
Does Francis Suffer from an Unresolved Problem?

Francis carries with him an unresolved problem, AldoMariaValli.it (January 6) believes, observing that this usually hidden problem comes to the surface from time to time. Argentinean friends told Valli …More
Francis carries with him an unresolved problem, AldoMariaValli.it (January 6) believes, observing that this usually hidden problem comes to the surface from time to time.
Argentinean friends told Valli that in Buenos Aires Bergoglio’s face was “always gloomy” like the face of somebody “who harboured resentment.”
Therefore, Valli supposes that when Bergoglio became Pope, he superimposed a smiling face which explains why every now and then the old face re-emerges.
As examples, he gives Francis hitting a Chinese woman and a Chilean nun, and his strange behaviour in Loreto when people wanted to kiss his ring.
“I never in my life have prayed for a person so much as I pray for Pope Francis.” Bishop Athanasius Schneider - Christus Vincit.
Whenever you see Francis at his coziest, it is always with a gay activists.
Novella Nurney
I know I suffer from an unresolved Francis problem.
Another pro-gay hand, Francis did not slap
Thanks for that gloomy face Unrepentant Jorge of the Pachamamas.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
De Profundis
Francis' didn't slap Hand here either
Francis' dislike for people kneeling, grabbing his hand and kissing his ring is just as selective as his "back problems" and supposed love of poverty.
De Profundis
And here is the Judas kiss to homosexual couple
De Profundis
Francis did not slap away the Hands of These homosexual activists
Poor man. All this rich spiritual guidance from "indigenous" pagan shamans, a profound devotion to Pachamama, and he stll ain't happy.
Dr Bobus
It is obvious that he is not a happy man. No surprise. He is a Jesuit whose formation was anti-Jesuit--his spiritual center is a contradiction. It's like a physician working 60 hours a week who is opposed to medicine.
Karl Rahner brought German Existentialism into the Jesuits, and that was the wrecking ball that brought ruination to the SJ edifice.More
It is obvious that he is not a happy man. No surprise. He is a Jesuit whose formation was anti-Jesuit--his spiritual center is a contradiction. It's like a physician working 60 hours a week who is opposed to medicine.

Karl Rahner brought German Existentialism into the Jesuits, and that was the wrecking ball that brought ruination to the SJ edifice.
Thors Catholic Hammer
The unresolved problem of “Francis” is that in his heart he knows he has never been a real pope.
He personally loves the adulation showered on him but when it is absent or he encounters resistance his inner brute lashes out.
He is a puppet of Satan - look at the parallel behavior of this child and Jorge the Apostate in this scene with a Chinese woman. www.traditioninaction.org/RevolutionPhotos/A866-Slap.htm