
US Nuncio Admits: MOST Young Priests Want Latin Mass, Cassock

For over 200 years, the Church in the US has worked with fantastic schools, hospitals, and parishes but now, "almost nobody comes to church anymore," US Nuncio Cardinal Christophe Pierre, 77, admitted (AmericaMagazine.org, November 2),

“They used to have vocations and seminaries in 200 places, but the [Novus Ordo] seminaries are now empty.

Speaking about the US, Pierre said that there are "some priests, religious and bishops" who are terribly "against Francis" as if he were the reason for all the failures of the Church or of society.

Pierre believes that people don't understand that we are in at a change of epoch [= decline of the Novus Ordo Church], “This could be the reason why most of the young priests today dream about wearing the cassock and celebrating Mass in the traditional way.”

Pierre revealed that Francis had asked him to continue as nuncio, "He didn’t set a time limit. So I obey. I’m very obedient to the pope. All my life I have been obedient”, he praised himself.

Picture: Christophe Pierre, © Christophe Pierre, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsWxglbdrbqt

Cardinal Pierre does not strike me as a very intelligent man, so I can see why Francis likes him.
Where do you buy the cassocks?
Jan Joseph
De Novus Ordo kerk loopt leeg. De Vetus Ordo kerk loopt vol. De enige overlevingskans voor een parochie is weer de Tridentijnse Latijnse Mis op te laten dragen en weer terug te keren naar het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie.
English Catholic
@mccallansteve Also don't forget the decades of defective (or no) catechesis in Catholic schools.
Most Catholics don't practice the faith anymore. In large part that is due to the Novus Ordo. There is nothing attractive about it
Most "nominal" Catholics don't practice the faith because they have not been taught it in the home nor in the "nominal" Catholic school by "nominal" Catholic teachers who themselves do not practice the faith. There is no mission any more except in the conservative families and groups. Sadly the bishops mostly come from the "nominal" class.
Ave Crux
It's because young priests enter the seminary for spiritual reasons when answering God's call, and don't want to be entertainers, but an "Alter Christus". I know a Novus Ordo Priest who learned to take over an indult Mass in a parish nearby when he was newly assigned to the parish. He said he "wept" the first time he offered the Traditional Mass, so deeply was he touched by an authentic encounter …More
It's because young priests enter the seminary for spiritual reasons when answering God's call, and don't want to be entertainers, but an "Alter Christus". I know a Novus Ordo Priest who learned to take over an indult Mass in a parish nearby when he was newly assigned to the parish. He said he "wept" the first time he offered the Traditional Mass, so deeply was he touched by an authentic encounter with God in the Traditional Mass.
Don't forget the terrible deception in the conciliar church : there is no priesthood, since Montini changed the rite of consecration of Bishops into an invalid one. So, except for Bishops ordained before 1968, there are no validly ordained Bishops in the new rite. No Bishops means no priests. So pseudo-priests ordained in the new rite, even if they were to say the words of the true Mass, it would …More
Don't forget the terrible deception in the conciliar church : there is no priesthood, since Montini changed the rite of consecration of Bishops into an invalid one. So, except for Bishops ordained before 1968, there are no validly ordained Bishops in the new rite. No Bishops means no priests. So pseudo-priests ordained in the new rite, even if they were to say the words of the true Mass, it would only be acting, not the Sacrifice of the Mass.
Lisi Sterndorfer
He judgmentally speculates about the intentions of "young priests" and want to find out why they love the traditional liturgy since he clearly detests them.
“They [bishops] have the problem of the abuse, and now the lawyers are emptying the money from their dioceses. Many bishops are in bankruptcy.”
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Noone I know wants the "protestant" Novus Ordo, they go to the Latin Mass. And no one I know would obey or follow anti-Christ heretic homo Pope Francis and his legion of sodomite bishops and cardinals.