
Earth Cult Baloney: Has Francis Finally Gotten Enough of It? (Video)

During a May 20 visit at the Roman headquarters of Scholas Occurrentes, an organisation promoting gender and homosex ideology, Francis addressed via livestream other Scholas Occurentes centres around …More
During a May 20 visit at the Roman headquarters of Scholas Occurrentes, an organisation promoting gender and homosex ideology, Francis addressed via livestream other Scholas Occurentes centres around the globe. The first ladies of Argentina, Brazil and Chile were connected to the event.
In Australia, a woman, who for the occasion dressed as a native, thanked Francis for “embracing Mother Earth.”
Professors and students at the Australian Catholic University performed a “symbolic gesture” by mixing soils of different Australian regions into a bowl. In Rome, some masked students repeated an earth bowl ritual in front of Francis (article's picture).
When the meeting approached the two-hour mark, Francis whispered, “We have to hurry up a bit.”
So now the Vatican Is following The Gospel of John... Denver.
Francis’ Scholas Occurrentes meeting yesterday: “All those present at the meeting then symbolically dug a well in a vase of earth, placed in the classroom”
The devil is jumping with glee over his continued idol worship
la verdad prevalece
In Washington, the apostate Wilton Gregory with Darius Villalobos and Adrianna Smith joined the event of the anti-Catholic organization Scholas Occurrentes, simultaneously also performing a ritual to the Pachamama.
alfred dunn
It's difficult to have hope for the human race when one realizes that these people really believe this nonsense.
Greewashing catholic doctrine
Faith... This is what happens when 1 Corinthians 1:1 is chopped in half. Francis had better own it. But he has always seemed to have, in his own way, "chopped in half" his role as pope.