Welcome to the Reign of Gay, Ecclesiastical Edition

Welcome to the Reign of Gay, Ecclesiastical Edition

In a certain sense, the Sexual Revolution is over; at the very least, the walls have been breached and the consequences are serious and long-lasting.…
Jan Joseph
Praktiserende Homoseksuele priesters horen niet thuis in de Rooms Katholieke kerk. Deze priesters moeten worden ontslagen en weer in de lekenstand worden …More
Praktiserende Homoseksuele priesters horen niet thuis in de Rooms Katholieke kerk. Deze priesters moeten worden ontslagen en weer in de lekenstand worden teruggezet.
Billy F
We need Catholic Men of God in the Priesthood!!! Instead we have wicked emasculated sodomites infiltrating The Vineyard making the Bride of Christ bend …More
We need Catholic Men of God in the Priesthood!!! Instead we have wicked emasculated sodomites infiltrating The Vineyard making the Bride of Christ bend a knee to the Rothschild New World Order!
Buckle-Up: Pope Asks Laity to Prepare for Synod's ‘Prophetic’ Stage

Buckle-Up: Pope Asks Laity to Prepare for Synod’s ‘Prophetic’ Stage

The most important outcome of the current Synod of Bishops on synodality is the synodal process itself and not the hot-button topics …
James Manning
I feel like the Francis pontificate is a wildly malfunctioning mechanical bull, and we're all the poor saps holding on for dear life.
Everyday for Life Canada
If the pope had a real job like a fisherman or a carpenter we would have a much better and loyal pope. Christ was publicly silent for thirty years.
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How a New York Court Pierced Dolan’s Bubble of Entitlement

How a New York Court Pierced Dolan’s Bubble of Entitlement

A scathing legal loss for Cardinal Timothy Dolan has finally forced into the light what the New York prelate did not want Catholics to know: …
Only God can calculate the spiritual , emotional and physical damage these evil men have caused. They will answer to God for all of it and their judgement …More
Only God can calculate the spiritual , emotional and physical damage these evil men have caused. They will answer to God for all of it and their judgement will be terrible. Better for that man if he had never been born.
John A Cassani
This will become a real story once settlements have been reached. Will New York’s bill make what LA paid out, probably around 15 years ago ($660 million …More
This will become a real story once settlements have been reached. Will New York’s bill make what LA paid out, probably around 15 years ago ($660 million settlement, I think), look like chump change? Rockville Center recently offered $200 million. Cardinal O’Malley looks shrewder and shrewder for having settled quickly, 20 years ago, for around $100 million, given what his predecessors had done.
Oklahoma City Archbishop Criticizes State’s New Illegal Immigration Bill

Oklahoma City Archbishop Criticizes State’s New Illegal Immigration Bill

Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City released a statement on April 23 criticizing an anti-illegal …
Bishops: Time to Resist the ‘Gender-Affirming’ Juggernaut

Bishops: Time to Resist the ‘Gender-Affirming’ Juggernaut

The horror stories are going to multiply: A troubled girl says that she would like to be a boy, or a boy says he wants to be a girl. The child’s …
Simon North
Didn't the Bishops start it? Saying Girls could be Altar Boys?
Vatican Secretary of State: Francis’ Reforms “Irreversible”

Vatican Secretary of State: Francis’ Reforms “Irreversible”

Answering the question, “What will happen with the reforms undertaken by Pope Francis?” Cardinal Pietro Parolin insisted on the need for prayer …
Denis Efimov
Parolin was one of the cardinals who, together with Francis, actively participated (with gestures) in the invocation of demons in Canada, under the …More
Parolin was one of the cardinals who, together with Francis, actively participated (with gestures) in the invocation of demons in Canada, under the direction of a sorcerer, who then gave Francis a bunch of witchcraft grass. In connection with these events, and despite his “infinite dignity,” it is hardly possible to perceive Parolin as a person who can be listened to.
English Catholic
Is there no end to the hubris of these men? But I always remember the maxim: "Man proposes, God disposes".
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Pope Francis’ Decade-Long Reign Removes Church From Crucial Moral Debates

Pope Francis’ Decade-Long Reign Removes Church From Crucial Moral Debates

On March 13, 2013, I stood among the thousands gathered in Saint Peter’s Square who witnessed the moment when Jorge Bergoglio,…
Alejandrina Reyes
Me too .
Billy F
Ann me too. I remember my CO in my chain of command at that time asking me if he will be a good Pope. I remember saying, I don’t know. Something doesn’t …More
Ann me too. I remember my CO in my chain of command at that time asking me if he will be a good Pope. I remember saying, I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel right.
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WATCH: Guatemala Authorities Raid NGO Over Concerns of Child Trafficking

WATCH: Guatemala Authorities Raid NGO Over Concerns of Child Trafficking

From the Associate Press: Guatemalan prosecutors raided the offices of the charity Save the Children on Thursday, citing a …
New Evidence Shows FBI Spied on Traditionalist U.S. Catholics from Coast to Coast – Crickets from the USCCB

New Evidence Shows FBI Spied on Traditionalist U.S. Catholics from Coast to Coast – Crickets from …

The FBI mounted spying operations on traditionalist Catholic churchgoers across the whole of the United …
James Manning
I thought we all already assumed this.
Father Karl A Claver
The Patriot Act has been a disaster. It is unconstitutional and immoral.
WATCH: Louisiana State Police Obtain Sexual Abuse Search Warrant for Archdiocese of New Orleans

WATCH: Louisiana State Police Obtain Sexual Abuse Search Warrant for Archdiocese of New Orleans

The criminal investigation into child sexual molestation in New Orleans’ Roman Catholic archdiocese has …
WATCH: Florida Priest Arrested on Homosexual Child Abuse Allegations
Bishop Stowe Commits Diocese to Net Zero by 2030 – What About the Salvation of Souls?

Bishop Stowe Commits Diocese to Net Zero by 2030 – What About the Salvation of Souls?

Pro-LGBT Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky, announced Tuesday that his diocese is pledging to reach net-zero …
James Manning
It will be easy to achieve net zero if you let your diocese shrivel and die.
Wilma Lopez
All about Pachamama...
Pope Francis Claims ‘Deniers of Climate Change’ are ‘Foolish’

Pope Francis Claims ‘Deniers of Climate Change’ are ‘Foolish’

Pope Francis has stated that “deniers of climate change” are “foolish” as they don’t believe “research,” and insisting that “climate …
Denis Efimov
When will he finally shut up! He understands nothing not only in climate science or, as with vaccines, in medicine, but even in religious matters. Who …More
When will he finally shut up! He understands nothing not only in climate science or, as with vaccines, in medicine, but even in religious matters. Who needs or cares about his erroneous, worthless, apostate and heretical thoughts? Let him tell them to Tucho, they are two boots (on the feet of the Antichrist). These boots will likely suffer the same fate as their owner, the Antichrist. Francis still has a little time to repent and try to make amends for the damage and insults he has caused to God, the Church and all the faithful. But, let's be honest, he is unlikely to take advantage of this opportunity.
Billy F
Modernist Pope!
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Cardinal Burke Condemns ‘Scandal’ of Communion for Pro-Abort Politicians

Cardinal Burke Condemns ‘Scandal’ of Communion for Pro-Abort Politicians

Giving forthright comments on a number of current issues in the Catholic Church, Cardinal Raymond Burke condemned the practice of …
Catholic politicians despise the true Church and look with contempt upon any criticism the clergy might give them
John A Cassani
Since Roe v Wade, the bishops of the US have been pretty much unanimous that “abortion is bad,” but have been far less so where their politics are …More
Since Roe v Wade, the bishops of the US have been pretty much unanimous that “abortion is bad,” but have been far less so where their politics are concerned. They have been far more committed to abolishing the death penalty, which is a penalty commanded by Scripture, and always supported by the Church, but have not ever seriously sought to abolish abortion. It is a horrible scandal. I hope that Catholics are waking up to the fact that their bishop probably wants them to freeze or starve to death, based on the political policies they advocate, but that they don’t care very much at all for the unborn.
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He’s Not Laughing Now: Court Ruling Devastating Blow for Dolan’s Archdiocese

He’s Not Laughing Now: Court Ruling Devastating Blow for Dolan’s Archdiocese

A state appellate court delivered a devastating blow to the Archdiocese of New York in a unanimous decision Tuesday that found …
John A Cassani
One way or another, the Church’s earthly wealth is going to be taken away, just as it was back in the days of St. Lawrence. Will we be able to boast …More
One way or another, the Church’s earthly wealth is going to be taken away, just as it was back in the days of St. Lawrence. Will we be able to boast of the true wealth of the Church in her poor faithful as St. Lawrence did?
"The gift that keeps on giving." [sarcasm] In our diocese we are mandated to "commemorate" the "instances of sexual abuse committed by members of the …More
"The gift that keeps on giving." [sarcasm] In our diocese we are mandated to "commemorate" the "instances of sexual abuse committed by members of the Church" at all Masses tomorrow. Not to make light of this horrible sin & crime - but why do the poor people in the pew have to suffer 'guilt by association' with the perpetrators? It makes NO SENSE! Just like we ALL have to take those 'safe environment ' classes if we want to work in the parish due to the actions of others.
Dignitas Infinita’s Whistling in the Dark

Dignitas Infinita’s Whistling in the Dark

Various commentaries I have read so far about the latest declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith have been marked by a kind of relief. Some …
American Bishops Shout “Fire!” After Helping To Set The Blaze

American Bishops Shout “Fire!” After Helping To Set The Blaze

After first endorsing and supporting the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), America’s Catholic Bishops are now opposing the Biden …
Everyday for Life Canada
It's too late. The bishops to get large sums of money have been shaking hands with the devil in the White House for sometime.
Catholic Group Proposes Legislation to Keep Dioceses Financially Accountable for Sex Abuse of Minors

Catholic Group Proposes Legislation to Keep Dioceses Financially Accountable for Sex Abuse of Minors

The watchdog group Roman Catholic Faithful publicly announced on Tuesday its newly launched “Project …
WATCH: Catholic Charities Found Partly Liable in Death of 4-Year-Old Boy

WATCH: Catholic Charities Found Partly Liable in Death of 4-Year-Old Boy

A Cuyahoga County jury reached a verdict in the civil trial against Catholic Charities and other defendants Tuesday in a case …
We Need Bonhoeffers Instead of Complicit Clerics

We Need Bonhoeffers Instead of Complicit Clerics

German Lutheran pastor and theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, is a well-known anti-Nazi dissident whose prophetic preaching against Hitler led to his being …
Sunamis 49
we need new fahters of ars and don bosco's and priest that have no fear and do love GodMore
we need new fahters of ars
and don bosco's
and priest that have no fear and do love God