Bishop Quits as Belgian Church’s Point Man on Sex Abuse

Bishop Quits as Belgian Church’s Point Man on Sex Abuse

Bishop Johan Bonny confirmed July 25 that he was withdrawing from the high-profile role, citing an excessive workload that he said was taking a …
WATCH: Omaha Archbishop Accused of Sexual Abuse

WATCH: Omaha Archbishop Accused of Sexual Abuse

Omaha’s Archbishop is among the clergy members named in a lawsuit filed against the Archdiocese of St. Louis and Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski alleging …
I just used the link for the first time, and everything is fine now; the link, the article, and the video.
The Wandering Recluse
@ComplicitClergy WARNING: At least on my end, the link to the article as been hijacked and it opens to a porn channel! God Bless
Swiss Bishop Says COVID Shots Did ‘Great Damage’ to Millions

Swiss Bishop Says COVID Shots Did ‘Great Damage’ to Millions

Swiss Bishop Marian Eleganti said that people “were exposed to a great […] human experiment” during the COVID crisis in an exclusive interview …
SSPX need to admit this!
correction: "did" should read "is doing"
WATCH: Chaldean Catholic Church Says “NO” to Same-Sex Blessings

WATCH: Chaldean Catholic Church Says “NO” to Same-Sex Blessings

The Chaldean Catholic Church has announced that it will not allow the blessing of same-sex couples and released the reasons for this in a …
Everyday for Life Canada
It’s the right decision.
Jan Joseph
Gelukkig nog een kerk met een zuiver geloof.
WATCH: Communion on the Tongue While Kneeling? We Can't Possibly Do That!

WATCH: Communion on the Tongue While Kneeling? We Can’t Possibly Do That!

Will the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis last week have any lasting effects on the laity and their belief in the True Presence …
Maria delos Angeles
I was banned from the cathedral because of my outrage when the chaplains suddenly starting insisting on the hand during the plandemic; and was denied …More
I was banned from the cathedral because of my outrage when the chaplains suddenly starting insisting on the hand during the plandemic; and was denied on three occasions. I defied their banning of me too, it isnt hard with these Novus Ordo clergy and their false authority. God was not pleased with them and their false obedience and the cathedral was shut down for months the day after this happened, and I believed that they were punished.
A thoroughly modern bishop who knows very little about the Catholic faith. What else is new?
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Catholic NGOs Aiding Illegal Aliens Come Under Scrutiny in Texas

Catholic NGOs Aiding Illegal Aliens Come Under Scrutiny in Texas

At least four Texas nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) operating on the U.S. southern border have come under scrutiny from Texas Attorney …
Maria delos Angeles
SJ brigade CINOs
Naomi Arai
Some Reflections for Our Catholic Friends Who Freely Denounce Traditional Catholics

Some Reflections for Our Catholic Friends Who Freely Denounce Traditional Catholics

As many people have observed, there is an interesting overlap between the populations of those who attend the Traditional …
Why do we let them pit us one against another? Love thy neighbor. By this people will know you are my followers, that you love one another.
Father Karl A Claver
Basically, it is two different faiths, like living in two separate worlds.
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Sexual Morality, Pope Francis, and Ascetic Christianity

Sexual Morality, Pope Francis, and Ascetic Christianity

To the chagrin of many Catholics, Pope Francis’s pontificate has tended to deemphasize the gravity of sexual sins. The Pope has stated on more …
Father James Martin’s Pro-LGBT Fundraiser Hosted by ‘Married’ Homosexuals

Father James Martin’s Pro-LGBT Fundraiser Hosted by ‘Married’ Homosexuals

Father James Martin S.J.’s pro-LGBT group had its recent fundraiser hosted by two “married” homosexual men in a seemingly …
Yes @Father Karl A father of thise who walk with a smile to hell... and backed by the false prophet Francis.
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Traditional Eucharistic Revival “Free Event” Unifies The Faithful During National Eucharistic Congress

Traditional Eucharistic Revival “Free Event” Unifies The Faithful During National Eucharistic Congress

Nearly 1,000 faithful pilgrims from across the U.S. filled the bleachers at Victory Field in Indianapolis …
Father Karl A Claver
Our EVIL media NEVER mentioned this event. Not even Fox News.
Everyday for Life Canada
There is no free lunch. Somebody paid the cost.
Swiss ‘Catholic’ Website Offers Church List for ‘Gay Blessings’

Swiss ‘Catholic’ Website Offers Church List for ‘Gay Blessings’

A list of parishes for gay blessings. A sort of Rainbow Guide to churches where homosexual couples can go to receive a blessing not as God …
Billy F
Judas Priests!!!
Römer. 1, 21- 32 Denn sie haben Gott erkannt, ihn aber nicht als Gott verehrt und ihm nicht gedankt. Sie verfielen in ihrem Denken der Nichtigkeit, und …More
Römer. 1, 21- 32
Denn sie haben Gott erkannt, ihn aber nicht als Gott verehrt und ihm nicht gedankt. Sie verfielen in ihrem Denken der Nichtigkeit, und ihr unverständiges Herz wurde verfinstert. Sie behaupteten Weise zu sein, und wurden zu Toren. Sie vertauschten die Herrlichkeit des unvergänglichen Gottes mit Bildern, die einen vergänglichen Menschen und fliegende, vierfüßige und kriechende Tiere darstellen. Darum lieferte Gott sie durch die Begierden ihres Herzens der Unreinheit aus, so dass sie ihren Leib durch ihr eigenes Tun entehren. Sie vertauschten die Wahrheit Gottes mit der Lüge, sie beteten das Geschöpf an und verehrten es anstelle des Schöpfers – gepriesen ist er in Ewigkeit. Amen. Darum lieferte Gott sie entehrenden Leidenschaften aus: Ihre Frauen vertauschten den natürlichen Verkehr mit dem widernatürlichen; ebenso gaben die Männer den natürlichen Verkehr mit der Frau auf und entbrannten in Begierde zueinander; Männer trieben mit Männern Unzucht und erhielten den ihnen …More
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U.S. Bishops to Biden Administration: Rescind ‘Securing the Border’ Regulations

U.S. Bishops to Biden Administration: Rescind ‘Securing the Border’ Regulations

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ general counsel and the assistant general counsel have urged the Biden …
Most bishops live a very comfortable and secure life. The opposite of what should be.
Maria delos Angeles
Yes, Fr you must still honour them though, just not do what they do, but what they say (if it is true.)
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Outed Priest Sues Gay Dating App Over Alleged Privacy Violations

Outed Priest Sues Gay Dating App Over Alleged Privacy Violations

A high-ranking Catholic priest accused gay datting app developer Grindr LLC of violating his privacy when it sold his user data, leading …
Billy F
The Sons of Sodom need to leave the Melchizedek Priesthood!!!
English Catholic
What shocks me is that he has been caught bang to rights, and still hasn't been laicised. You don't use Grindr to order a pizza.
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Vatican’s Archives Shed Light on the Legion of Christ Scandal

Vatican’s Archives Shed Light on the Legion of Christ Scandal

The recently opened archives of Pope Pius XII have shed new light on claims the World War II-era pope didn’t speak out about the Holocaust …
Dr Bobus
Cardinal Sodano was one. Don't know about those before 1958
Joséphine Cyr
Who were the high-ranking prelates protecting him? Maybe Pius XII played a double game?
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Investigation Reveals Vatican Removed Irish Bishop from Public Ministry Over Child Sexual Abuse Allegations

Investigation Reveals Vatican Removed Irish Bishop from Public Ministry Over Child Sexual Abuse …

“Bishop Casey’s Buried Secrets”, a major RTÉ investigation conducted in association with the Mail …
Cornelio Nino Morales shares this
El Vaticano ocultó que un controvertido obispo irlandés ya fallecido fue suspendido por abusos
Joséphine Cyr
The Catholic Church received at least five allegations of child sexual abuse against Bishop Casey, including a complaint from his niece Patricia Donovan.
Archbishop Aymond: ‘Maybe I Lived A Naive Life’

Archbishop Aymond: ‘Maybe I Lived A Naive Life’

The Roman Catholic archbishop of New Orleans has said the allegations at the heart of a child-sex trafficking investigation being conducted by state police …
Ohio Priest Apologizes for Destroying Hard Drive Containing Possible Child Porn

Ohio Priest Apologizes for Destroying Hard Drive Containing Possible Child Porn

A priest in Ohio has issued an apology to parishioners after a media report revealed that he had destroyed a hard drive …
The priest on the Left is at my church! I am so upset. I wonder if the Archbishop told him to destroy the tape? Even so, he should of done the right …More
The priest on the Left is at my church! I am so upset. I wonder if the Archbishop told him to destroy the tape? Even so, he should of done the right thing and turned it into the police. I am praying for him but geez, children being harmed. I would have to do the right thing even if I was no longer a priest! I look around all of them now.. but I know the Mass is still valid, right? I cannot go to his church anymore. God help us!
Billy F
The Sons of Sodom need to leave the Priesthood!!!
Beloved French Priest Accused of Sexual Assault

Beloved French Priest Accused of Sexual Assault

A legendary French priest and a lifelong advocate of the homeless has been accused of committing acts that would amount to “sexual assault or sexual …
J.D. Vance Is Right and the Pope Is Wrong on “Climate Change”

J.D. Vance Is Right and the Pope Is Wrong on “Climate Change”

Some on the political left-Catholic division have their panties in a bunch because Donald Trump named J.D. Vance as his running mate. J.D. …
Why the Attempt to Ban the Latin Mass Is Failing

Why the Attempt to Ban the Latin Mass Is Failing

There has been much chatter on the interwebs lately about possible further restrictions being imposed upon the celebration of the classical Roman Rite, …