Conferenza sulla Rinuncia di Papa Benedetto XVI TUTTI INVITATI Una Conferenza Accademica si svogle il 21 Ottobre Hotel Massimo D'Azeglio, Sala Rigorgimento dalle 18,15 alle 19,45 La Rinuncia giudicata …More
Conferenza sulla Rinuncia di Papa Benedetto XVI
Una Conferenza Accademica si svogle il 21 Ottobre
Hotel Massimo D'Azeglio, Sala Rigorgimento
dalle 18,15 alle 19,45
La Rinuncia giudicata alla luce del magisterio di Papa Giovanni Paolo II e di Papa Bonifacio VIII
ingresso libero e gratuito
Con Tempo per le domande al fine 180 sedi, spazio limitato In Italiano e Francese, con risposte al fine in Italiano, Français, Netherland, English

Conferenza sulla Rinuncia di Papa Benedetto: 21 Ottobre, Roma!

Our Catholic Faith in Christ Jesus, Who said to St Peter, “Whatsoever you bind on earth, shall also be bound in Heaven!”, obliges us all …
mjj75 shares this
It contains all the canonical arguments and links to all the Church documents. There is NOTHING which is not established and proven by the Church's teaching and founded on that teaching in the same …More
It contains all the canonical arguments and links to all the Church documents. There is NOTHING which is not established and proven by the Church's teaching and founded on that teaching in the same sense the Church teaches it. -- Liberate your mind from the Big Lie put out by the St Gallen Mafia and supported by the Lavender Mafia throughout the world. (use this URL if the automatic url fails)


Non Solum Propter: Latin & English Text How and Why the Renunciation of Pope Benedict was invalid by the law itself (English, Italiano, Español, Français, Deutsch, 日 本語, Portuguese) …
~@BrAlexisBugnolo It's more serious than that. That Bull was upheld from the time it was Dogmatically pronounced in 1586 until the pontificate of John …More
It's more serious than that. That Bull was upheld from the time it was Dogmatically pronounced in 1586 until the pontificate of John XXIII and also states that there can never be an amendment to it for any reason.
Thanks for all you do to save the Church. Get that Bull circulated - as you know Brother, it's a point of Divine Law that every dogmatic pronouncement is set in stone, and is not to be amended. To disregard it is as great an offence as it would be to refute The Holy Virgin's Immaculate Conception or Perpetual Virginity.
The Bull states that to elect further Cardinals OVER the amount of 70 is to incur the wrath of God and those elected are to be considered not Cardinals, but their positioning "Null and void". we are in a great deal of trouble. Since false Cardinals sat in a few Conclaves and FALSE Cardinals must have been elected. Including JPI. JPII, Benedict XVI and Francis.
God Bless
CarolineA03 Not one of the Popes can possibly be valid - according to the Papal Bull of Pope Sixtus V …More
Not one of the Popes can possibly be valid - according to the Papal Bull of Pope Sixtus V
He restricted the amount of Cardinals to 70 in "Postquam" 1586 - and decreed "null and void" any Cardinals elected over that number in perpetuity forbidding absolutely any disobedience for any reason whatsoever. The Bull was upheld from 1586 when it was written until the death of Pius XII at that juncture John XXIII et al started incurring excommunication and God's displeasure by adding whomsoever they wished to the List of Cardinals. The ramifications of 100's of "invalid, null and void" false Cardinals" is clearness itself. The Cardinals, Bishops, many Priests and all Conclaves SINCE John XXIII can not possibly be valid since they consisted of the election of false Cardinals by other False Cardinals. It can not get much worse than THIS surely. Yet the Bull is authentic and the dogmatic language and threats against disobedience to it show …More
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How to Remove Bergoglio, in 5 Easy and Peaceful StepsMore
How to Remove Bergoglio, in 5 Easy and Peaceful Steps

How to remove Bergoglio

Anthony Hopkins stars as a priest, performing an exorcism, in a scene from the 2010 movie “The Rite.” (CNS photo/Warner Bros.) by Br. Alexis Bugnolo What follows here are the …
Brilliant. A devout Catholic friend of ours suggested the people take Bergoglio to Italian court and have them investigate his legitimacy as Pope.More
Brilliant. A devout Catholic friend of ours suggested the people take Bergoglio to Italian court
and have them investigate his legitimacy as Pope.
When your Bishop or Cardinal says to you, "There is nothing I can do", reply to him with this article, and say, "Oh Yes there is!"
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Benedict said in every way that He did not resign! — An Examination of His Testimonies

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo One of the most common canards used to discount that Pope Benedict XVI is still the pope is …

Cómo Benedicto ha derrotado a "Francisco"…/how-benedict-ha… 11 de septiembre de 2019 por Fr. Alexis Bugnolo (traducción de José Alberto Villasana) El Papa Benedicto XVI, quien …
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Very many Catholics are being confused by members of the Lavender Mafia and their agents, and by those duped by them, into thinking that Benedict needs to say something about his resignation. So here …More
Very many Catholics are being confused by members of the Lavender Mafia and their agents, and by those duped by them, into thinking that Benedict needs to say something about his resignation. So here are the real legal principles:

Thread by @VeriCatholici: "The correct forensic principle, which a canonist SHOULD know, is that what …

Lysander Spooner had strong beliefs about intellectual property-especially his-that I'm about to …
Ludovic Denim
According to the prophecies, there should be a time when there is no Pope for a while but in the same way than when we wait for an election of a new one.
@mattsixteen24 I find your question remarkable since you read which is a favorite read for Sedes.
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Open Letter to Princes, Heads of State and Governments of the World

(Here is the text of a draft letter which anyone, who supports Pope Benedict XVI, can sign and send to anyone they believe might be …
Moreover, if the "resignation" was done under duress, it was involuntary, Benedict's words to the contrary notwithstanding, as also made under the same …More
Moreover, if the "resignation" was done under duress, it was involuntary, Benedict's words to the contrary notwithstanding, as also made under the same duress.
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Ein offener Brief an Fürsten, Staatsoberhäupter und Regierungen der Welt.

(Anbei der Text eines Briefentwurfs, den jeder, der Papst Benedikt XVI. unterstützt, unterschreiben und an jeden schicken kann …

Lettera aperta ai Principi, ai Capi di Stato e ai Governi in tutto il mondo

September 13, 2019 · 12:02 (Ecco il testo di una bozza di lettera che ognuno di noi, sostenendo Papa Benedetto XVI, può firmare …
How Benedict has defeated "Francis": by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Pope Benedict XVI, who has been lauded by many as a brilliant theologian, is in my opinion, a more brilliant chess player, for he has defeated …More
How Benedict has defeated "Francis":
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Pope Benedict XVI, who has been lauded by many as a brilliant theologian, is in my opinion, a more brilliant chess player, for he has defeated the AntiChurch with the most incredibly subtle and effective manuever which could ever be conceived, and which takes a great deal of study to recognize, if you, like myself, took at face value the hearsay which has been put out for the last six years.

How Benedict has defeated “Francis”

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Pope Benedict XVI, who has been lauded by many as a brilliant theologian, is in my opinion, a more brilliant chess player, for he has defeated …
Knights Of Christendom
How about this scenario. Pope Benedict never deceived anyone intentionally with the mistakes in his resignation. The Holy Spirit protected him. The …More
How about this scenario. Pope Benedict never deceived anyone intentionally with the mistakes in his resignation. The Holy Spirit protected him. The violation of the cannon law barring back stage wheeling, and dealing is enough to prove Francis is not a valid Pope, thus making everything he did invalid. Though I believe Pope Benedict to be wise as a serpent, and gentle as a dove, I don’t believe he would effectively lie about not being Pope anymore. That seems like a rather grave matter my friend.
Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary + Given two popes, one true, one false; one Catholic, one not.... For me and my house, we choose the Catholic one!…More
Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary +
Given two popes, one true, one false; one Catholic, one not.... For me and my house, we choose the Catholic one! Viva Benedetto! Viva! Immaculate Heart, Triumph! Cast down the murderous Homosexual Network Strangling the Church! And its leader, Antipope Francis the Apostate!
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The Vatican has now accepted that Bergoglio is an AntiPope

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Rome: September 9, 2019 A. D.: The Vatican has conceded that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is an AntiPope. The concession came …
which Vatican ?
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Whatever your position or opinion, if you agree that Bergoglio is a grave threat to the Church and Humanity, and that he should be canonically removed, please support this Association by a significant …More
Whatever your position or opinion, if you agree that Bergoglio is a grave threat to the Church and Humanity, and that he should be canonically removed, please support this Association by a significant financial donation or pledge, to do it! They are the only Catholic organization pledged to this Holy Work. -- We cannot remain faithful to Jesus Christ if we do not TAKE ACTION!

Donate to the Cause to Defend the Church from Bergoglio!

Our Association was born from the desire of Faithful Catholics, laymen and clergy, from more than 20 nations, to defend the Catholic Faith from …
la verdad prevalece
Just an idea why you do not associate with Church Militant in this way by joining forces, you can do the resistance work against the anti Pope Bergoglio …More
Just an idea why you do not associate with Church Militant in this way by joining forces, you can do the resistance work against the anti Pope Bergoglio more effective. In addition, Church Militant can sponsor you.
There is only one solution: Pray the Rosary. St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle.More
There is only one solution: Pray the Rosary.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle.
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Veri Catholici's Open Letter to Cardinals Burke and Sarah

Veri Catholici: An Open Letter to Cardinals Burke and Sarah

Their Eminences, Cardinals Burke and Sarah The International Association « Veri Catholici » has published this open Letter to the Cardinals, …
Please share the link in this article, as it is being censored by so many so called Catholics, who are in fact rebels against the Canons of the Church.
The Imprisonment of Pope Benedict XVI. How and Why it happened, why it continues: the Desperate attempts by Benedict to be liberated from it: the true history of the last 7 years of what has been going …More
The Imprisonment of Pope Benedict XVI.
How and Why it happened, why it continues: the Desperate attempts by Benedict to be liberated from it: the true history of the last 7 years of what has been going on at the Vatican…/the-imprisonmen…
Benedict in a golden cage.
Many thanks to all who are sharing on social media, this post is going viral, with no help but of individual catholics. It seems all the monetized media …More
Many thanks to all who are sharing on social media, this post is going viral, with no help but of individual catholics. It seems all the monetized media are censoring it. It's driving sedes and Bergoglians and all the enemies of Christ crazy, for good reason.
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BrAlexisBugnolo shares from Catholic FC
Thanks for all you do, AJ, for the Order!

New Catholic E-Book

I have decided to promote my first E-Book Novel for Ordo Militaris Catholicus; all proceeds goes to them! On Becoming Soldiers Of The Cross, Again! Ages 12 and to adult. We are already receiving reviews …More
I have decided to promote my first E-Book Novel for Ordo Militaris Catholicus; all proceeds goes to them! On Becoming Soldiers Of The Cross, Again! Ages 12 and to adult. We are already receiving reviews from parents on how well they love the book and how well their kids love it.
In the novel, you join seven Catholic young men from Boot Camp to Iraq during the War On Terrorism, where Our Lord gives them a task to defend a huge Christian town, thankfully their Superiors are Catholic as well and allows them to do this. It is here they meet our Catholic Military Heroes, who, with the help and approval of Our Lord, return to earth, and help them for a bit.
The E-Book Novel is $10 American per copy/download. We of Ordo Militaris Catholicus have been sharing it on Twitter and a lot of normal Catholics and Big name Catholics have downloaded it. They have a lot of books to review, so in a matter of time, they will get to our book and we will have their review published on the Ordo Militaris …More
Why it's Dogmatically Impossible that Bergoglio be a Succesor of Saint Peter. This is the teaching of Vatican I, that the very nature of the Divine Institution of the Papacy requires that a successor …More
Why it's Dogmatically Impossible that Bergoglio be a Succesor of Saint Peter.
This is the teaching of Vatican I, that the very nature of the Divine Institution of the Papacy requires that a successor of Saint Peter succeed to the Office of the Cathedra of Peter…/why-its-dogmati… which, because of Benedict's non-resignation never happened. Also, why its dogmatically illicit to name Bergoglio instead of Benedict in the Canon of the Mass
sedevacantism is caputvacantism. The Church has had a long, long run of "bad popes" and worse ones are coming soon. It is what it is. Just because you …More
sedevacantism is caputvacantism. The Church has had a long, long run of "bad popes" and worse ones are coming soon. It is what it is. Just because you don't like what the Pope says, or what the Pope does, doesn't change that he's still The Pope.
Seems a lot of people have forgotten one of the most important legal cases of our time:. https:/,_Inc._v._Thomas-Rasset
It was the big one every one had been waiting for. For years beforehand, many self-appointed experts in "internet law", some of which were in fact real lawyers, loudly insisted it was impossible for the record industry to prove in a court of law that their copyrights were being violated because (blah-blah-blah). Then the case went to trial and in less than a day later, all those big-mouths were quiet with bitter helpings of humble pie.
The really arrogant ones swallowed it down and continued braying, "This won't stand on appeal and the next case will be different." They were still wrong.
Gesù è con noi
In addition Bergoglio is not a successor of Peter because he was already disqualified because he was automatically excommunicated and anathematized for …More
In addition Bergoglio is not a successor of Peter because he was already disqualified because he was automatically excommunicated and anathematized for being an apostate in Argentina. BERGOGLIO´S HERETICAL PAST IS FRANCIS´ PRESENT - CATHOLIC TV PROGRAM A COFFEE WITH GALAT-
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Barnhardt's 2nd Video, and the Deeper Reason why Benedict did not contest my Brief which proved he never resigned the Papal Munus. Benedict has tacitly consented to my arguments that he retains the …More
Barnhardt's 2nd Video, and the Deeper Reason why Benedict did not contest my Brief which proved he never resigned the Papal Munus.
Benedict has tacitly consented to my arguments that he retains the Papal Munus, but the reason why is now revealed by Barnhardt's recent analysis of his theological motivations. The Resulting Considerations show what needs now to be done by the Cardinals and how to resolve the 6 year crisis which began on Feb 11, 2013.…/barnhardts-2nd-…
Even the editor of the source you linked says, and I quote, " I really cannot say anything since you are simply denying reality."
2 more comments
Saint Bonaventure, on the Most Holy Trinity. 996 pages by the Great Scholastic Doctor of the Church, Saint Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, translated for the first time into Scholastic English: Ships to …More
Saint Bonaventure, on the Most Holy Trinity.
996 pages by the Great Scholastic Doctor of the Church, Saint Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, translated for the first time into Scholastic English: Ships to anywhere in the world Get yours today!
Catholic FC
I got the book spread, people are thinking about getting a copy.
Pope Benedict has accepted that his resignation was invalid. Here is the evidence…/pope-benedict-h…More
Pope Benedict has accepted that his resignation was invalid.
Here is the evidence…/pope-benedict-h…
Al the Silent Crusader
I agree Brother B. Bergoglio is an antipope. Benedict is still the pope. The 2013 conclave is utterly null and void.
more confusion
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Help Defend Persecuted Christians! I invite you to join a Catholic Military Order dedicated to their security and defense. We are the only group which this purpose in the entire Church. www.ordo-…More
Help Defend Persecuted Christians!
I invite you to join a Catholic Military Order dedicated to their security and defense. We are the only group which this purpose in the entire Church.