
Ukrainian Bishop: Francis’ Synod Is All About Homosex

The term "LGBTQ" appears on “every other page” - instead of being addressed in a single paragraph - in the draft document of the recent synod event in Prague, which will be reviewed in the coming weeks. …More
The term "LGBTQ" appears on “every other page” - instead of being addressed in a single paragraph - in the draft document of the recent synod event in Prague, which will be reviewed in the coming weeks.
This objection was made by Kiev Auxiliary Bishop Oleksandr Yazlovetskiy, Ukraine, on February 9 (CatholicNewsAgency.com).
Poznan Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki objected to the use of “conservative and liberal” when describing the Church. He suggested instead that it should be made clear whether certain statements agree or disagree with the Gospel.
Gądecki noted that on homosex, the text does not reflect the Church's position.
Picture: prague.synod2023.org, #newsYzyyfkhjrs
Wilma Lopez shares this
Ukrainian Bishop Oleksandr Yazlovetskiy raised an objection to the repeated use of the term LGBTQ “every other page” in the document, suggesting instead that it would be better to cover the topic within a single paragraph.
resist reject refuse evil idiologies in the catholic church
Salvatore Bastatti
Bergoglio is a satanist.
Malki Tzedek
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio has an anti-Catholic Masonic agenda. Bergoglio openly rebels against the Natural Law of God and defies Catholic teachings, so continuing to call an enemy of God and faith "Pope" is not only an insult to reason but a type of complicity in his rebellion against God.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"The term "LGBTQ" appears on “every other page” - instead of being addressed in a single paragraph"
That is because homos are running the show. More and more, I am convinced that thanks to Pope Francis and his homo appointments in the Vatican and around the world, there is no more ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHMore
"The term "LGBTQ" appears on “every other page” - instead of being addressed in a single paragraph"

That is because homos are running the show. More and more, I am convinced that thanks to Pope Francis and his homo appointments in the Vatican and around the world, there is no more ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I once read a few years ago in a book, "Good Bye Good Men" by a former seminarian who was kicked out of Catholic Seminary for being too orthodox and too masculine, that approximately 30% of the Catholic clergy identified as gay. He wasn't making this up, but was based on sound independent secular sociological research. The book was published in the 90's, but that number may …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I once read a few years ago in a book, "Good Bye Good Men" by a former seminarian who was kicked out of Catholic Seminary for being too orthodox and too masculine, that approximately 30% of the Catholic clergy identified as gay. He wasn't making this up, but was based on sound independent secular sociological research. The book was published in the 90's, but that number may have increased under Pope Francis. We can see the rotten fruits coming to fruition in this Synod. I'm glad a Ukrainian Bishop had the guts to call them out on it.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@philosopher -Yes! I am sure 30%+ of both seminarians and priests are homosexuals. Disgusting. The root is Paul VI (who many said was gay himself, having supposedly an "affair" with an Italian actor in the 1950's. I wonder if the great Pope Pius XII knew it, and thats why he was booted out of the Vatican to Milan?
The North American College in Rome, with a capacity of 250+ seminarians was soliciting …More
@philosopher -Yes! I am sure 30%+ of both seminarians and priests are homosexuals. Disgusting. The root is Paul VI (who many said was gay himself, having supposedly an "affair" with an Italian actor in the 1950's. I wonder if the great Pope Pius XII knew it, and thats why he was booted out of the Vatican to Milan?
The North American College in Rome, with a capacity of 250+ seminarians was soliciting funds for an extension during the reign of Pope Benedict XVI because it was packed, especially after the introduction of Summorum Pontificum. Now, however, under Pope Francis, and after a huge homo sex scandal caused by the rector and vice rector appointed under Bergoglio, the enrollemt is about 90....a huge decline in 8 years. Many quit because of the homosex scandals, others because thy hate the anti-Catholic agenda of Pope Francis.
One Order of priests near my house had a huge seminary on the campus of the University they run. Dedicated in 1961 for 200 seminarians studying philosophy, at its peak it had 90, because 4 years later came along Vatican II, the Novus Ordo, and enrollment crashed. Today, they have only 2 seminarians for their Province of St. Thomas (East Coast), and only 1 novice!! ( over 200+ in philosophy and theology, and another 125 in novitiate and as postulants before the filth of Vatican II))
Two of their priests were accused of homo advances on high school students in recent years (I was one as a senior, 2014 😡😡).
So yeah, homos infect the priesthood and seminaries, all the more thanks to Pope Francis, who loves them and supports them and defends them so much its sickening....besides being a scandal. That these idiot Cardinals have not forced him to resign in shocking and sick. Unless most of his cardinal appointments are homos themselves, which I would not doubt (Cupich, McElroy, Tobin,Gregory at least).
Sally Dorman
Card. Hollerich says "We are not having a synod on homosexuality, or a synod on women's priesthood. I'm not saying that these are not important issues!...These topics can be addressed in the context of synodality, participation and mission."
@Sally Dorman The gaslighting and double talk of the leaders of this Sin-od is astonishing.