
Tectonic Synod: Indigenous Invokes "Spirits" In Church

270 bishops, priests and laypeople participate in an Australian Synod. At the July 2 opening Eucharist, they were entertained with smoke, Didgeridoo pieces, and pagan rituals. Susan, an aborigine, …More
270 bishops, priests and laypeople participate in an Australian Synod. At the July 2 opening Eucharist, they were entertained with smoke, Didgeridoo pieces, and pagan rituals.
Susan, an aborigine, invoked “the ancestral male and female spirits" and asked them for permission "to be here in ceremony this afternoon” (video below).
Darwin Bishop Charles Gauci said at the Synod that "the Church" has incorporated indigenous symbolism in liturgies "over the years in different cultures” and asked cluelessly, “If we use some of the Aboriginal symbols for cleansing, what’s wrong with that?”
Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge, 73, still remembered that governance in the Church is "tied to ordination" and noticed that "there’s something going on" calling this "a bit tectonic" (video here).
Picture: Plenary Council, Australia, #newsDbamqaqgbf
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Jeffrey Ade
Can't be Catholic!
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Wilma Lopez shares this
Australia’s plenary council pledges to “prepare a new English translation of the Roman Missal” which is “sensitive to the call for language that communicates clearly and includes all in the assembly.”
Wilma Lopez
When you see the abomination of desolation...
just draw the conclusions.
Paul Mclenson
Lord Almighty this is a serious Abomination! Unbelievable! What outrage and Indifferentism towards Our Lord! This will definitely draw down the wrath of God immediately! 😡
la verdad prevalece
The apostate Charles Gauci was chosen by the heresiarch Bergoglio and is in full communion with Bergoglio.
la verdad prevalece
L'apostata Carlo Gauci è stato scelto dall'eresiarca Bergoglio ed è in piena comunione con Bergoglio.
The ridiculous masks are offensive too.
Satan is laughing his head off. For now....
Sally Dorman shares this
Susan, an aborigine, invoked “the ancestral male and female spirits" IN CHURCH
Seems that the bishops just can't get enough of paganism. They are only following their leader: Francis
Paul Mclenson
Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea was right when he said these Synod's come straight from Hell!
Cassandra Laments
5 For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens.
Why do I get the feeling that with all this rapidly expanding pagan worship that's going round, all hell is about to break loose on earth? It beggars belief that the majority of the Church hierarchy and clergy seem to be fine with all this. One could ask what are they all on, but is seems such a silly question when whatever …More
5 For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens.

Why do I get the feeling that with all this rapidly expanding pagan worship that's going round, all hell is about to break loose on earth? It beggars belief that the majority of the Church hierarchy and clergy seem to be fine with all this. One could ask what are they all on, but is seems such a silly question when whatever it is must be demonic. Some kind of demonic stew? If this is what they truly desire, then we can only pray that they don't get their heart's desire - for their sake and ours.

C. S. Lewis The Last Battle: "They have a god called Tash. They say he has four arms and the head of a vulture. They kill men on his altar."......"""It seems, then," said the Unicorn, "That there is a real Tash, after all." "Yes," said the Dwarf. "And this fool of an Ape, who didn't believe in Tash, will get more than he bargained for! He called for Tash: Tash has come." "
Croí Láidir
This is satanic. Does this happen in any mosques or temples? No. The devil confesses the Truth by always attacking the Catholic Church and Holy (or what should be holy) Mass. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!