
Bishop Wants to “Save Christianity From Catholicism”

Bishop Antonio Staglianò of Noto, Sicily, intends to create a “Pop Christology” [English in the original] as a bywork to the ongoing Youth Synod.

The Noto diocesan newspaper wrote (September 18) that through this Staglianó intends to propose to the young people a “new image of Jesus” which is “free of conventional Catholicism”, “freed from the 'masks' of religion” and “restored to its truth”.

Quoting the Communist singer Fabrizio De Andrè (+1999), Staglianó said that he "wanted to save Christianity from Catholicism" and that the proclamation of the Church needs to be "modernised" in order to show “the true faith of Jesus Christ, not the violent one of religion but the one of the Christian faith which reveals the mercy of the Father."

Staglianò is an accomplished guitar player and singer who performs during Mass commercial pop songs. He calls this “Pop Theology”.

Picture: Antonio Staglianò, #newsBhdlcdjfqr
alex j
There is only one " Saviour! "...and it ain't him.
Another queer, and like Pope St Pius V suggested, hang em after a fair trial.
Truth is substance, Truth is essence of God‟s Love, Truth is Life. The rest is only appearance. It is not a lasting truth, but a truth made of compromises, a personal truth, a relative truth, which powerful men make and change as they please, making believe all what from time to time suits them better.
What is modernized church ?? THe Word of the Lord Jesus is the same yesterday today and tomorrow thats what these bishops should be teaching ,everybody is interested in Truth ,not a washed off Gospel .The Truth will set you free ,dont listen to those who tell you other wise
In saner days without the smog
A man like this the Church would flog
Upon his strings the bore doth strum
His silly songs with words so dumb
Good bye old man your stinking fruit
Would rot the strings of any lute!More
In saner days without the smog
A man like this the Church would flog

Upon his strings the bore doth strum
His silly songs with words so dumb
Good bye old man your stinking fruit
Would rot the strings of any lute!
Isidoro Matamoros
Official "Catholic" Christology is already free from anything Catholic since the first is now deeply rooted in Spirit Christology. Spirit Christology may be identified as the old heresy of Dynamic Monarchianism and where it is not strait forwardly anti-Trinitarian, it may be just called warmed up Nestorianism, though it's Trinity may not be called one. Just have a look at Cardinal Walter Kasper's …More
Official "Catholic" Christology is already free from anything Catholic since the first is now deeply rooted in Spirit Christology. Spirit Christology may be identified as the old heresy of Dynamic Monarchianism and where it is not strait forwardly anti-Trinitarian, it may be just called warmed up Nestorianism, though it's Trinity may not be called one. Just have a look at Cardinal Walter Kasper's new own Christology which he names pneumatologically orientated Christology. In his book "Jesus the Christ" with just a few lines Kasper reconciles Nestorius and does not feel any need to take any distance from him further on. The Holy Ghost is not Christ's Spirit any more, but Kasper together with the Vatican II Church is presenting us a Jesus who is the Christ of the Spirit, the Pneumatic Christ. That was condemned on the Council of Ephesus (can. 9 of the 12 anathemas against Nestorius, Denz. 121; also note can. 7).

The Hegemonikon (lat: principale) of the traditional Christology was the Eternal Word Himself who became Flesh and Man in Jesus Christ. One could speak of the Verbum principale, the Logos hegemonikos. But Kasper who doesn't like St. Cyrill's Christology was looking for a new Hegemonikon to explain Christ's Messianity (which is not worth to be named Incarnation neither hypostatic Union) . He found it just like the Nestorians in the Pneuma, the Spirit. So Kasper shifted from the Logos hegemonikos to the hegemonikon Pneuma, from the Verbum principale to the Spiritus principalis. And so did the Novus Ordo of Episcopal Consecration. The Spiritus principalis is a direct negation of the Christology of the Catholic Church and opposed to the Principale of the Verbum in respect of the Incarnation of the Eternal Son. It almost goes without mentioning that the author of this Novus Ordo rite of Episcopal Consecration, F. Joseph Lécuyer, was himself, too a partisan of Spirit Christology.

Lécuyer worked in the Consilium for the Implementation of Constitution on the Liturgy under Archbishop Annibale Bugnini during the pontificate of Paul VI.

On the supposed invalidity of the Novus Ordo of episcopale consecrations due to its Spirit Christology
Well WE want to save Catholicism from HIM!