
Cardinal Müller: Transvestite-Ideology Means Self-Mutilation

The German children's series "Show with the Mouse" propagated last Sunday hard-bitten homosexual and transvestite ideology. Erik presented himself as "Katja" and told the distraught infants (4-9) that …More
The German children's series "Show with the Mouse" propagated last Sunday hard-bitten homosexual and transvestite ideology.
Erik presented himself as "Katja" and told the distraught infants (4-9) that he had male genitals but "felt" like a woman.
Cardinal Gerhard Müller described this on TichysEinblick.de (30 March) as "self-mutilation of spirit, soul and body". Homosexualist ideology is not about the dignity of the gender-confused, but "about the negation of the two-gendered nature of the human being,” he explained.
According to Müller, this ideology has succeeded in establishing a totalitarian position of power in politics, the judiciary, universities and the media, which destroys religious freedom, undermines the rule of law and tramples on academic freedom.
Gender cannot be "changed in essence", Müller said, but one can either "develop positively in it or rebel against it to our detriment".
Man can "only freely decide whether he wants to self-destruct completely or mutilate himself …More
Jeffrey Ade
@Werte Hatred against people who can think rationally! As soon as the likes of these Progressives get the final reigns of power, then they will begin their final solution! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Interviewer: "Do you think some women have male reproductive organs?"
Khan: "You're in danger of inciting hatred against people [by asking that question]."More
Interviewer: "Do you think some women have male reproductive organs?"

Khan: "You're in danger of inciting hatred against people [by asking that question]."
A very small minority in society that uses their life style way to force and manipulate the majority to accept their life style or be canceled
Cardinal Muller is incorrect. Transvestites are people who just costume as the opposite gender. This usually does NOT involve mutilation of the body. Some transvestites dress recreationally but for the rest of their lives they dress and appear as their natural, God-given gender. Other transvestites assume a false gender identity, beyond simply clothing.
Now there is easy access to medical information …More
Cardinal Muller is incorrect. Transvestites are people who just costume as the opposite gender. This usually does NOT involve mutilation of the body. Some transvestites dress recreationally but for the rest of their lives they dress and appear as their natural, God-given gender. Other transvestites assume a false gender identity, beyond simply clothing.

Now there is easy access to medical information and black-market pharmaceuticals that were formerly prescription only.

It's now a short step for "full time" transvestites to take the next, almost irrevocable step, into mutilating their bodies. Then they become transsexuals, which is the term Cardinal Muller should have used.
So, basically it's just a psychological disorder.
Naw, Cardinal Muller just made an honest mistake. :D
James A Mitchell
Perhaps the English language report using the term "transvestite" is based upon a poor translation of the original. This link looks like it may be a more accurate translation. Cardinal Müller Condemns LGBT Ideology As Creating a “Persecuting Minority” – The European Conservative
De Profundis
This is Erik (blonde)
This is Erika (brunette). ;-)
Jan Joseph
Correcte visie, wat een gestoorde mensen. De totale zelfvernietiging van de mensheid, dit is het verhaal van de Ark van Noach.