
Cardinal Marx: The Centre of Homsex Is Not Sex

Marx has informed Francis before presiding a March 13 homosex eucharist in Munich, he told LaStampa.it (June 18).

For him, homosex liaisons live their relationship "with love.” Therefore he asked, “Why not say to these couples ‘May God accompany you on your journey’.” To make sure to be understood, "I’m talking about a blessing.”

Marx thinks he knows that the centre of homosex is "not sex" but "the desire to spend life together, love, mutual trust, fidelity until death," His conclusion, "Therefore, I cannot say that all this is sin."

Reality is more "colourful" than Marx' imagination. Studies show and homosexuals admit that homosex is mostly a promiscuous lifestyle going along with a higher risk of diseases (HIV, syphilis etc), alcoholism, drug abuse, eating disorders, porn addiction, suicide, and - at the end - eternal condemnation.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsSdoipnajkk

Lisi Sterndorfer
Marriage is not simply a loving, committed relationship between two people, but a unique kind of physical and emotional union which is open to the possibility of new life. - Cardinal George Pell
la verdad prevalece
Let Him Be Anathema - Saint Paul (Galatians 1:9)
Marx =marxism never mixes with catholic church
Dr Bobus
Right. And the center of the Nazi camps was not death but excellent organization.
P. O'B
Hey, Cardinal Marx, it won't be God who will accompany unrepentant homos on their ultimate journey.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Marx thinks he knows that the centre of homosex is "not sex" but "the desire to spend life together, love, mutual trust, fidelity until death," His conclusion, "Therefore, I cannot say that all this is sin."
De Profundis
This is Fr Alcuin Reid
Marx tries to do an end run around Catholic moral principles by intimating that two gay men can live together as brothers. What unites them is love and friendship, not sex, so, theoretically and technically if they are affectionate but chaste in the relationship they do not sin, (wink, wink). This is the way of accompaniment.
Don't worry America. The left will save you.
Jeffrey Ade
@Werte No, I respectfully disagree with your humor!
Sally Dorman shares this
Marx thinks he knows that the centre of homosex is "not sex" but "the desire to spend life together, love, mutual trust, fidelity until death," His conclusion, "Therefore, I cannot say that all this is sin."
Italian Lover
We live in a culture where people believe they are free but where most people are enslaved by their desire to pursue pleasure at all costs. True freedom comes in pursuing truth, goodness, and beauty. Living out a virtuous life is freedom---the rest is just bondage to vice.
De Profundis
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