Francis Doesn't Want Homosexual Priests: too Much "Gayness" in Church

Francis asked the Italian bishops not to admit homosexuals to the seminary because "there is already too much 'gayness' in the Church", he said, who cannot stand real men around him. He who promotes …More
Francis asked the Italian bishops not to admit homosexuals to the seminary because "there is already too much 'gayness' in the Church", he said, who cannot stand real men around him.
He who promotes homosexual sin and [pseudo-] blessings for homosexual unions, said this at the meeting with Italian bishops for their spring assembly on May 20 (, 27 May).
For Francis, there is a risk that homosexuals who choose the priesthood will end up leading a double life, practising homosexuality and suffering from this dissimulation.
Last November, during the autumn meeting of the Italian Bishops, a set of regulations for seminaries in Italy ('Ratio formationis sacerdotalis') was approved. It proposes the admission of homosexual seminarians, an idea that has divided the bishops. The text has not yet been published and must first be approved by the Dicastery for the Clergy.
Picture: © Mazur/, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsMxphsqjhrq
I think his comments have more to do with the news that most seminarians these days are devout and traditional.
Boanerges Boanerges
Can you imagine devastating impact of these words on a teenage boy who is considering priestly vocation? Why would anybody go to the seminary when even "the Pope" says it's full of "fags". How about a stubborn husband who's been refusing to come back to church on Sundays and now he reads this in the newspapers: "there, even the Pope says the church is full of fags, what did I tell you, no way I am …More
Can you imagine devastating impact of these words on a teenage boy who is considering priestly vocation? Why would anybody go to the seminary when even "the Pope" says it's full of "fags". How about a stubborn husband who's been refusing to come back to church on Sundays and now he reads this in the newspapers: "there, even the Pope says the church is full of fags, what did I tell you, no way I am going back!" All of those countless souls will be impacted by Bergoglio the destroyer of Church and souls. God help us!
Louis IX
I don’t understand this attitude. He is not attacking the Church he is finally admitting what many Catholics have known for decades, at least his words are, that there are a lot of SSA and feminine men in the priesthood. Better to recognize the problem, speak it frankly, so something can be done about it.
Boanerges Boanerges
This is carefully calculated PR campaign put forth right before so-called "pride month" so that an average (naive and uninformed) Catholic can say "finally someone with guts to say what's happening" when in reality no Pope would use such a crude language especially when talking about Holy Mother Church. Informed remnant knows that these words do not mean that Bergoglio suddenly defends Church from …More
This is carefully calculated PR campaign put forth right before so-called "pride month" so that an average (naive and uninformed) Catholic can say "finally someone with guts to say what's happening" when in reality no Pope would use such a crude language especially when talking about Holy Mother Church. Informed remnant knows that these words do not mean that Bergoglio suddenly defends Church from sodomy (after he spent a decade promoting sodomy and all other mortal sins) but that he is actually trying to build into Catholic subconsciousness expectation that every other newly ordained priest is "a faggot because Pope said so". That way Bergoglio and his friends can say "you see, the old Church is no good" and make way for their Masonic new religion and one world government.
Paus Franciscus is een voorstander van het inzegen van homoseksuele paren van hetzelfde geslacht, het trouwen van praktiserende homoseksuele paren van hetzelfde geslacht.
Paus Franciscus weet net als ik dat een gedeelte van de priesters, bisschoppen en kardinalen van de Rooms Katholieke kerk praktiserend homoseksueel is en niet meer gelooft in God. Dat is ook de oorzaak van het instorten van de …More
Paus Franciscus is een voorstander van het inzegen van homoseksuele paren van hetzelfde geslacht, het trouwen van praktiserende homoseksuele paren van hetzelfde geslacht.
Paus Franciscus weet net als ik dat een gedeelte van de priesters, bisschoppen en kardinalen van de Rooms Katholieke kerk praktiserend homoseksueel is en niet meer gelooft in God. Dat is ook de oorzaak van het instorten van de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk.
Paus Franciscus wil ook dat vrouwen tot priester gewijd kunnen worden, dus ook praktiserende homoseksuele vrouwen. Daar hebben wij in Nederland ervaring mee, pastoraal werksters die de linkse abortus ideologie en de transgender ideologie promoten en transgenders bewieroken.
Geen zichzelf respecterend ouderpaar dat zijn kinderen aan deze Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk wil opofferen.
Paus Franciscus is dus bezig alle sacramenten van het Rooms Katholieke geloof af te schaffen. Paus Franciscus is in zijn uitspraken beslist niet eenduidig en daardoor wordt de polarisatie gestimuleerd in de Rooms Katholieke kerk, verdeel en heers is paus Franciscus zijn credo. Alleen een door schisma kan nog een respectvolle Rooms Katholiek kerk over blijven.
Sally Dorman shares this
Francis knew the word "Faggotry" was offensive, and used it to shut down the Italian bishops repeated attempts to change the rules and allow homosexuals into seminary.
SonoftheChurch much is "too much," Holy Father? Oh wait...sorry, I forgot, who are you to judge. Oh, by the way, how was your latest luncheon at the Vatican, that wonderful fellowship of godliness you host every month featuring the transvestites you always invite and enjoy so much? Was Cardinal Zen able to join you guys, for a little bit of your time, perhaps? And have you gotten a response yet from …More much is "too much," Holy Father? Oh wait...sorry, I forgot, who are you to judge. Oh, by the way, how was your latest luncheon at the Vatican, that wonderful fellowship of godliness you host every month featuring the transvestites you always invite and enjoy so much? Was Cardinal Zen able to join you guys, for a little bit of your time, perhaps? And have you gotten a response yet from the nice letter you sent to your New Ways Ministry friends - you know, the one in which you said "transgender people must be accepted and integrated" - THAT letter. Yes, and is it STILL “todos, todos, todos” to all those so-called "trangenders" about whom you issued and promulgated a Vatican ruling that allows them to be Baptized, stand as godparents and witness weddings, even in their unrepentant, mutilated, drugged-out, delusional state? Oh, and Holy Father, when was the last time you sent one of those handwritten letters of praise and commendation that you love to write to your good buddy and close pal, Fr. (sic) Jimmy Martin, SJ? Has he sent you pictures or told you about his latest "Blessing" of a sodomi--...ur, um, same-sex "couple?" Doggone it - silly me, I must have forgotten - your favorite Prefect, Kissy the porn writer, said it's "spontaneous," not "liturgical" so Jimmy isn’t actually "Blessing" the sodomi--…eh, um "gay union," he's blessing "two people who love each other" (whatever the hell that means). And one last question, do you STILL think that that pesky sexual abuse problem infecting the Priesthood is STILL caused by too much "clericalism" now or what? Could some of that "too much" gayness be at the root of any of it? Well, let me know when you're ready to judge. Or at least when you're ready to say exactly how much is "too much" gayness, and exactly what you mean by that. Perhaps then, the whole Church can, at long last, have some semblance of clarity and sanity about something or the other that comes out of your wretched mouth.
Dr Bobus
Francis continues to hedge (verbally) his actions in the hope that the next conclave will favor his preferred candidates.
He moves to the left, then to the right, and back to the center destabilizing all sides as needed. That's the essence of Peronism.
Padre Benedetto Pagnotto
Francis there is too much 'f*ggotry'
Boanerges Boanerges
He is brutally sarcastic, taking every opportunity to mock Our Holy Church