
At Least Cardinal Comastri Got It Right

A beautiful Nativity Scene has been put up inside Saint Peter’s Basilica. Cardinal Angelo Comastri, 77, is the Archpriest of the basilica, and therefore responsible for its interior. This Nativity …More
A beautiful Nativity Scene has been put up inside Saint Peter’s Basilica. Cardinal Angelo Comastri, 77, is the Archpriest of the basilica, and therefore responsible for its interior.
This Nativity Scene creates a soothing balance to the ugliness of the installation which was put in Saint Peter’s Square and which caused mockery and scorn among adults and dismay among children.
Picture: MessaInLatino.it, #newsXcyctlrmig
Thank you Cardinal Comastri! You obviously LOVE Christ, whereas the people in charge of exhibiting that wretched cultish hoax of a "Nativity Set" quite clearly profess a Discipleship that is false.
Who do THEY serve? A Pagan Ba'al. An alien. A depiction of an ugly inhuman cultist toy. A god reflecting their OWN confused mental state. A horror spectacle. A robot that makes no demands on them to …More
Thank you Cardinal Comastri! You obviously LOVE Christ, whereas the people in charge of exhibiting that wretched cultish hoax of a "Nativity Set" quite clearly profess a Discipleship that is false.

Who do THEY serve? A Pagan Ba'al. An alien. A depiction of an ugly inhuman cultist toy. A god reflecting their OWN confused mental state. A horror spectacle. A robot that makes no demands on them to repent of their immorality! A pagan idol worshiped by those who know not God.
A false Christ.

Beauty, Purity, Innocence, Saintliness, Grace and Majesty are words used to describe Christ within Sacred Scripture.... therefore, Icons of Him should bear witness to those traits in order to identify the One depicted in the image.

Perhaps an even deeper sin is apparent here. In choosing THIS anti-Christ occultist set to display, the gravity of their sin is exposed. They are so steeped in sin that they are threatened in beholding the authentic depictions of Christ. His clear innocence is abhorrent to them.

This is their preference, a faceless childhood Star Trekish fictional god which demands NOTHING of them - one that remains totally under their own control. One they can mock!
Extremely hard question. 😂 Who do THEY serve? Cardinal Bergoglio in continuously advanced apostasy from Catholic faith. 😉
Jeffrey Ade
Why so hard? By their fruits you will know them!