
Francis' Synod Now Also Includes Polygamists

Cardinal Mario Grech and accomplices presented a 44-page working document of Francis' final synod at a press conference on 27 October.

It calls for institutional and structural "reform" [= decadence] of the Church "at all levels", wants a "more welcoming space" for those who feel "a tension" between a [supposed] belonging to the Church and "their own loving [!] relationships", such as adulterers, single parents, polygamists and - of course - homosexuals.

The document demands the administration of the sacraments to adulterers and polygamists (sic) and wants a "dialogue" with Catholic lapsed priests.

Although the turnout of the faithful at the Synod was abysmal (less than 1%) and far below original expectations, the document claims that the turnout "exceeded all expectations".

Another piece of propaganda is the alleged "desire for radical inclusion - no one is excluded", while everyone knows that ordinary Catholics are excluded in Francis' extremist Vatican. Sarcastically, Grech repeated that "the synod process is to listen to everyone" while everything is decided by Francis and his minions.

He expressed his feigned surprise that "many contributions [=about topics below the belt] from different ecclesial and cultural contexts" converged.

At one point Grech was kind of honest, because cardinals, politicians and other liars usually mean the opposite of what they say. He declared: "We are not pushing an agenda."


Wilma Lopez
Can you even read this from the working document?
In terms of global-local tension – which in ecclesial language refers to the relationships of local Churches among themselves and with the universal Church – the dynamic of the synodal process places before us a novelty that is constituted precisely by the Continental Stage that we are currently living. Apart from a few regions characterized by a …
Can you even read this from the working document?

In terms of global-local tension – which in ecclesial language refers to the relationships of local Churches among themselves and with the universal Church – the dynamic of the synodal process places before us a novelty that is constituted precisely by the Continental Stage that we are currently living. Apart from a few regions characterized by a particular historical dynamic, so far the Church lacks established synodal practices at the continental level. The introduction of a specific Continental Stage in the process of the Synod does not constitute a mere organizational ploy, but corresponds to the dynamics of the incarnation of the Gospel which, taking root in areas characterised by a certain cultural cohesion and homogeneity, produces ecclesial communities with particular features, linked to the traits of each culture. In the context of a world that is both globalised and fragmented, each continent, because of its common historical roots, its tendency towards socio-cultural commonality and the fact that it presents the same challenges for the mission of evangelisation, constitutes a privileged sphere for stirring up a synodal dynamic that strengthens links between the Churches, encourages the sharing of experiences and the exchange of gifts, and helps to imagine new pastoral options.
(n. 73)
Wilma Lopez shares this
Mormon Synod: The church must give special priority to those in polygamous relationships
Worst phrase:
„There is a new phenomenon in the Church that is absolutely new in Lesotho: same-sex relationships. This novelty is disturbing for Catholics and for those who consider it a sin.”
(page 22)
Ursula Sankt
There are currently somewhere around 36 Catholic Dioceses, in The United States, who have no seminarians
Roberto 55
Grech means in Polish sin, so it is accurate...
P. O'B
Regarding polygamy, a Mormon asked Mark Twain, "Where in the Bible does it say that a man can't have more than one wife?" Mark Twain's answer: "It says that no man can serve two masters."
Jo Santoss
....for this reason God created one man and one woman.....not one man and two, three, ten..women but ONE.
My former boss, a Federal judge, used to say that any married man who claims to be the boss at home would lie about other things too. Lol.
Iam with Jesus because he is Lord ,The Pope and clergy are only mortals ,if they want to do the Will of God iam with them ,if they want to do the will of the world ,iam not with them
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@aderito -----Good for you. This is what a true, faithful Catholic would state, not doing obedience to "Holy Father" Francis and his agenda. Faithful Catholic need to spread the news of the garbage that Hollerich and Francis, the Germans and Belgians re planning for the whole Church. Bring them down thru massive protests and disobedience ( no violence of course), before they bring the Church down.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I won't be a member of this trash. If no faithful Cardinals, Bishops, priests,or laity don't step in and forcibly stop this take over ( meaning rebel)---then the Catholic Church has become worthless in the first place, and not deserving of saving. At that point, faithful Catholics, and all traditional groups should gather together, establish a totally new Rome, new Vatican, and new substitute Pope …More
I won't be a member of this trash. If no faithful Cardinals, Bishops, priests,or laity don't step in and forcibly stop this take over ( meaning rebel)---then the Catholic Church has become worthless in the first place, and not deserving of saving. At that point, faithful Catholics, and all traditional groups should gather together, establish a totally new Rome, new Vatican, and new substitute Pope. Any legit consecrated bishop qualified for the job.
John Fritz Logan
I fully agree with you that this should happen, if Francis' consolidates the revolution. So for now I think prudence is good. He needs to make it to the end of 2024. Also, this document is actually rather watered down.
But some Catholics predicted a great Catholic prelate and possibly an angelic pope during the end times. Perhaps.
Or maybe Christ will return when all seems lost.
We must remin united …More
I fully agree with you that this should happen, if Francis' consolidates the revolution. So for now I think prudence is good. He needs to make it to the end of 2024. Also, this document is actually rather watered down.

But some Catholics predicted a great Catholic prelate and possibly an angelic pope during the end times. Perhaps.

Or maybe Christ will return when all seems lost.

We must remin united with the one, holy, apostolic and Catholic Church and the chaor if Saint Peyer, not usurpers or anti-church, nor errors of Russia.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"We must remin united with the one, holy, apostolic and Catholic Church and the chaor if Saint Peyer, not usurpers or anti-church, nor errors of Russia." In that case, it would indeed mean buildng a substitute Rome, and electing a substitute Pope, and he name substitute Cardinals, etc. all with the Roman Rite (Latin Mass preserved). Anyone who advocates remaining united to "Peter"(i.e supposedly …More
"We must remin united with the one, holy, apostolic and Catholic Church and the chaor if Saint Peyer, not usurpers or anti-church, nor errors of Russia." In that case, it would indeed mean buildng a substitute Rome, and electing a substitute Pope, and he name substitute Cardinals, etc. all with the Roman Rite (Latin Mass preserved). Anyone who advocates remaining united to "Peter"(i.e supposedly Francis) despite what is happening, is brainwashed, and belongs to a cult. The True Peter would be the substitute Pope faithful to tradition. Even if it looked like building a new Church, we would be the Roman Catholics, and Francis and Company, the German and Belgian bishops etc would not be. All this with the Germans and Belgians has gone so far without a word of condemnation from the Vatican means....that Francis and his homo crowd support what is happening.
It is time to rise against them now, before they start initiating their plans. Rise against Francis and his agenda, and his Bishops and Cardinals....all of them,
Jo Santoss
wrong! both of you. Shame on you for even considering deserting Gods Church because of corrupt men. weak. cowards run men fight!
John Fritz Logan
I am not considering leaving God's Church at all. What we're discussing his is more a restoration that would indeed involve separating from the infiltrators and usurpers if necessary.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori To be clear, I said unity with the CHAIR of Saint Peter, with the OFFICE, with the LEGITIMATE successors.
Bishop Gracida has already made it clear Francis wasn't legitimately elected which explains a lot. I did not advocate remaining united to Bergoglio. At all.
Whether we'll see a proper papal restoration before the time of Christ I want to look into further.
Your description …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori To be clear, I said unity with the CHAIR of Saint Peter, with the OFFICE, with the LEGITIMATE successors.

Bishop Gracida has already made it clear Francis wasn't legitimately elected which explains a lot. I did not advocate remaining united to Bergoglio. At all.

Whether we'll see a proper papal restoration before the time of Christ I want to look into further.

Your description of a restoration woul logically need to be led by the highest reaining legitimate magisterial authority. Presumably that would be Cardinal Burke, prefect of the apostolic signature.

I fully support your call for an uprising, a counterrevolution!
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Yes!! you are 100 correct!!!! if Bergoglio and Bergoglian will changing to our Orthodox Teachings....Catholic church is a not anymore to Christian Church...just,just Radical Leftist Political Group...I sent to my Diocese...my Opinion..I strongly saying...against to all Wrong Ideologies...LGBT,Wrong Abortion...woman's ordinate...they saying..listen to another..hear another...…More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Yes!! you are 100 correct!!!! if Bergoglio and Bergoglian will changing to our Orthodox Teachings....Catholic church is a not anymore to Christian Church...just,just Radical Leftist Political Group...I sent to my Diocese...my Opinion..I strongly saying...against to all Wrong Ideologies...LGBT,Wrong Abortion...woman's ordinate...they saying..listen to another..hear another...dialogue..understand...but they ignore to my opinion...so angry...I think many area same too...hmm.....and maybe you well know too..but I hope tell this..Bergoglio tells about Climate change issue...of course we must protect to our nature,our earth...we must have many effort for protect to our earth...but it's not to Church's first dutty...our first dutty is a save to all people's soul!!! spread to our Holy catholic church..all the world!!! but Bergoglio and Bergoglian ignore to this first dutty!!! we are not environment activist! but Bergoglio make Church to Eco Fascism...I think he support to Globalist Agenda..so using to this issues too..this agenda and wrong Synod...oh Lord....in fact...I hope one more tell..I am not pray for Bergoglio anymore...all Bergoglian too...this time...all Orthodox Catholic People..all Orthodox Christian people same...must saying about Bergoglio and Bergoglian's resign..step down...we must have action stop to their wrong actions.....I am very worry about Beroglio destroying to all Orthodox area...like many area of Africa..some area of Asia..some area of Latin America..many area of Eastern Europe..Western Europe and USA,Canada's Orthodox Diocese...I am sure..this crazy Old man want to this....if,if we can't stop to this crazy Old Man's action...we will see huge horrible situation....just much pray..Lord please send to us real Pope..Orthodox Pope..Fast time...and all Orthodox Cardinals and Bishops..must saying about truth!! Against to Bergoglio!! they are not Public Officer!!!! they are Lord's Servant!!!!! I think now..most are silence...Silence is join to Bergoglio's way....this time..very very Dangerous time...much pray...Holy Ghost help to us...lead to us...we need to Holy Ghost's help....real Holy Ghost's Help..not to fake Holy Ghost's help..(Bergoglio tell this fake Holy Ghost's help..)...many talking sorry...Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family..lovely people..Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us...Amen..take care...always very happy learning to your great opinion....
Clement Jaeho Chung
@John Fritz Logan I told Kenjiro.... if Bergoglio and Bergoglian will changing to our Orthodox Teachings....Catholic church is a not anymore to Christian Church...just,just Radical Leftist Political Group...I sent to my Diocese...my Opinion..I strongly saying...against to all Wrong Ideologies...LGBT,Wrong Abortion...woman's ordinate...they saying..listen to another..hear another...dialogue..understand …More
@John Fritz Logan I told Kenjiro.... if Bergoglio and Bergoglian will changing to our Orthodox Teachings....Catholic church is a not anymore to Christian Church...just,just Radical Leftist Political Group...I sent to my Diocese...my Opinion..I strongly saying...against to all Wrong Ideologies...LGBT,Wrong Abortion...woman's ordinate...they saying..listen to another..hear another...dialogue..understand...but they ignore to my opinion...so angry...I think many area same too...hmm.....and maybe you well know too..but I hope tell this..Bergoglio tells about Climate change issue...of course we must protect to our nature,our earth...we must have many effort for protect to our earth...but it's not to Church's first duty...our first duty is a save to all people's soul!!! spread to our Holy catholic church..all the world!!! but Bergoglio and Bergoglian ignore to this first duty!!! we are not environment activist! but Bergoglio make Church to Eco Fascism...I think he support to Globalist Agenda..so using to this issues too..this agenda and wrong Synod...oh Lord....in fact...I hope one more tell..I am not pray for Bergoglio anymore...all Bergoglian too...this time...all Orthodox Catholic People..all Orthodox Christian people same...must saying about Bergoglio and Bergoglian's resign..step down...we must have action stop to their wrong actions.....I am very worry about Beroglio destroying to all Orthodox area...like many area of Africa..some area of Asia..some area of Latin America..many area of Eastern Europe..Western Europe and USA,Canada's Orthodox Diocese...I am sure..this crazy Old man want to this....if,if we can't stop to this crazy Old Man's action...we will see huge horrible situation....just much pray..Lord please send to us real Pope..Orthodox Pope..Fast time...and all Orthodox Cardinals and Bishops..must saying about truth!! Against to Bergoglio!! they are not Public Officer!!!! they are Lord's Servant!!!!! I think now..most are silence...Silence is join to Bergoglio's way....many talking sorry...ah...did you see my articles???? I hope you saw...using to translate...now my Archbishop..Archbishop of Seoul..Peter Cheong..is so so horrible...former Archbishop was totally better...Cardinal Andrew yeom soo jeong....huh....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family..lovely people..Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us...Amen..take care...always very happy learning to your great opinion....
Lisi Sterndorfer
“All in need of a more welcoming Church,” the document stated.
Sally Dorman
About the role of women Anna Rowlands said at the presser that this topic was an "astonishing common theme" in the synod reports. It was less about a "rights orientated" role but about recognising the living out of the "baptismal vocation".
She says that voices in Asia & Africa repeatedly called for the Church to be at their side in addressing societal inequalities. It's not just about the role of …More
About the role of women Anna Rowlands said at the presser that this topic was an "astonishing common theme" in the synod reports. It was less about a "rights orientated" role but about recognising the living out of the "baptismal vocation".

She says that voices in Asia & Africa repeatedly called for the Church to be at their side in addressing societal inequalities. It's not just about the role of women in the Church.
Sally Dorman
Addressing the assembled media at the press conference, Rowlands stated that “the question of the diaconate for women came up repeatedly, across many, many reports.”
Rowlands was supported by the text of the DCS, which noted that many submitted reports:
"Ask the Church to continue discerning on a series of specific issues, namely the active role of women in the governance structures of the Church …More
Addressing the assembled media at the press conference, Rowlands stated that “the question of the diaconate for women came up repeatedly, across many, many reports.”
Rowlands was supported by the text of the DCS, which noted that many submitted reports:
"Ask the Church to continue discerning on a series of specific issues, namely the active role of women in the governance structures of the Church bodies, the possibility for women with adequate training to preach in the parish setting, the female diaconate. Much more diverse positions are expressed with regard to the ordination of women to the priesthood, which some syntheses call for, while others consider the question closed."
Lisi Sterndorfer
Document on the Latin Mass:
The current experience of the Churches, however, records knots of conflict which need to be addressed in a synodal manner, such as discerning the relationship to preconciliar rites: “Division regarding the celebration of the liturgy was reflected in synodal consultations. ‘Sadly, celebration of the Eucharist is also experienced as an area of division within the Church.…More
Document on the Latin Mass:
The current experience of the Churches, however, records knots of conflict which need to be addressed in a synodal manner, such as discerning the relationship to preconciliar rites: “Division regarding the celebration of the liturgy was reflected in synodal consultations. ‘Sadly, celebration of the Eucharist is also experienced as an area of division within the Church. The most common issue regarding the liturgy is the celebration of the pre-Conciliar Mass.’ The limited access to the 1962 Missal was lamented; many felt that the differences over how to celebrate the liturgy ‘sometimes reach the level of animosity. People on each “Enlarge the space of your tent” (Is 54:2) Working Document for the Continental Stage side of the issue reported feeling judged by those who differ from them’” (EC USA). The Eucharist, sacrament of unity in love in Christ, cannot become a reason for confrontation, ideology, rift or division. Moreover, with direct impact on the life of many Churches, there are elements of tension specific to the ecumenical sphere, such as the sharing of the Eucharist. Finally, there are problems related to the modalities of faith inculturation and interreligious dialogue, which also affect the forms of celebration and prayer.
Sally Dorman
This aspect - Roman Mass - was "strangely" not expanded upon or addressed further.
The Synod on Synodality team: Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich (relator general of the Synod), Cardinal Mario Grech (general secretary of the Synod of Bishops), Professor Anna Rowlands, Father Giacomo Costa (consulter of the General Secretariat of the Synod), and Monsignor Piero Coda (secretary general of the international theological commission).
John Fritz Logan
In fairness to the document:
It is good it doesn't sugarcoat divorce and remarriage (adultery) and puts it in the same list as polygamy.
It didn't say those people should be given the sacraments but noted division on that issue with some wanting the prohibition to remain.
No change on Church doctrine regarding sexuality was called for. There was no real opening for the pontifical academy of '''''…More
In fairness to the document:

It is good it doesn't sugarcoat divorce and remarriage (adultery) and puts it in the same list as polygamy.

It didn't say those people should be given the sacraments but noted division on that issue with some wanting the prohibition to remain.

No change on Church doctrine regarding sexuality was called for. There was no real opening for the pontifical academy of '''''life'''' push to undermine Humanae Vitae.

The Tridentine mass got some fair attention.
“There is no unanimity on how to deal with these situations [homosex, adultery, polygamy]” the document explains.
John Fritz Logan
Exactly. At least they don't pretend there was majority support for either doctrinal or disciplinary changes.
"no unanimity on how to deal with these situations [homosex, adultery, polygamy]” the document explains." -- are you joking?! -- have these people ever heard of something called the Bible - there is complete unanimity there! - c'mon now - is this synod trying to re-write the Bible as well as change the Church? What a deceptive undertaking of the devil this synod is -- all dressed up in church …More
"no unanimity on how to deal with these situations [homosex, adultery, polygamy]” the document explains." -- are you joking?! -- have these people ever heard of something called the Bible - there is complete unanimity there! - c'mon now - is this synod trying to re-write the Bible as well as change the Church? What a deceptive undertaking of the devil this synod is -- all dressed up in church language and protocol - Good Lord, preserve us!
The synodal "big tent" is a circus canvas tower of Babel.