Pfizer clasificó casi todos los efectos adversos graves durante los ensayos de la vacuna COVID como “no relacionados con las inyecciones”. Los informes de casos incluidos en los documentos de los …Más
Pfizer clasificó casi todos los efectos adversos graves durante los ensayos de la vacuna COVID como “no relacionados con las inyecciones”.
Los informes de casos incluidos en los documentos de los ensayos clínicos de Pfizer, publicados el 1 de junio por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de EE.UU., revelan una tendencia a clasificar casi todos los acontecimientos adversos -y en particular los graves- como "no relacionados" con la vacuna.
La última publicación de los documentos de la vacuna COVID-19 de Pfizer-BioNTech por parte de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de Estados Unidos (“Food and Drug Administration”, FDA por sus siglas en inglés) revela numerosos casos de participantes que sufrieron efectos adversos graves durante los ensayos de fase 3. Algunos de estos participantes se retiraron de los ensayos, otros fueron apartados y otros murieron.
El paquete de documentos de 80.000 páginas incluye un amplio …Más
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Pfizer clasificó casi todos los efectos adversos graves durante los ensayos
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Sobre la organización criminal Pfizer: 1. "Pfizer's confidential report reveals dire side effects in its covid v… - 2. Dr. Robert Malone reacts to statements by Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer… - 3. Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO: He is in good health and for him is not rec… - 4. PURE EVIL : Disturbing Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They’ll Get Superpowers fr… - 5. Pfizer-BioNTech serum designed in 'just a few …Más
Sobre la organización criminal Pfizer: 1. "Pfizer's confidential report reveals dire side effects in its covid v… - 2. Dr. Robert Malone reacts to statements by Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer… - 3. Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO: He is in good health and for him is not rec… - 4. PURE EVIL : Disturbing Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They’ll Get Superpowers fr… - 5. Pfizer-BioNTech serum designed in 'just a few hours over a single day' - 6. Disturbing and heartfelt message from Dr Mike Yeadon - 7. Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial. - 8. Pfizers Chief Scientific Officer Philip Dormitzer Questioned by Projec… - 9. Pfizer Senior Director of Worldwide Research Vanessa Gelman Runs Away … - 10. PART 2: FDA Official 'Blow Dart African Americans' & Wants 'Nazi Germa… - 11. Dr. Michael Yeadon, Former Vice President of Pfizer, on Vaccine Passpo… - 12. VACCINE IS TROJAN FOR TOTALITARIAN TAKEOVER - 13. Pfizer’s CEO on the need for endless boosters: "I think we're going to… - 14. Las inyecciones covid causan graves problemas cardíacos. - 15. La malicia de Big Pharma es infinita. - 16. LA ELITE SE RIE DE NOSOTROS EN NUESTRAS NARICES - Ursula Von der Leyen… - 16. "PFIZERGATE" - 17. Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial. - 18. Vacunas experimentales inseguras e ineficaces: el caso Pfizer. - 19. Documento oficial de 90 páginas detallando los efectos adversos de la … - 20. "How Pfizer blackmails countries for shots" - Related: 1. "Pfizer's co… - 21. "PFIZERGATE II" - 22. Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, speaks at a WEF conference about the cont… - 23. "Pfizer should have been closed down in 2009" - Related: 1. "Pfizer's … - 24. Some deaths of children vaccinated with PFIZER in the US. - 25. "Pfizer crimes against children continues: three doses for children un… - 26. Los dueños de las "vacunas" contra el Covid19 son los grandes grupos f… - 27. "La historia criminal de Pfizer" - 28. Dr. Robert Malone: "Pfizer is one of the most criminal pharmaceutical … - 29. VATICAN GRANTS PFIZER ‘ABORTION ABSOLUTION’ - 30. "¿Quiénes financian la plandemia?" - Relacionado: 1. "La historia crim… - 31. BIG PHARMA CRIMINALS BLOCK COVID RECOVERY - 32. "PFIZER OCULTA EFECTOS ADVERSOS" - 33. "Graves irregularidades en los ensayos de Pfizer en Argentina" - 34. Albert Bourla: "The two dosis offer limited protección, if any" - After once claiming his shots … - 35. Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, speaks at a WEF conference about the control technology allows over … - 36. "VACUNA PFIZER Y DESPOBLACIÓN MUNDIAL" - 37. PFIZER OCULTÓ EFECTOS ADVERSOS EN ARGENTINA - El Dr. Claudio Zin (Claudio Zin - Wikipedia, la … - 38. "PFIZER VACCINE AND WORLD DEPOPULATION" - 39. “The Covid Lies” - Dr. Mike Yeadon - April 10, 2022 - In this comprehensive review, Dr. Yeadon … - 40. PFIZER CRIMINAL
Miles - Christi
Sobre la asociación criminal Pfizer: 1. "Pfizer's confidential report reveals dire side effects in its covid v… - 2. Dr. Robert Malone reacts to statements by Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer… - 3. Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO: He is in good health and for him is not rec… - 4. PURE EVIL : Disturbing Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They’ll Get Superpowers fr… - 5. Pfizer-BioNTech serum designed in 'just a few hours …Más
Sobre la asociación criminal Pfizer: 1. "Pfizer's confidential report reveals dire side effects in its covid v… - 2. Dr. Robert Malone reacts to statements by Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer… - 3. Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO: He is in good health and for him is not rec… - 4. PURE EVIL : Disturbing Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They’ll Get Superpowers fr… - 5. Pfizer-BioNTech serum designed in 'just a few hours over a single day' - 6. Disturbing and heartfelt message from Dr Mike Yeadon - 7. Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial. - 8. Pfizers Chief Scientific Officer Philip Dormitzer Questioned by Projec… - 9. Pfizer Senior Director of Worldwide Research Vanessa Gelman Runs Away … - 10. PART 2: FDA Official 'Blow Dart African Americans' & Wants 'Nazi Germa… - 11. Dr. Michael Yeadon, Former Vice President of Pfizer, on Vaccine Passpo… - 12. VACCINE IS TROJAN FOR TOTALITARIAN TAKEOVER - 13. Pfizer’s CEO on the need for endless boosters: "I think we're going to… - 14. Las inyecciones covid causan graves problemas cardíacos. - 15. La malicia de Big Pharma es infinita. - 16. LA ELITE SE RIE DE NOSOTROS EN NUESTRAS NARICES - Ursula Von der Leyen… - 16. "PFIZERGATE" - 17. Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial. - 18. Vacunas experimentales inseguras e ineficaces: el caso Pfizer. - 19. Documento oficial de 90 páginas detallando los efectos adversos de la … - 20. "How Pfizer blackmails countries for shots" - Related: 1. "Pfizer's co… - 21. "PFIZERGATE II" - 22. Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, speaks at a WEF conference about the cont… - 23. "Pfizer should have been closed down in 2009" - Related: 1. "Pfizer's … - 24. Some deaths of children vaccinated with PFIZER in the US. - 25. "Pfizer crimes against children continues: three doses for children un… - 26. Los dueños de las "vacunas" contra el Covid19 son los grandes grupos f… - 27. "La historia criminal de Pfizer" - 28. Dr. Robert Malone: "Pfizer is one of the most criminal pharmaceutical … - 29. VATICAN GRANTS PFIZER ‘ABORTION ABSOLUTION’ - 30. "¿Quiénes financian la plandemia?" - Relacionado: 1. "La historia crim… - 31. BIG PHARMA CRIMINALS BLOCK COVID RECOVERY - 32. "PFIZER OCULTA EFECTOS ADVERSOS" - 33. "Graves irregularidades en los ensayos de Pfizer en Argentina" - 34. Albert Bourla: "The two dosis offer limited protección, if any" - After once claiming his shots … - 35. Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, speaks at a WEF conference about the control technology allows over … - 36. "VACUNA PFIZER Y DESPOBLACIÓN MUNDIAL" - 37. PFIZER OCULTÓ EFECTOS ADVERSOS EN ARGENTINA - El Dr. Claudio Zin (Claudio Zin - Wikipedia, la … - 38. "PFIZER VACCINE AND WORLD DEPOPULATION" - 39. “The Covid Lies” - Dr. Mike Yeadon - April 10, 2022 - In this comprehensive review, Dr. Yeadon … - 40. Flagrant collusion of the E. U. with Pfizer - 41. In COVID hearing Pfizer director admits that the covid vaccine was nev… - 42. "PFIZER ES UNA ORGANIZACIÓN CRIMINAL" - Sobre la asociación delictiva … - 43. CRIMINAL PFIZER - 44. "Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, interrogated at Davos during the World Economic… - 45. "Albert Bourla, CEO de Pfizer, interrogado en Davos durante la reunión…