Defenders of blessing same-sex couples sometimes separate their persistence in sin from other aspects of their relationship. They argue that everything positive in a sinful relationship should be blessed …More
Defenders of blessing same-sex couples sometimes separate their persistence in sin from other aspects of their relationship. They argue that everything positive in a sinful relationship should be blessed, despite its sinfulness. This is obvious relativism. It is also unacceptable to compare the sin against nature with couples in an irregular situation. Until now, the Church has accompanied cohabitations and civil unions in the hope that they may become sacramental marriages after the obstacles have ceased. Moreover, non-sacramental unions fulfill the parental vocation according to human nature and are families. This cannot be said in any way about same-sex couples” writes Father Beniamin Sęktas in an Open Letter to the bishops. The priest appeals for Polish shepherds, like other episcopates, to reject the Fiducia supplicans declaration and engage in an internal church dispute with its theses, defending the revealed truth of God and the honor of the Polish cassock.
A full version of the …More

Biden und der Kongress zerstören das internationale Recht für Israel Von Mitchell Plitnick - Sicht …

The current American threats to sanction the ICC could spell the death of International Law. Whatever …


Pedro - The Enemies Will Act – Countdown to the Kingdom

Our Lady Queen of Peace to Pedro Regis on May 14, 2024:: Our Lady Queen of Peace to Pedro Regis on May 16, 2024:: Our Lady Queen of Peace to Pedro …
That Amazonian demon is everywhere!

Peacocks and Tacodemons

One of my favorite things is getting to explore the United States with my wife and kids and to see the things I read about when I was younger. Yesterday it was St. Augustine, …
A Carmelite nun entrusted by the Vatican with the governance of a controversial monastery has been rejected twice this week by the monastery’s inhabitants, according to officials in the Diocese of Fort …More
A Carmelite nun entrusted by the Vatican with the governance of a controversial monastery has been rejected twice this week by the monastery’s inhabitants, according to officials in the Diocese of Fort Worth.

Arlington nuns turn away Vatican-appointed superior

A Carmelite nun entrusted by the Vatican with the governance of a controversial monastery has been rejected twice this week by the monastery’s …
Novus Ordo is coming to a [natural] end.

Australia records sharp drop in Mass attendance

The proportion of Australia’s Catholics attending weekly Mass fell from 11.8% to 8.2% between 2016 and 2021, according to figures released this week. The …
Father Karl A Claver
A few years ago, a Russian Orthodox told me that the worst error the Catholic Church made was having Vatican II. He said nothing good came from it, and …More
A few years ago, a Russian Orthodox told me that the worst error the Catholic Church made was having Vatican II. He said nothing good came from it, and this was from an outsider, looking in. For me and countless other Catholics his words are honest and truthful. Vatican II has been and always will be a disaster.
Boanerges Boanerges
Impact of the false prophet Bergoglio and his plan to take millions of souls to Hell. The battle of Armageddon rages on...

“If He Says No, It’s Not Sex” : Spanish City Apologizes For “Pedophilic” Sexual Consent Campaign

The City Council in Almería, Spain, is under fire after launching a poster campaign on sexual consent …

"Another Cookie": Priest Stops Violent Lesbian from Stealing Holy Communion

Rev. Fidel Rodriguez, 66, was attacked twice during Eucharists last Sunday by a woman who later claimed she was a "lesbian". The incident took place at St Thomas Aquinas Church in St Cloud, Florida, …More
Rev. Fidel Rodriguez, 66, was attacked twice during Eucharists last Sunday by a woman who later claimed she was a "lesbian".
The incident took place at St Thomas Aquinas Church in St Cloud, Florida, Diocese of Orlando. The woman first attended the 10am Eucharist, the First Communion of her niece. She stood in line for Communion, went up to the priest but didn't know what to do.
The priest, realising that she had no knowledge of the sacrament, politely asked her when she had last received Communion. She replied that it had been many years. He asked her if she had gone to confession, to which she rudely replied, "I don't need to explain that to you".
An hour later, at noon, the woman reappeared in the church for another Eucharist, also celebrated by Rev. Rodriguez. The woman was accompanied by her female concubine, whom the priest did not know.
The same situation repeated itself. The fury presented herself again to Rev. Rodriguez and asked to be given Communion. He asked her if she had …More
Sally Dorman
a) The Church needs to restore the altar rail and return to the practice of the faithful receiving Holy Communion on the tongue while kneeling. b) The …More
a) The Church needs to restore the altar rail and return to the practice of the faithful receiving Holy Communion on the tongue while kneeling. b) The Sacrament of Penance with priest and penitent separated by a partition/screen should be the norm.
Good for him, we need to fight these demons off.
7 more comments

And the apostate Bergoglio and his menions promote the Marxist diabolical gender ideology in rebellion against Divine natural law.

New study: People who undergo transgender surgery are 12 times more likely to commit suicide - LifeSite ( Bergoglio corrupts young people with Marxist gender ideology and refuses to …More
New study: People who undergo transgender surgery are 12 times more likely to commit suicide - LifeSite (
Bergoglio corrupts young people with Marxist gender ideology and refuses to call them to repentance (
Bergoglio tramples on God's Law and mocks the Scriptures and persecuted the True Catholic Church
Apostate Jesuit dissidents, such as James Martin and the apostate Jorge Bergoglio, promote transgenderism in rebellion against God and against Catholic morality.
Apostate James Martin Pushing Childhood Transgenderism
1 Timothy 4:1
The Spirit clearly says that during the last times some will abandon the faith. They will run after deceitful spirits and demonic doctrines.
True and False Democracy in the Catholic Church

True and False Democracy in the Catholic Church

One of the assumptions that seems to animate so many of the conversations surrounding a more synodal Church is that a more “democratized” Catholic Church …


SLIGHT OF HAND! THE TRICK OF “ONENESS” We received a warning from an Italian publication in regards to the agendas the Modernist Vatican would push next with the “even newer” new theology and its even …More
We received a warning from an Italian publication in regards to the agendas the Modernist Vatican would push next with the “even newer” new theology and its even more diabolical. Because now we are going from Masonic principles to outright New Age principles. Heck, if the Novus Ordites have taken the bait thus far why not try it, right?

Quran-Burner Joins New Swedish Party for EU Elections

Photo: News Oresund, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons The new Swedish Folklistan (The People’s List) party, launched last month by MEP Sara Skyttedal …
Florida Priest Arrested After Trying To Prevent Desecration of the Holy Eucharist

Florida Priest Arrested After Trying To Prevent Desecration of the Holy Eucharist

A Florida priest has been arrested after he allegedly bit a woman while arguing with her during Communion at Mass. Father …
A zealous warrior, doing his job and fulfilling his duty. We need more of his kind. I love it!!! 😇

A New Era by Fire! Fr. Celso: A New Era by Fire! The Prophecies of Fatima, Garabandal, Akita and Luisa!More
Fr. Celso: A New Era by Fire! The Prophecies of Fatima, Garabandal, Akita and Luisa!
Arlington Carmel calls on Bishop Olson to “apologise publicly” to them, after Vatican overturned Olson's incredibly speedy expulsion of Mother Teresa Agnes from the order last summer.


These decrees from the Holy See include one overturning Bishop Olson’s peremptory and unlawful dismissal of our Mother Prioress from the Carmelite Order last year. It is time for Bishop Olson …
They probably shouldn’t hold their breath.

New study: People who undergo transgender surgery are 12 times more likely to commit suicide

A comprehensive new study provides unequivocal evidence that those who undergo so-called “gender reassignment …
English Catholic
@Father Karl A Claver I don't think so much that these people play God themselves - I think they have mental health problems and are very often the …More
@Father Karl A Claver I don't think so much that these people play God themselves - I think they have mental health problems and are very often the victims of the 'sex change' industry - who are the ones playing God with these people's lives Sex Change Regret | For those who want to return back
Father Karl A Claver
When one plays God, he soon realizes no one can help him.
Mock Mohammed instead. Christ is to be enthroned not thrown on the floor.

Jesus Christ makes unlikely red carpet debut at Cannes

Celebrities from across the world have descended upon Cannes for the Film Festival, but some were surprised to see the Son of God on the red carpet. …
Boanerges Boanerges
Don't worry the Day of Judgement is near...
Father Karl A Claver
The Freemasons and Satanists are having a field day because we have not fought back.

Mary, the Source of Holiness

1. God is the primary origin of all holiness. But the Blessed Virgin gave us Jesus, Who is our Redeemer, and the author of grace. For this reason she may be called the source of grace, the divine aqueduct …More
1. God is the primary origin of all holiness. But the Blessed Virgin gave us Jesus, Who is our Redeemer, and the author of grace. For this reason she may be called the source of grace, the divine aqueduct, as St. Bernard puts it, through which the supernatural life of grace is brought to us. (In adv. Domini, Serm. 2, n.5) She was, moreover, full of grace and outstanding in holiness; as the Mother of God she can obtain anything for us from her divine Son, because “it is the will of God that we receive everything through the hands of Mary.” (St. Bernard, In Nativ. B.M.V., Serm., n. 7) Thirdly, even by her example she can be the source of sanctity for us. If we study her amazing humility, we shall learn to be humble, for our sinfulness gives us such good reason to humble ourselves. If we meditate on her spotless purity we shall experience a great desire and love for this beautiful virtue and shall have recourse to her in every danger to save us from impurity. Then let us reflect on her …More
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DEATH THREAT: Georgian PM Says EU Commissioner Menaced Him With ‘The Fate of Robert Fico’, as the US …

Just between you and me – behind all the international controversy involving the Soviet Republic of …