
Cross Crumbles - Coronavirus Continues

The miraculous 14th century cross of San Marcello al Corso suffered severe damage after a two hours exposure to the rain in St Peter’s square for Francis' Friday Urbi et Orbi blessing.

According to reports the ancient wood is now inflated. On some areas of the painting bubbles appeared. Tempera paint showing blood has detached. Details on the arms are destroyed.

Francis’ spin doctor Andrea Tornielli mystified the disaster by writing that “the crucifix bathed in tears from heaven” (VaticanNews.va, March 28).

The crucifix was saved from a fire in 1519 and carried during a 1522 procession against the plague in Rome.


When the Pachamama idols got wet, Francis apologized.
When will VaticanNews.va report on how Francis ruined Rome's Miraculous Crucifix
Another priceless art treasure ruined all for a momentary spectacle already forgotten. This is what Marxism does to religion.
The apostate Vatican thinks they can mock Christ by bringing out the cross? No way. Woe to you, Rome! Christ will visit you and give you what you deserve.
J G Tasan
And what is the significance of those lit fire, instead of (big) candles?
Andrea Tornielli speak your faith boldly. You mean "Mother Earth's" "tears".
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Bergoglio is all about profanation and sacrilege...
Joseph a' Christian
There was also a fire in the Church of the Nativity, in the middle of the night with no one there, this happened only hours after False Francis visited.
In his pride, False Francis vainly opposes Almighty God.
Who opposes Almighty God? An antiChrist.
I wonder was the fire set on purpose or was it a warning to Francis ?
Bergoglio protected himself from the rain, but he did not care if the cross got wet. Why have they obeyed him? The relics belong to the Church, not to Bergoglio.
What a pity! Sacrificed for such a sentimental performance of an uncompetent actor.
This ghostly scenery like from Batman movies: evening, monumental architecture, cast iron cauldrons with fire (and probably one larger with coal), used Jorge the Apostate to demonstrate his victory over the Roman Catholic church. He started his professional career as a bouncer at a nightclub in Buenos Aires. And so he ends his life as a bouncer in Rome. Churches have been deserted almost all over …More
This ghostly scenery like from Batman movies: evening, monumental architecture, cast iron cauldrons with fire (and probably one larger with coal), used Jorge the Apostate to demonstrate his victory over the Roman Catholic church. He started his professional career as a bouncer at a nightclub in Buenos Aires. And so he ends his life as a bouncer in Rome. Churches have been deserted almost all over the inhabited land, there are no more faithful in them. It wasn't even necessary to call the police - it was enough to do wild panic in the media about the lethal threat of an imaginary brand pandemic* virus.
The Crucifix from Saint Marcell and Salus Populi Romani, images made famous during plagues, were brought by the Apostate to the threshold of St. Peter's Basilica, so that Satan could publicly insult God: "Well, where is your church?" Our Lord and Our Lady were to look at a completely empty square once crowded with pilgrims. All they had before them was the Phantom of the Vatican in solemn white and gold robes** for the hour of Satan's triumph on the fifth Friday of Lent!

*To sell panic, it must have a brand, because it is difficult to stuff old good flu on the market, that's why the "Coronavirus", and actually the crown of Satan.
**Golden sun embroidered on the cope rocked on the celebrant's rump - no comment
Windmill Lane
Why, oh why, was this precious relic left out-of-doors to be ravaged by the elements? Done in malice?
Arthur McGowan
A malicious act by the anti-pope. Ann Barnhardt was dead-on: the Abomination of Desolation. A public act by a destroyer, exulting in his destruction. The vandalism against the crucifix must have been especially delicious for him. A totally un-Catholic "ceremony." Reading the tweets from Bergoglio's groupies--totally gaga--is pretty disheartening..
But remain merciful
We all make mistakes
Arthur McGowan
I saw a photo today of JPII's funeral. The same crucifix was standing by his coffin. Outdoors in St. Peter's Square--but the weather was bright and cloudless.
Arthur McGowan
No mozetta. No stole. No vestments of any kind. Just his usual sleazy, see-through white cassock.