stood by his allegations against …More

Freedom? Conscience? Ecumenism? Episcopal Bishops Defend Their Last Dogma

Seven lay bishops of the Episcopal Church in New York State and Long Island are publicly battling the School of Sacred Music, a Catholic institution based in New York City. In late 2023, the school …More
Seven lay bishops of the Episcopal Church in New York State and Long Island are publicly battling the School of Sacred Music, a Catholic institution based in New York City.
In late 2023, the school began using the chapel of the General Theological Seminary in Chelsea, New York, an institution of the Episcopal church.
Every Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm, the school sings choral vespers with Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony in the chapel of the seminary.
Now it has asked for a long-term contract, but the lay bishops are resisting on the grounds that the group's founder follows the Bible's teaching on homosexual sin. The Episcopal Church in the United States has long been infiltrated by homosexual propagandists.
The School of Sacred Music is a subsidiary of the non-profit Ithuriel Fund, which has assets of more than $75 million. Its principal donor is Colin Moran, an investment fund manager who is also chairman and president of the Institute on Religion and Public Life. The Institute …More

Francis Replaces a Bishop with a Priest

Francis has replaced Auxiliary Bishop Daniele Libanori, who was punished for his honesty and removed, with a parish priest. Mgr. Libanori was responsible for the central sector of the diocese of Rome.…More
Francis has replaced Auxiliary Bishop Daniele Libanori, who was punished for his honesty and removed, with a parish priest.
Mgr. Libanori was responsible for the central sector of the diocese of Rome. He will be replaced by Don Francesco Pesce, the current parish priest of Santa Maria ai Monti and director of the diocesan Office for the Pastoral Care of "Society, Work and Care of Creation". He will not be consecrated a bishop.
"My love began when I read the writings of Pope Paul VI," the former driving instructor who later became a priest told media: "Fantastic! An extraordinary synthesis of rationality and sensitivity, spirituality and immense culture".
He proudly explained that the [dying] Church of today is "the daughter of Paul VI", who "made the 'great break', but in the wake of tradition" (sic).
In the Novus Ordo Church, talking nonsense in public has become the rule.
Picture: Daniele Libanori, Francesco Pesce, By: DiocesiDiRoma.it, #newsNbtaeymnnb

Mar Mari Emmanuel: Australian Police Blocks “Misinformation”

Julie Inman Grant, Australia's eSafety Commissioner, has ordered social media platforms to remove graphic footage of the brutal attack against Mar Mari Emmanuel at the Assyrian Church of Christ the Good …More
Julie Inman Grant, Australia's eSafety Commissioner, has ordered social media platforms to remove graphic footage of the brutal attack against Mar Mari Emmanuel at the Assyrian Church of Christ the Good Shepherd in Wakeley, in Sydney's west, on 14 April.
Mar Mari Emmanuel has founded an independent church in the Eastern Syriac tradition and is a social media personality.
The 16-year-old Muslim attacker smiled after committing the crime. He will be tried in a children's court.
Legal notices have been sent to Twitter, Google, WhatsApp, Telegram and Reddit asking them to report on the steps they are taking to 'protect Australians from terrorist and violent extremist material and activity'.
New South Wales Police Commissioner Karen Webb said that in this case "the police will be the source of the truth", not "misinformation" (sic).
"The source of information should come from the police and law enforcement. And if people have concerns, they should check our website, our social media and any …More
Saint Thomas, Summa Theologiae, part III, q 2, art 6: I answer that, In evidence of this question we must know that two heresies have arisen with regard …More
Saint Thomas, Summa Theologiae, part III, q 2, art 6: I answer that, In evidence of this question we must know that two heresies have arisen with regard to the mystery of the union of the two natures in Christ. The first confused the natures, as Eutyches and Dioscorus, who held that from the two natures one nature resulted, so that they confessed Christ to be "from" two natures (which were distinct before the union), but not "in" two natures (the distinction of nature coming to an end after the union). The second was the heresy of Nestorius and Theodore of Mopsuestia, who separated the persons. For they held the Person of the Son of God to be distinct from the Person of the Son of man, and said these were mutually united: first, "by indwelling," inasmuch as the Word of God dwelt in the man, as in a temple; secondly, "by unity of intention," inasmuch as the will of the man was always in agreement with the will of the Word of God; thirdly, "by operation," inasmuch as they said the man was …More
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US Bishop Admits: "Frustration" About Francis

Bishop William Medley of Owensboro, Kentucky, admitted that his diocesan "listening sessions" for the October ex-synod revealed "frustration" with Francis' Vatican (CruxNow.com, 18 April). Mgr. Medley …More
Bishop William Medley of Owensboro, Kentucky, admitted that his diocesan "listening sessions" for the October ex-synod revealed "frustration" with Francis' Vatican (CruxNow.com, 18 April).
Mgr. Medley summarised that this frustration was generally related to Francis' homosexual propaganda piece 'Fiducia Supplicans' and the confusion and consternation it caused among the faithful regarding what was perceived as an endorsement of the blessing of sin, Bishop Medley wrote in a summary report. It was released earlier this month.
Also priests expressed frustration at a lack of clarity from Francis, particularly regarding the text 'Fiducia Supplicans'. Francis was described as "ambiguous" in his teaching, while people want him to be direct: "Tell us what you really mean".
Each US diocese was to send a summary report to the bishops' conference by 8 April.
This is good to hear from a Bishop. Of course the bar has been set pretty low.
P. O'B
I passed the frustration stage eleven years ago.
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