
McCarrick Report Contradicts Francis' "I Knew Nothing"

The McCarrick report claims that until 2017 nobody - including Parolin, Ouellet, Becciu or Archbishop Viganò - provided Francis with any "documentation" regarding allegations against McCarrick "Francis …More
The McCarrick report claims that until 2017 nobody - including Parolin, Ouellet, Becciu or Archbishop Viganò - provided Francis with any "documentation" regarding allegations against McCarrick
"Francis had heard only that there had been allegations and rumours related to immoral conduct with adults occurring prior to McCarrick’s appointment to Washington."
And, "Believing that the allegations had already been reviewed and rejected by Pope John Paul II, and well aware that McCarrick was active during the papacy of Benedict XVI, Pope Francis did not see the need to alter the approach that had been adopted in prior years." This contradicts Viganò’s 2018 statement where he states that he personally informed Francis in 2013 about McCarrick’s abuses.
The report’s statement that Francis heard “allegations and rumours” but thought they were "already rejected" contradicts the claims Francis made to Valentina Alazraki in his 2019 interview saying that "of McCarrick I knew nothing, of course, …More
J G Tasan
The breach of Commandment #8, huh...?! 🥴 🤪
What will we find out about Pope Francis – after they canonize him.
Too late. Jesus has started cleaning up His only Church already that all deceitful and wicked hierarchies are disclosing every day to the truth. Adios NWO pope and his minions.
The intercession of the Blessed Francis cured my "Seasonal Affective Disorder" brought on by Capitalist Climate Change and Wealth Inequality! Totally a miracle and you heard it here first.
“After his letter of 15 May 2009, there is no further trace of McCarrick having written again …” How was this investigated?
He always told mccarrick as a joke he was going to go to hell. He received a dossier from pope Benedict made by 3 prominent cardinals about mccarrick and other homosexuals. And he brought back mccarrick who was suspended by benedict and gave him important assignments
"There is no hell." Che Amazon.
Francis didn't know anything about Cd. McCarrick, or Msgr. Ricca, or Abp. Zanchetta, or Abp. Pena Parra, or Bp. Barros, or Bp. Pineda, or Cd. Daneels, or Fr. Inzoli.
And cocopalmerio baldiseri cupish tobin dolan paglia martin tagle parolin rodriguez maradiaga zuppi tolentino gregory etc etc etc all his team.
Only way to bring down RCC much faster is to turn Jesus Christ's Church into sodomitical church.
No one saw fit to tell the Pope? Like ... nobody? At all?
Reading the report