
Only Three Bishops Thank Cardinal Müller For Reaffirming Catholic Faith

Providence Bishop Thomas Tobin, USA, wrote that he appreciates the clear, concise and ordered approach of Cardinal Gerhard Müller’s “Manifesto of Faith” (Twitter, February 9). A day later he basically …More
Providence Bishop Thomas Tobin, USA, wrote that he appreciates the clear, concise and ordered approach of Cardinal Gerhard Müller’s “Manifesto of Faith” (Twitter, February 9). A day later he basically undid his earlier words by tweeting, “Pope Francis + Cardinal Müller = Catholicism.”
Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland, USA, praised Müller on Twitter (February 8) for his “strength and fidelity to Christ and his Teaching”, adding: “Let us embrace this joyful challenge with new vigor.”
The de facto sidelined Chur Auxiliary Bishop Marian Eleganti, Switzerland, told LifeSiteNews (February 12) that he is very grateful to Cardinal Müller for his "prophetic statements”.
Picture: Thomas Tobin, Joseph Strickland, Marian Eleganti, #newsZzdpkovrui
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But there are millions of catholics on his side
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Regarding Bishop Tobin, I don't think he undid anything at all in all fairness. You are duty bound to reject false teachings from a Pope or anyone else. Bishop Tobin has offered support to someone for whom there is no political advantage whatsoever in supporting because that person has spoken clear truth. That is not a small thing! Many thanks to all these Bishops for responding to God's grace given …More
Regarding Bishop Tobin, I don't think he undid anything at all in all fairness. You are duty bound to reject false teachings from a Pope or anyone else. Bishop Tobin has offered support to someone for whom there is no political advantage whatsoever in supporting because that person has spoken clear truth. That is not a small thing! Many thanks to all these Bishops for responding to God's grace given to them and may they continue to grow in fidelity to our Lord, Saviour and King, Jesus Christ. Alleluia, thank you Father in Heaven.