
Jerusalem Cardinal Offers Himself In Exchange For Hostages

Patriarch Pizzaballa of Jerusalem is willing to exchange himself for Israeli children taken hostage by Hamas and held in Gaza. In a Monday video conference, Pizzaballa said that he is “ready for an …More
Patriarch Pizzaballa of Jerusalem is willing to exchange himself for Israeli children taken hostage by Hamas and held in Gaza.
In a Monday video conference, Pizzaballa said that he is “ready for an exchange, anything, if this can lead to freedom, to bring the [about a dozen] children home. No problem."
And, "The first thing to do is to try to win the release of the hostages, otherwise there will be no way of stopping [an escalation]. We are willing to help, even me personally."
Pizzaballa had not had any direct contact with Hamas, “You can't talk to Hamas. It is very difficult.”
So far, Israel has killed around 3000 Palestinians and the Gaza 1500 Israelis.
Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsQoyqzukret
Credo .
Would like to give an opinion but have been blocked by the great pretender!
One interview and all embezzlement is forgotten
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One interview and all embezzlement is forgotten

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Jeffrey Ade
@mccallansteve Or just kill himself as a sacrifice to appease the Gods!
@Jeffrey Ade …”gods” with a little “g” remember?😄😄😄 Not “Gods” with a capital “G” because those don’t exist. I know you were simply being sarcastic — and I love it, but even in our sarcasm we have to linguistically maintain and reverently affirm that there is ONLY ONE True and Living Almighty GOD, the only One whom we love, worship and serve, the Holy One, Ancient of Days, Lord God of …More
@Jeffrey Ade …”gods” with a little “g” remember?😄😄😄 Not “Gods” with a capital “G” because those don’t exist. I know you were simply being sarcastic — and I love it, but even in our sarcasm we have to linguistically maintain and reverently affirm that there is ONLY ONE True and Living Almighty GOD, the only One whom we love, worship and serve, the Holy One, Ancient of Days, Lord God of Heaven and Earth, Creator and Ruler of all that exists, and Father of Our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. In the stark darkness of the days in which we currently live, we have to affirm what we know to be true at every opportunity, even when we are using various forms of language to make our point. May you be immensely blessed today, my beloved Brother, and let us, fervently with our whole heart, mind, soul and strength, pray relentlessly together for the Faithful everywhere, and for the soon spiritual restoration and renewal of Holy Mother Church.
Jeffrey Ade
@SonoftheChurch I get carried away sometimes! Thanks for reminding me! And thank you also for such a wonderful blessing! And to you and yours I also pray for Our Lady's protection and benediction! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
If he really means it, he should have just offered himself as an exchange and not broadcast it to the world.
Credo .
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Grandstanding theatrics.
Just like Paul VI in April, 1978, right before he died afew months later, offered himself if the Red Brigades Marxist Terrorists in Italy at the time would release Aldo Moro. Moro was found dead afew days later.
P. O'B
I could think of many other cardinals who I hope will go with him.
Jeffrey Ade
Way to funny! But seriously are they Cardinals?
May God bless you Patriarch Pizzaballa . "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." John 15:13
Even considering offering your own life up like St Maximillian Kolbe did - is a noble and wonderful offering. May Our Lord bring them safely home quickly so you can stay there and save souls. 😇
False courage. He knows they will not take him in exchange for hostages.
And You know?
@philosopher @Father Jonn Miller etc....
Do you know these comments you have made on here are identical to the many Catholic hating comments I've just read on the Jerusalem Post under the same article. I'm sure you don't MEAN to come across as militant Catholic Haters - could you at least tone it down and remember which side you are meant to be on. You sound like you are spiritually at one with …More
@philosopher @Father Jonn Miller etc....

Do you know these comments you have made on here are identical to the many Catholic hating comments I've just read on the Jerusalem Post under the same article. I'm sure you don't MEAN to come across as militant Catholic Haters - could you at least tone it down and remember which side you are meant to be on. You sound like you are spiritually at one with those people and not our Church.

Jerusalem Catholic Patriarch offers to be exchanged for Gaza hostages
@Caroline03 According to that logic Dante that great poet and loyal son of the Church would be considered a Catholic hater, when he critized the vices of bad popes and bishops.
@Father Jonn Miller Unless you are willing to take his place and suffer Martyrdom for their sake "Father" - BE QUIET!
Along with that God-serving Priest in Jerusalem I'm slandered by you, so I'm not so bothered. If your authority extends to slandering any man who publicly offered to lay down his life for some Jews - I'd say you' have completely misunderstood the Sacrifice of Christ. You know as …More
@Father Jonn Miller Unless you are willing to take his place and suffer Martyrdom for their sake "Father" - BE QUIET!

Along with that God-serving Priest in Jerusalem I'm slandered by you, so I'm not so bothered. If your authority extends to slandering any man who publicly offered to lay down his life for some Jews - I'd say you' have completely misunderstood the Sacrifice of Christ. You know as well as the rest of us that they could accept his offer at any minute. Islamic Terrorists HATE Christians as much as they hate Jews.
Go and read the 10th Psalm.
It's one thing to talk the talk, but another to walk the walk. St. Francis of Assisi and St. Maximilian Kolbe would have actually walked into Gaza and offered himself to the terrorists in exchange for a hostages life or to try and negotiate a release. Even if Hamas refused they would have remained with the hostage's in solidarity. That's true Martyrdom and sacrifice.
Sally Dorman shares this
"Am I ready for an exchange? Anything, if this can bring the children home. There is total willingness on my part," said Cardinal Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, responding to a journalist who asked if he'd offer himself in exchange for the children kidnapped by Hamas.
They don’t want him. If they did, they’d have captured him from the beginning. In their estimative eyes his life isn’t worth or valued as highly as the Jewish children.