Wilma Lopez
John-Henry Westen's interview with Bishop Strickland about his unjust cancellation.
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Bonnie Louise
This Peronist will cause a drastic drop in attendance, financial support and a falling away for many. This appears to be the goal. Not the Pope.
Looking forward to Francis removing all those German bishops who by word and deed have illustrated that they do not adhere to the fullness of the apostolic faith. Consistency matters. Or it ought to.
Sally Dorman
Bishop Joseph Strickland speaking after his forced resignation: “There are forces which we must acknowledge that are behind this, that are pushing this kind of removal of a bishop for standing with the Gospel”
Sandy Barrett
Also contrasting with the treatment of +Strickland is Francis defence earlier this week of a Sicilian bishop who, if evidence at a trial of one of his priests is to be believed, has allegedly been covering up sexual abuse in his diocese
Abuse Allegations: Francis Embarrasses Again