
Pope Francis: Better living like An Atheist Than Like a Sinner?

Pope Francis criticised at the January 2 general audience daily mass-goers who - unsurprisingly - nevertheless remain sinners. Francis himself is a daily mass-goer. He said (Italian video below): "…More
Pope Francis criticised at the January 2 general audience daily mass-goers who - unsurprisingly - nevertheless remain sinners. Francis himself is a daily mass-goer.
He said (Italian video below): "People who go to church every day and then hate others and talk badly about them are a scandal: better living as an atheist rather than giving a counter-witness of being Christian."
Francis has a habit of insulting others. Atheism is the ultimate sin against God.
Francis further implied that the sacrifice of Mass is unnecessary: "Our God doesn't require sacrifices to win his favour. Our God needs nothing. In our prayer, he asks only that we keep a channel of communication open."
If God "needs nothing" why would he ask us "to keep a channel of communication open"?
What a ridiculous, ignorant statement to make from the mouth of a "pope!" Blathering heresies. It is time for you Francis to learn your Catholic faith. Start with the Roman Catechism. The holy sacrifice of the mass is the same as our Lord's crucification and death. This act of love made heaven accessible for mankind.
Given that he said God would not exist without man, Frank has chosen what he sees as the better part for him: atheism. He is a Communist.
He exposes himself.
If you call yourself an atheist ,you are saying that God does not exist ,That is the biggest sin of them all , you are telling yourself and others ,nothing else exists ,after this life ,what has been profetized and tought by Jesus as no value its not true ,if you believe in God and you sin ,then you ask forgiveness for you sins ,and you will be saved by the grace of God ",Pope Francis "! We are all …More
If you call yourself an atheist ,you are saying that God does not exist ,That is the biggest sin of them all , you are telling yourself and others ,nothing else exists ,after this life ,what has been profetized and tought by Jesus as no value its not true ,if you believe in God and you sin ,then you ask forgiveness for you sins ,and you will be saved by the grace of God ",Pope Francis "! We are all sinners even though we believe but dont,even compare athiests with believers that sin
First this guy and then on the news Brazil people worshipping the gods of the sea meanwhile Philippines are disco dancing others doing other things wow....I beg God not to have his eyes and see what this so called Satanic Church is coming to.
De Profundis
Unrepentant adulterers are welcome but Gossipers are not.
Francis in 2014: “If you do not feel in need of God’s mercy, if you do not feel you are a sinner, then it’s better not go to Mass”
He can go to black mass.
"Better not to go to Church" Another Thing no Pope has said before Francis.
Even Justin Welby doesn't usually manage to sound this Protestant.
De Profundis
It's better to go to Church. The greater the sinner the greater the need. Remember that "hospital for sinners" thing Francis said?
"Francis further implied that the sacrifice of Mass is unnecessary: "Our God doesn't require sacrifices to win his favour. Our God needs nothing. "
Ahhhhhhh. Starting to worry kind of a lot.
How can you in one phrase.....
-Leak to the ignorant that favoritism is a divine tool? Yeah there is probably a mob up there? Sounds logical. Stems from the reasoning <Up there must be like down here>.
-Mentioning …More
"Francis further implied that the sacrifice of Mass is unnecessary: "Our God doesn't require sacrifices to win his favour. Our God needs nothing. "

Ahhhhhhh. Starting to worry kind of a lot.
How can you in one phrase.....
-Leak to the ignorant that favoritism is a divine tool? Yeah there is probably a mob up there? Sounds logical. Stems from the reasoning <Up there must be like down here>.
-Mentioning mass, sacrifice and unnecessary in one sentence? One thing is what you say, the next thing is what they hear and interpret.
-God needs nothing? Isn't that islam?
Sounds like a a false prophet.